The pathfinder artificer is found and sadly is the closest to the original artificer made for pathfinder
I'm going to assume that those reading know of the eberron artificer.
I'm going to try and summarize the differences and what things that made the original artificer broken are still in the pathfinder version and what things they tried to fix.
Infusions are replaced with Weird Science spells, a fast progression to 3rd level spells(4th level spells recieved at 11th, yuck) taken from all spell lists ("both arcane and divine") that take 4 hours/spell level to infuse into a receptacle item. One can then use this spell 1+ceil(1/2 level) times / day. After that you can run on it's fumes at a UMD check of 20 + cumulative 1/extended use. Implying that with a high enough bonus you could keep using the item.
Weird Science also alleviates the problem artificers had of their effectiveness being greatly dependent on gold. Now they can cast their own spells w/o needing to spend XP(spell storing item) and it can be used by others. I do miss bane at level 1.
Item creation's UMD checks are replaced by a single craft check making them Int based instead of Cha based. He also get the same item creation feats except scribe scroll is at 2nd.
Retain essence is turned into salvage. Instead of sucking out XP he sucks out GP meaning that no matter what form of loot the DM throws at you an artificer can turn it into the loot he wants.
Metamagic spelltrigger is simply renamed, and thus still broken.
The things that made the artificer tier 1 were
versatility through any spell and he still has that. He still can make scrolls of spells 2 levels before the caster can cast them
Metamagic spell trigger for empowering blasting spells is still possible, but without the metamagic item infusion less is possible. What's the worst that can be done with it now?
Breaking the WBL guidlines: He can do it even better due to the ability to turn a wand of level 1 crap to a wand of level 1 win instead of needing to sell it at who knows what rate? I'm honestly asking.
The original artificer had a few infusions that made life great but now is missing them (Armor enhancement(Healing armor ftw), Metamagic item for 46d6 wands of uberness
With the "Weird Science" mechanic what would be the best uses of level 1-3 spells being able to be combined into 1 item (fire a wand that has 4 spells infused into it and all fire when the item is activated)?
With pathfinder, how would you get an superior UMD check, at least for 1 encounter?
I'm having a hard time seeing how the items you make with Weird Science wouldn't be classified as "spell trigger item" and would thus be qualified for a metamagic feat. This class feature(Metamagic Science) uses up charges, but that wording is not used in Weird science, instead it uses "activations" but functions as charges. Expending these charges should count towards the cumulative stretching the item once these activations/charges are used up. Thoughts?
How long does the item made with Weird Magic last? In the example it says a certian item took 24 hours to make and could be used 4 times / day, implying that he made it once and could use it every day up to 4 times w/o making checks. How many items could he make? Does having the item which contains a 3rd level spell consume your 3rd level slot every day that you use the item or something?