Woohoo triple post!
I've done the spreadsheet for all the variations of 1d6 x4, 1d8 x3, 1d6 18-20, and 1d8 19-20 weapons for normal crit, IC or Keen, and then IC and Keen stacking, and up to +30 damage.
However, the potential problem is it accounts for the 5% automatic miss chance on normal rolls, but does not account for the 5% miss on crit confirms, if the rule that a 1 is an automatic miss applies to confirms. I'm not entirely sure how to go about it though because putting the 5% fail in the crit section gives me a different output than distributing the 5% fail throughout the equation, assuming I did it right. Since I'm doing this spreadsheet, I might as well get it right.
For example, a +0 longsword without the autofail crit does 4.725 average damage.
If I put the 5% fail in only the crit area, the output is 4.68. The equation for that was =(((wpndmg)*17)+(0.95*(wpndmg)*2*2))/20.
Putting the 5% fail throughout results in the longsword doing 4.7025 damage. That equation is =0.95*((((wpndmg)*18)+((wpndmg)*2*2)))/20
Maat, Halinn, are either of those two correct for this situation?