I agree with Unbeliever, but yet a step farther in.
All the vets don't need Tiers because they already know what they are doing.
The noobs people don't need tiers because people like you exist.
New players can get a crash course of tiers in thirty seconds, relative to the DM's campaign, without being bogged down with BS.
So what good is arguing about how your favorite class isn't #1 going to do, and more importantly, who the hell cares?
Tiers matter because the OP ASKED ABOUT THEM. It's not that complicated, bro.
Define "People like me."
Actually, he asked why is the Warblade T3, not is it better than the Swordsage, not is the Bard better than a Sorcerer, not is a Wizard better than a Warblade. He asked why a Warblade is T3. And he has had several responses that sum up to it's awesome enough to be so.
Except that it really isn't. I was arguing that it isn't actually in T3, but, once again, I really don't expect much critical reading skills from someone like you.
And people like you apparently contains an aspect of reading dyslexia. As you can't understand half the stuff told to you and bitch about the topic while failing to discuss it your self. Again for instance, this absolute focus on IHS like proving its value some how relates to the story in general. You'll run down the paths of things like Third Eye Freedom (totally worthless vs Slow and such) for FoM, Third Eye Clerity (what's that, lv15+ item?), Minor Schema, of one of the most OP spells in D&D the, Favor of the Martyr and so on. Yet, just like the Swordsage these are selfish points. Sure you could blow 400k on FoM, Mindblank, Divination handlers, immune to Fatigue, Exhaustion, etc, etc, etc, but you're still subject to things like AMF, Maze, tricked out Geas, etc. The WRT user? He picks up a Belt of Battle and covers ALL of those things cheaper with no real action loss, and many of them are area effects so the Warblade cures the problem for the entire party.
Uh, bro? Third Eye Clarity is, like, 3000 GP. Getting immunity to all common effects at your level is dirt cheap. And AMF is PATHETICALLY easy to avoid. Oh, and Freedom of Movement absolutely beats slow, which anyone with any basic reading skills could tell you. The Minor Schema is only mildly superior to the Third Eye.
Dynamics like this don't occur to you, maybe because you're either blind and "arguing about how your favorite class isn't #1", or because you just plain lack game experience to have a wide enough view of things. To beat the dead horse here, your three feats (or two feats+item) in to pick up WRTs as a Swordsage and using the extra turn to refresh WRT which means you're not gaining anything. You actually have to add in yet more action breaking abilities to make the trick useful. As great as it may seem, the Warblade picks this aspect up for free and readily uses it for free. You don't understand the difference between them any more than you don't understand the team dynamics of having one guy solve everyone's problems vs everyone must individually buy their own counter measures. And yet, you claim I'm not following the rules or have a limited view on things despite you attracting the attention of several people whom in their own ways are telling you you're wrong, rude, and making foolish arguments.
No, you're the one making wrong, foolish arguments. The Warblade is totally one-dimensional. I've received no counter-arguments that don't allow me to argue the monk's superiority to the warblade. But, it's not that hard considering your argument has mostly been "Yeah, I'll just say it's superior for no real reason and call it good lol." This is compared to the monk having two of the four best class features ever written.
And, anyways, you need to actually recharge, urdoinitwrong.
"People like you" meant misguided or misinformed at the best, thick-headed at worst. You take from that what you think you are.
...And, here's the rude part. Nice. I don't know where to even begin.
Given that you apparently think that any full caster can end all combats in a single round, why even bother playing D&D?
What is this I don't even...
Basically, the Warblade does one thing very well. That one thing is hitting things. It can do exactly nothing else well. Its damage is inferior to everything else that even tries to do damage in tier 3. It also lacks the versatility of everything else in tier three beyond the Crusader. So, it fails to meet the prereqs of tier 3. So, my answer to the OP, said again for those who appear incapable of reading, is that it is not in tier 3. It fits very nicely in the requirements for tier 4, as stated by JaronK, and compares well to the better classes in tier 4. So, I argue that it belongs in tier 4, as does the crusader