The feat "Arcane Strike" (Complete Warrior p.96) requires the ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells, and BAB +4.
Now here's a situation:
Imagine a Duskblade that took 3 levels from a PrC before 12th level and he's now Duskblade 8/XXX 3 (CL 11). The character has now gained enough XP to make it to level 12 and wants to take the feat "Arcane Strike". Can he do it?
The BAB is not a question, of course, and besides, according to the level advancement sequence in PHB p.58, BAB is the 2nd "perk" to be gained, right after choosing the class.
As a 9th level Duskblade, the character will gain the ability to cast 3rd level spells, however, in the level advancement sequence, Spells are just after the Feats, so...
How do you guys see this?