Stick to the topic guys. Its about Fighters, how they are supposed to work, and why they don't work.
Really, cause its veeeerry much just solo flexing his substantial wittitude, but sure.
Here's my opinion and really I've taken this opinion from several sites, and people I've talked to but the place where I've seen it debated the MOST was THEGAMINGDEN, and the places where I found it to be most true was Wotcboards/Gitp/and In real life. . .
The Fighter sucks because they aren't allowed to be awesome.
The CONCEPT of a fighter in too many peoples minds, seems to be a regular human without inherent magical powers, who through human martial prowess, is supposed to kill Vampire Lords, Lich-kings, Ancient Dragons, Demon Princes, and Gods.
So I've witnessed a lot of argument that actually begin with "The fighter doesn't deserve..." and end with " shit"
Part of it has to do with the fact that the "Fighter" is pretty much a D&D concept. I can't think of any fighters off hand that aren't in D&D. Most of the heros who we think of when we think of "fighters" are actually
Soldiers or Knights or (believe it or not) Rogues in some way shape or form.
The fighter sucks because the word itself has become synonymous with "Not magic" and/or "Not Awesome"
Here's an interesting phenomenon People deride the thought of the fighter, yet complain if you make it useful:
Give it a Maritial Power source of awesome?
Derided as: Wuxia, or worse and more insultingly: "Anime"
Give it Magic?
Its not a fighter, it's something called "A gish"
Give it superhuman powers via feats etc?
People complain its no longer human or (how is he doing this again)
Give it a set of skills, to include knowledges, and combat based on that?
People get pissed cause your "stepping on the rogue" violating role protection.
Give it a Mjolnir?
People bitch that its an artificer, but moreso, get insulted that what you're really playing is a sorcerer. I mean literally you take a sword and give it sorcerer levels, and let it take leadership for a cohort body to carry it around. Thats kinda the response I got when I suggested for making a class like that. The truth however is thats whats been basically/give or take with fighters and pity weapons for years and years.
Thus the fighter sucks.
Because people will not let it be good.
There are benchmarks. There are same game tests.
None of those MATTER, until someone can determine a way that the CONCEPT of a fighter is allowed to meet them w/out complaint.
So yeah, Warblade for the win. (An anime fighter is allowed to meet challenges, even if hated by some, the concept of the anime fighter is ALLOWED to do cool shit)