Author Topic: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics  (Read 21041 times)

Offline Prime32

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[3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« on: November 05, 2011, 11:19:32 PM »
I was thinking - what if wizards used mechanics similar to fighters? A [Spell] feat gets you a single spell, usable at will (because Improved Trip isn't 1/day). [Wizard] feat modify spells, and some [Wizard, Tactical] feats grant multiple related abilities. The wizard's main class feature is getting lots of bonus feats; anyone can select one of these feats if they meet the prerequisites.

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 07:21:04 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2011, 11:19:51 PM »
A wizard may select [Spell] and [Wizard] feats as bonus feats.
Unless otherwise stated, a Spell feat is a spell-like ability that provokes attacks of opportunity - if you take damage while casting you must make a Concentration check or lose the spell. A spell may be maintained by concentration regardless of duration - rounds spent concentrating do not count against the spell's duration, and you can stop concentrating on such a spell then start again.
You may apply the Ability Focus feat to a spell.

A [Spell] feat is considered to have a caster level equal to your character level, and a spell level equal to half your character level (rounded down). Effects which would increase the caster level of a spell (such as [Reserve] feats) instead increase your effective character level for determining its effects, or your effective skill ranks/modifier if the spell's effects are based on a skill.

For the sake of keeping illusions sane across multiple senses, the following skills are merged:
Perception: Spot, Listen and Search
Stealth: Hide and Move Silently

Improved Casting [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Any [Spell] feat
Benefit: Select one [Spell] feat you possess. Using that feat does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing a different spell each time.

Distant Casting [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Any [Spell] feat
Benefit: Select one [Spell] feat you possess with a range other than Personal or Touch. If the spell is range Close it increases to Medium and if range Medium it increases to Long; otherwise the spell's range is doubled. This does not affect the size of lines, cones and similar effects.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing the same spell or a different spell each time. The effects stack.

Methodical Casting [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Skill Focus, any [Spell] feat
Benefit: Select one spell which requires a check in a skill in which you have selected Skill Focus. You may take 20 on that skill check, but your casting time becomes 20 times longer (usually 1 minute). You are flat-footed during this time.

Spell Break [Fighter, Wizard]
Benefit: In place of an attack, you may attempt to destroy a spell or magical effect. Make a melee touch attack opposed by the caster's caster level check; if you succeed then the spell is dispelled, as if by dispel magic. Any bonuses and penalties which would apply to your dispel checks (such as the granted power of the Inquisition domain) also apply to this touch attack. You may dispel only one effect per use of Spell Break, and cannot attempt to dispel effects which you are not aware of. If you successfully dispel a spell with a target (e.g. bull's strength, but not a standalone spell like summon monster or wall of fire) then the target takes damage equal to the caster level of the spell.

Spell Immunity [General]
Benefit: Select one [Spell] feat. You are immune to the direct effects of that feat, positive or negative, but can still be affected indirectly. For instance a vampire with Spell Immunity (Light) could not be harmed by magical daylight, though he could still use it to see by (normal daylight would affect him normally).
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing a different spell each time.

Spirit Familiar [General]
Prerequisites: Knowledge (any) 2 ranks
Benefit: As a standard action you can summon a lesser familiar to your side (you summon the same being each time). Treat this as an unseen servant effect, except that it is has a visible form resembling a Diminutive animal, skill ranks equal to your own, an Intelligence score equal to your highest mental ability score, and a racial bonus on checks with each Knowledge skill equal to your cross-class ranks in that skill (if any). A lesser familiar can make Knowledge checks even though an unseen servant can normally make checks only in skills that can be used untrained. It is capable of sight and hearing, and can speak with you telepathically.
Special: A character with this feat may select the Obtain Familiar feat without meeting the prerequisites. For the purposes of determining his familiar's abilities, as well as the effects of any feats which modify familiars, he is considered to have an arcane caster level equal to his character level.
Special: If a character with this feat gains a familiar, he loses his lesser familiar. Instead, his familiar gains the lesser familiar's Knowledge bonuses and Int score (if higher than its existing Int score), though making a Knowledge check at the increased bonuses requires a full-round action as it searches its memories on the topic. If his familiar is slain, he regains access to his lesser familiar until it is replaced.


Conjure Item

Cure Wounds
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Energy Ray
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Ritual [Wizard]
Benefit: Select one of the following rituals. You can use that ritual in conjunction with two or more other casters who also have this feat and have selected that ritual. Each ritual has a spell and level requirement - at least three participants must be of the required level, and at least one of these must be able to cast the required spell. The caster level for a ritual is equal to the lowest caster level among its participants. A ritual spell counts as the Spell feat it is based on for interacting with effects like the Spell Immunity feat. Unless otherwise stated rituals have a casting time of 1 minute, during which the casters must remain within 5ft of each other (or flank the target of the ritual, if it is not the casters themselves). If a ritual duplicates an effect with XP or expensive material components then you must supply those as normal (though XP costs can be divided among the casters).
  • Binding (Enchantment, 15th): This ritual duplicates the binding spell from the Player's Handbook. The DC of this ritual increases by +1 for every participant who meets the caster level requirement beyond the first.
  • Control Weather (Gust of Wind, 13th): This ritual duplicates the control weather spell from the Player's Handbook. For every caster who meets the caster level requirement and can cast both Gust of Wind and Energy Ray, increase the radius of the effect by half a mile and the duration by 2d12 hours.
  • Gate (Summon, 17th): This ritual duplicates the gate spell from the Player's Handbook.
  • Guards and Wards (Protection, 11th): This ritual duplicates the guards and wards spell from the Player's Handbook.
  • Plane Shift (Teleport, 13th): This ritual duplicates the plane shift spell from the Player's Handbook, affecting the casters only. If all participants have the Rapid Teleport feat this ritual can be performed as a full-round action.
  • Ritual Teleport (Teleport, 9th): This ritual duplicates the teleport spell from the Player's Handbook, affecting the casters only. If all participants have the Rapid Teleport feat this ritual can be performed as a full-round action.
  • Resurrection (Cure Wounds, 13th): This ritual duplicates the resurrection spell from the Player's Handbook. If all participants have the Revive feat they may expend their daily use of that ability to instead duplicate true resurrection, but they also take the normal backlash of Revive. If one or more participants have the Greater Revive feat and their combined effects would result in a Revive spell with a longer time limit than the ritual, use that duration instead.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing a different ritual each time.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 11:22:46 AM by Prime32 »

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2011, 03:51:01 PM »
HD: d6
BAB: Average
Saves: Fort poor, Ref poor, Will good
1Bonus feat
2Bonus feat
3Spell defence +1
4Bonus feat
6Bonus feat
7Spell defence +2
8Bonus feat
10Bonus feat
11Spell defence +3
12Bonus feat
14Bonus feat
15Spell defence +4
16Bonus feat
18Bonus feat
19Spell defence +5
20Bonus feat
Class Skills (2+Int): Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device

Bonus Feats: At 1st level and every even level, a wizard gains one [Spell], [Wizard] or [Reserve] feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat as normal.

Spell Defense (Su): At 3rd level and every 4th level thereafter, a wizard gains a +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws against spells.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 08:54:22 PM by Prime32 »

Offline Talore

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 04:54:07 PM »
I think the Wizard needs Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Heal as class skills, due to skills being used in spells. Perhaps bumping them up to 4+INT skills/level. But all in all, this is a REALLY cool idea. Obviously there needs to be gameplay balance to address the serious gimping of magic in the game, but it is cool nonetheless. Would you plan on having Sorcerers, Clerics, and other spellcasters in the same game as a feat Wizard?
« Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 04:57:39 PM by Talore »
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2011, 04:57:31 PM »
WOuld you plan on having Sorcerers, Clerics, and other spellcasters in the same game as a feat Wizard?
Nah. Any class with spells should use a variant which removes them, or gain a wizard-style bonus feat progression.
Half-caster (paladin, ranger) = bonus feat every 4th level
2/3-caster (bard, duskblade) = bonus feat every 3rd level
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 10:00:52 AM by Prime32 »

Offline Amechra

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2011, 11:00:25 PM »
I'm going to steal the idea behind Spell Immunity... Because a Fighter with Unimpeachable Skill (yes, that is what I would call it) against Power Attack would be hilarious...

Damn it, had an EPIC idea.
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2011, 01:48:01 AM »
It's funny that, having already read your other thread on casting, I like this variant a lot more, though admittedly it would require significantly more time to write out feats for every single spell (how many thousands are there, exactly?).

Additionally, it would seem that there are two interesting things about this: what are traditionally considered non-casters can pick up specific effects they want, which adds a lot of splash-ability and customization of characters; and traditional casters seem to lose a considerable number of spells known (for those to whom it applied); otherwise, classes such as the Cleric might suddenly, if one tried to translate the existing class rather than rebalancing as well (which is always an option and, well, good to consider), have hundreds of feats at level 1 alone.

While I certainly wouldn't want the entire problem of spellcaster power and versatility reinstated by giving them too many bonus [Spell] feats, one per level seems a little questionable to me, though of course it depends what [Spell] feats are, exactly, as what you list clearly diverge in some places from the existing "spells". If they did equate to each spell (I see they do not, but to discuss one extreme in hopes that it gives an idea of how far along the axis to slide), then the Wizard, for instance, would never (need) pick up an orison/cantrip (-equivalent feat). So it really depends how specific and nuanced [Spell] feats are supposed to get and how they scale or don't compared to one another.

Altogether, it's a neat idea. I'm keeping an eye on this one.
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2011, 10:01:12 AM »
Hm, duskblades could work out interesting...

Offline Prime32

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2011, 03:12:16 PM »
Shapeshift and Summon added.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 03:51:01 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2011, 07:22:57 PM »
Eldritch Knight

Prerequisites: Must be proficient in all martial weapons, Spell Defense +1, BAB +4

HD: d8
BAB: Good
Saves: Fort and Will Good, Reflex Poor.

1.     Eldritch Warrior
2.     Bonus Feat
4.     Expanded Spellcraft
5.     Bonus Feat
7.     Expanded Spellcraft
8.     Bonus Feat
10.     Spell-Weary Warrior

Skills: Check the SRD.

Eldritch Warrior (Ex): Eldritch Knights need to be potent warriors as well as spell-casters.

At 1st level, an Eldritch Knight treats feats on the Figher Bonus Feat list as if they were [Spell] feats for the purpose of bonus feats.

Bonus Feat (Ex) At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels, they gain a bonus [Spell] feat.

Expanded Spellcraft (Ex): A good warrior-wizard knows how to negate the strengths of their foes.

At 4th level, an Eldritch Knight may treat Fighter Bonus Feats as if they were [Spell] feats for the purpose of the Spell Immunity feat.

At 7th level, an Eldritch Knight treats Spell Immunity as a [Spell] feat for the purpose of the Spell Immunity feat, and gains Spell Immunity (Spell Immunity) as a bonus feat.

Spell-Weary Warrior (Ex): Eventually, so potent are an Eldritch Knight's strikes that they can temporarily negate magical prowess itself.

At 10th level, an Eldritch Knight may declare an attack as a Spell-Weary Strike 1/day; they must declare this before they make the attack, and they lose the ability to use this option for the next 24 hours.

If the attack connects, then every feat that the target has that they have Spell Immunity against is supressed for 1d4 hours.
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Offline Prime32

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2012, 09:20:11 PM »
I was thinking about how PHB wizards would work if their spells granted them brief access to these feats, and it hit me - a fighter rebalance. Just as planned.

Fighting Stance (Ex): As a swift action a fighter of 3rd level or higher can enter or leave a fighting stance. While in a fighting stance, a fighter may replace any number of his feats with [Fighter] feats for which he meets the prerequisites. These choices are made when the stance is gained, and can be changed whenever the character gains a level. This ability does not allow the fighter to replace fixed bonus feats (eg. the ranger's Endurance), though if the feats were gained from a limited list he may choose different items from the list as long as they are [Fighter] feats (allowing him to switch between ranger combat styles).
The fighter gains an additional stance at every odd level thereafter. Entering a new stance causes him to exit his last one.

tl;dr - You have multiple sets of feats, which you can switch between as a swift action. But any feats which aren't also in your default set have to be on the fighter list.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 09:23:06 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2012, 04:56:34 PM »
New stuff. Was going to make Corona an anti-undead Save-or-Die, but ended up just increasing the damage.
Feedback on balance would be nice.

Light [Spell]
Benefit: As a standard action you may touch an object and enchant it to shed light as a torch (bright illumination out to 20ft, shadowy illumination out to 40ft) for 1 minute/level. As long as you are touching the object you can maintain concentration on this effect as a free action. You may provide lower levels of illumination as you wish, and can adjust the illumination level as a swift action by touching the object.
Special: As a swift action you may touch an object you have enchanted in this manner and end the effect in a blinding flash - every creature within the radius of bright illumination must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Cha modifier, creatures vulnerable to light take a -2 penalty on their save) or be blinded for 1 round and dazzled for 1 minute. This effect can be avoided in the same manner as a gaze attack - the caster is assumed to close their eyes while casting unless stated otherwise.

Brilliant Light [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Light
Benefit: Your Light spell provides bright illumination out to 40ft and shadowy illumination out to 80ft. Creatures who take penalties in bright light also take them within the radius of your Light spell. Creatures who fail their saves against your blinding flash are blinded for 1d4 rounds and dazzled for 1 minute.

Daylight [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Brilliant Light, Light
Benefit: Your Light spell provides bright illumination out to 60ft and shadowy illumination out to 120ft. 1 minute in the bright illumination provided by this spell is considered 1 round of exposure to sunlight, for creatures vulnerable to sunlight. Undead creatures in the radius of your blinding flash take 1d6 points of damage per character level you possess (or half damage if they succeed on the Fortitude save), as do oozes, slimes and fungi. Unlike the blinding effect, these creatures need not see the light to be damaged.

Corona [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Brilliant Light, Daylight, Light
Benefit: Your Light spell provides bright illumination out to 80ft, shadowy illumination out to 160ft, and is considered natural sunlight. Creatures who fail their saves against your blinding flash are blinded permanently, and the damage dealt by your Daylight feat increases to 1d8 points per character level.

Sunbeam [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Light
Benefit: As a standard action you may fire a ray out to Medium range (100ft +10ft/level) which affects the targeted creature as if by your light's blinding flash.

Surge [Spell]
Prerequisites: Dex 13
Benefit: As a swift action you may increase your speed for all movement modes by +50% for 1 round.
Special: When you select this feat you may choose for its benefits to apply to another creature you touch, rather than yourself.

Haste [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Surge
Benefit: Whenever you make one or more attacks as part of the same action while under the effects of Surge, you may make an additional attack at your highest bonus.

Speed Boost [General]
Prerequisites: Surge
Benefit: Your speed for all movement modes increases by +5ft.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Time Stop [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Haste, Surge
Benefit: In any round where you use Surge, you may take a full-round action to stop time for 1 round (as the time stop spell in the Player's Handbook). Your speed in all movement modes is doubled within the frozen time (this does not stack with Surge). After using this ability, you must wait 1d4+1 rounds before using it again.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 08:05:34 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2012, 04:49:03 PM »

Telekinesis [Spell]
Benefit: As a swift action you may create or dismiss an invisible telekinetic vector at any position within Close range (25ft +5ft/level). Treat this as a creature one size category smaller than you, with a Strength score equal to your Charisma score and a Dexterity score equal to your Intelligence score, except that it cannot take damage and does not occupy squares. You may only have one such vector in existence at a time, and it winks out of existence if it moves out of range.
The vector has no actions of its own, but you may move it up to 20ft as a move action, and have it pick up an unattended object as a free action. The vector possesses no senses of its own (making it difficult to direct it against things you cannot see) and is not capable of fine manipulation.
While it cannot make normal attacks, you can make disarm attempts and grapple checks (but only to start or maintain a grapple) from the vector's position; resolve these special attacks as if you used them normally, but use the vector's Strength, Dexterity and size in place of your own. While using a vector to grapple, you take all the normal penalties for being in a grapple (lose your Dexterity bonus to AC, do not threaten an area, etc.). You may attack with the vector and your normal attacks in the same round, using the rules for two-weapon fighting/multiweapon fighting.
Special: A telekinetic vector counts as an additional hand for the purposes of the Multiweapon Fighting feat.
Special: A character using their telekinetic vector to grapple may choose to avoid the normal penalties for doing so by taking a -20 penalty on his grapple checks against that target for the round, as if he had the Improved Grab special attack. Such a character is not considered to be grappled, and can even grapple other creatures (directly, or with another vector if he has the Telekinetic Multitasking feat).

Violent Thrust [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: You can move your telekinetic vector up to 30ft as a move action. In addition, you may use the vector to throw weapons it holds and perform bull rushes and Strength checks. Treat this as if you were performing the action yourself, but using the vector's size, Strength and Dexterity.

Telekinetic Manipulation [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: Your telekinetic vector becomes capable of fine manipulation. You may use the vector to attack with melee or projectile weapons it holds and perform Disable Device, Forgery, Open Lock and Use Rope checks. Treat this as if you were performing the action yourself, but using the vector's size, Strength and Dexterity.

Telekinetic Crush [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: The penalty on your grapple checks for grappling with your telekinetic vector without being considered grappled yourself is reduced to -10. Your vector can use the Constrict special attack (base damage 1d6 for a Small vector).
Normal: Using your telekinetic vector to grapple without being considered grappled inflicts a -20 penalty on your grapple check.

Improved Telekinetic Crush [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis, Telekinetic Crush
Benefit: While your telekinetic vector is grappling a creature, you are not considered to be grappling and take no penalties for doing so. The damage of your vector's Constrict special attack increases by one size category.

Telekinetic Guardian [Fighter, Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: Your telekinetic vector threatens squares as a creature of its size; you can make attacks of opportunity through the vector. This does not allow your vector to attack in ways it could not already (i.e. without additional feats, these attacks of opportunity can only be used to grapple).

Powerful Telekinesis [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: Your telekinetic vector counts as one size category larger, and its speed increases by +5ft.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, up to once per four character levels you possess. The effects stack.

Rapid Vector [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: Your telekinetic vector's speed increases by +20ft. You may dismiss your vector as a free action.
Special: If you possess the Surge feat, its benefits apply to your telekinetic vector.

Telekinetic Multitasking [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: You may have two telekinetic vectors in existence at once, creating any number up to your maximum with a single swift action. When you take a move action to move a vector, you may move each vector you control.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, each time increasing the number of vectors you may have in existence by one.

Telekinetic Rend [Wizard]
Prerequisites: Telekinetic Crush, Telekinetic Multitasking
Benefit: If you use multiple vectors to grapple the same target, they each gain a bonus on grapple checks and Constrict damage equal to double the total number of vectors used (eg. if you had selected Telekinetic Multitasking twice, you could have three vectors grapple the same target for +6 grapple and +6 Constrict damage).

Telekinetic Boost [Psionic]
You have learned to use your telekinetic powers to enhance your physical movements.
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: As an immediate action, you may expend your psionic focus to gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks and melee damage rolls (minimum +1). This benefit lasts for 1 round.

Telekinetic Shield [Psionic]
You have learned to use your telekinetic powers to defend yourself from harm.
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Benefit: As an immediate action, you may expend your psionic focus to gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Intelligence modifier against a single attack (minimum +1). You must choose to activate this feat before the results of the attack roll are known.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 04:47:06 PM by Prime32 »

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2012, 08:05:23 PM »
This looks really cool. Feels like it would stop the idea of novaing. Also seems like all classes could have some magic, while the caster classes have real heavy duty magic. 

But, onto real content posting.
1. Why use SM/SNA I-IX instead of astral construct?
2. Could you throw in Summon undead as a portion of summoning? It is admittedly a minor thing, but would allow for semi balanced necromancy on the cheap. 
3. Energy ray lacks the ability to switch to a more powerful damage type, like force. perhaps a [Wizard] feat?

A cool thing to add to summoning is the ability to summon normal characters(i.e, a first level human fighter with summon monster I).
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Offline Amechra

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2012, 08:14:50 PM »
I've actually got a small complaint about the summoning: I really think you should base it off something like the Elemental Summoning reserve feat, where it has a single option that scales (just make a couple of options as to what you are summoning.)

Why? Because, as it is now, it is about ten times better than any other feat here; you can grab summons with SLAs that can break the game if you can use them at will.

At will Animate Dead by 6th level is kinda hefty, eh (the relevant creature is in Ghostwalk, iirc)? And don't just say "eh, a Warlock can do it", because they can't. They still need to use material components, while you don't.

So, yeah, it might be a good idea if the summoning feat let you do something like summon a specific progression of creatures, which can be extended by taking more instances of the feat.
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2012, 08:35:32 PM »
This is really making me think of the summoning system in Naruto D20...  I have yet to try it out, but it looks cool.  Basically you take a "blood pact" feat to allow you to use summoning techniques(A system specific combination of ToB maneuvers and powers... but more complex).  There was a whole set of techniques, ranging from flat summoning, to summoning the creature to act as a living barrier/make an attack for you then dissipate. 

But, I think just summoning astral constructs makes more sense.

also, just a thought, but spreading energy ray to cover using it as a melee weapon, and as a bow would be cool. Perhaps with a kensi like method of enchanting it? Or a dusk blade like ability to use it on a standard action attack.  Just thinking a paladin with energy ray, energy barrage, and the light chain would be really cool. 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 10:20:59 PM by bobthe6th »
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my home brew.  you should PEACH them...

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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2012, 09:55:27 PM »
Energy weapons would be ultra rad. They would be the raddest.

And Astral Constructs are really something that I think need to be a psionics-only thing; it really fits how the psionics system feels, a fact that really isn't taken into account by people pulling that kind of mechanic into other things.

I personally feel that summoning a couple already statted creatures is more wizard-y (I don't see them as the type to improvise too often; they're more players in an orchestra than virtuosos, if you get my meaning).

I think that the progression of "what they can summon" follows a progression of:

Skill RanksCR

Remember that this is at will, and this pretty much follows the progression of Summon Monster and the like.

So you could pick Elementals for summoning, and you would progress as so:

Skill RanksElemental Type

And the like.
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2012, 10:31:31 PM »
That would allow nicely for a variety of casters, with different themes/preferences.  Like the "druid" tha summons wolves and other beasts, or the necromancer summoning vampires.  Perhaps require the caster has met the intended creature, and made a deal with them for their services as summons.  Could lead to entertaining side quests when the party accidentally sells their service to a devil, and they are forced to fight in the unending blood war.
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2012, 12:24:14 PM »
It's funny that, having already read your other thread on casting, I like this variant a lot more, though admittedly it would require significantly more time to write out feats for every single spell (how many thousands are there, exactly?).

Additionally, it would seem that there are two interesting things about this: what are traditionally considered non-casters can pick up specific effects they want, which adds a lot of splash-ability and customization of characters; and traditional casters seem to lose a considerable number of spells known (for those to whom it applied); otherwise, classes such as the Cleric might suddenly, if one tried to translate the existing class rather than rebalancing as well (which is always an option and, well, good to consider), have hundreds of feats at level 1 alone.

While I certainly wouldn't want the entire problem of spellcaster power and versatility reinstated by giving them too many bonus [Spell] feats, one per level seems a little questionable to me, though of course it depends what [Spell] feats are, exactly, as what you list clearly diverge in some places from the existing "spells". If they did equate to each spell (I see they do not, but to discuss one extreme in hopes that it gives an idea of how far along the axis to slide), then the Wizard, for instance, would never (need) pick up an orison/cantrip (-equivalent feat). So it really depends how specific and nuanced [Spell] feats are supposed to get and how they scale or don't compared to one another.

Altogether, it's a neat idea. I'm keeping an eye on this one.

It looks like Prime is breaking down magic into its most basic effects/conditions and building feat chains that expand upon them. A system that does this well, IMHO is the Savage Worlds rules set. There are new powers based on the setting that one is using, but the base powers cover darn near everything. Ergo, no massive list of feats need be written. It's all in the trappings, so to speak. Prime, feel free to correct me on any points; and please do! I really like this variant! May your efforts afford you all beer and skittles!

One question, does this mean that any character can take a [Spell] feat just like any class can take Martial Study/Stance? That would make multi-classing tremendously fun!

Oh, also, are the weapon and armor proficiencies the same as the PHB Wizard?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 11:50:01 AM by xaotiq1 »
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Re: [3.5] Wizard with fighter mechanics
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2012, 07:46:30 PM »
oOo... I like this idea.