Author Topic: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.  (Read 29474 times)

Offline AugustusGloop

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #80 on: August 28, 2012, 11:03:26 AM »
Yeah, it's a shame.  Right as I found out about Magic Aura.  I was like "JACKPOT!"  Then, "Wah-wah-wahhhh."

I considered getting rid of scribe scroll, but some downtime created scrolls of Magic Aura would save me losing two spell slots a day hiding my haversack and headband of intellect.

As to the character, he's so specialized for the game I doubt he'd do well anywhere else.  Maybe there will be an opening later, but I'm kind of mad about how the ad said there was a week left, the DM said there was a couple days left, and then that same day the people were picked.

Anyway, I've got other games to play, and I can wait to satisfy my D&D crunch craving.
Feat: Invisible Spell.  Cast invisible invisible stalker.  Cast invisible invisibility on the invisible invisible stalker.  Have an invisible invisible invisible invisible stalker.  Divide by 0.

Offline bionicgeek

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Re: 3.5 Build Help Requested: A "survivor" Arcane Caster or Warlock.
« Reply #81 on: August 28, 2012, 09:33:55 PM »
I'm actually currently playing a very similar scenario, but there was no requisition that "all must ve arcane casters" so I'm playing an inquisidor with hidden arcane-warlockish powers.

Also, you might want to take a look at the Defiant PrC from Planar Handbook s he gets all kinds of shenanigans against divine magic, and some with really few levels. There are some nice defensive feats I like as well: Insane Defiance lets you take 1 WIS damage and redirect a mind-affecting spell cast at you to someone else, and the person takes -4 penalty to the save. COmbine that with a level of binder (If you bind naberius you can heal 1 point of ability damage per turn) and you are not only immune to mind targeting spells, you actually reverse them on the casters.

I have to say, I love the idea of using the Defiant in such a manner.  I've always loved the class fluff but have never figured out how to make a good build.