{opening fluff}
Technically the spell is called "
disintegrate", not "disintegration". Does the Momrath Institute ever outgrabe? Do they outgrabe on a curve?
Nice fluff stuff.
Skills: 15 ranks in Knowledge (arcana) and 15 ranks in Spellcraft
Feats: Any metamagic feat that can be applied to ray spells
Spell: Must be able to cast Disintegrate
Alignment: Any non-chaotic
Special: The character must become a member of the Momrath Insitute, pay a fee of 1000gp and successfully control the movements of a sphere of annihilation.
Is controlling the sphere included in the Momrath+1k gp thing, or is it a separate thing? If the former, maybe say "undergo a test which costs 1000gp, and involves controlling the sphere" etc.
Class Skills
The Unmaker's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are concentration (con), craft (alchemy)(int), craft (any carving)(int), disable device(int), knowledge (arcana)(int), knowledge (architecture and engineering)(int), knowledge (the planes)(int), profession (miner)(wis), spellcraft (int).
Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
So, only those two craft skills? And Prof: Miner, lol. Pretty straightforward, but why not just make it Knowledge (any)?
NB The last level(s) of this class will usually be taken at a chaacter level of over 20 in which case the rules for attack bonus and saves from epic hit dice supercede the BAB and saves listed on the table for those levels.
Hm... interesting. Why not just make a 5- or 8-level class if the entry point is so high? Hopefully the high-level abilities are epic-worthy.
Spells per day/ spells known: At every even numbered level, an unmaker gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of turning or destroying undead, a bonus feat, and so on). This must be the class which grants her the disintegrate spell.
I think this could be worded slightly better... but really, you're going to have trouble finding casters to take this with only 5/10 progression.
Destructive Power: An unmaker adds her class level to her caster level when determining her CL for spells of the disintegration subschool and to the check for controlling a sphere of annihilation.
I might stick the Disintegration Subschool here in a spoiler.
Precise Shot (Ex): At 1st level an unmaker gains precise shot as a bonus feat whether or not she meets the prerequisites.
What if they already have it?
Arcane Thesis (Ex): At 1st level an unmaker gains arcane thesis applied to disintegrate as a bonus feat whether or not she meets the prerequisites.
I feel like this should be a prereq...
Shape Hole (Ex): At 2nd level an unmaker can choose the shape of the volume of inanimate material she can destroy with disintegration. The form must be continuous and at least 1 inch thick. Simple geometric forms require no check, carving out something more complex requires at least one round of visualisation and a check of the relevant craft skill. Making a stable excavation requires a knowledge (architecture and engineering) check as does demolishing a structure in a controlled manner. The Unmaker can choose to destroy less than the maximum possible quantity of matter.
What's the relevant craft skill? Especially with the limited craft skill selection above. Also, isn't this just Sculpt Spell? I guess it's more versatile...
Self Destruction (Su): At 3rd level an unmaker can pay two points of constitution drain to immediately regain a spell of the disintegration subschool in an expended spell slot of the appropriate level. This is a move equivalent action. If she brings herself to zero con by this method then her body is disintegrated.
What about creatures immune to ability damage or drain, or those with no Con score? What about methods which reduce or prevent ability damage/drain? Might want to change to ability burn, that's less easily prevented. Rather than calling it a "move-equivalent action", just say that using the ability requires a move action.
Bonus Feat (Ex): At 4th level and 8th level an unmaker gets a bonus feat from the list available to wizards.
Why? This seems a little bit like filler.
Focus on Destruction (Ex): At 5th level an unmaker adds one third of her class level to her save DCs for spells from the disintegration subschool and as a bonus to spellcraft and knowledge (arcana) relating to the field.
Ah, there we go. Nice ability, though maybe give it earlier (particularly on a level divisible by 3...).
Greenfire Flicker (Sp): At 6th level an unmaker can generate a small flash of disintegration effect at will so long as she has a spell of the disintegration subschool prepared or an available spell slot to spontaneously cast one. The greenfire flicker has a range of 5 foot, does 1d6 points of damage per level of the highest level disintegration spell the unmaker can currently cast and destroy up to 1 cubic foot of inanimate matter per die of damage. Fort save for half damage, DC equal to that of her highest level currently available disintegration spell. Greenfire flicker is a spell-like ability that takes a standard action to use and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
A reserve feat... as a class feature? Weird. It's a cool ability, but I would absolutely make it a feat and have it be a requirement or something. Or alter the mechanics slightly to make it less like a reserve feat.
Greater Arcane Thesis (Ex): At 7th level an unmaker reduces the cost to apply any metamagic she knows to any spell of the disintegration subschool by one spell level. This stacks with the Arcane Thesis feat. She still cannot reduce the cost of metamagic below 0.
How does this work with Heighten? Also, is it still floored at 0 for the overall cost, or for individual metamagicks? Should make the distinction...
Wards Unmade (Su): At 9th level an unmaker's disintegration spells can destroy protective magical effects that disintegration cannot normally affect including globe of invulnerability, antimagic field, spell turning (only if the turning would have been sucessful) and non-yellow layers of prismatic wall/sphere. One casting can only destroy one such effect and does not affect what is behind it. Further, if her disintegration is stopped by a creature's spell resistance then that spell resistance is permanently reduced by 5, treat a golem's magic immunity as SR equal to 2x CL required to create it.
The magic immunity part is not useful, since infinity - 5 is still infinity. The rest is pretty neato. Any dispel check (or any other type of check) required? Wording could be a little cleaner. This is a relatively short list, though, and since you'll be getting this ability in epic territory, make sure you include epic spell seeds. Maybe make it dependent on the level of the slot you cast it out of? So to destroy an epic spell requires a 10th-level slot?
Destruction Unbounded (Ex): At 10th level an unmaker has no cap on the number of damage dice rolled for her spells of the disintegration subschool.
Nice. Though... not as interesting for an epic ability.
Secret of Annihilation(Sp): At 10th level an unmaker learns how to make a sphere of annihilation. Treat as a wonderous item with a market price of 500,000gp.
There's no rules for the SphAnn, like what the prereqs are. This needs more detail.
{fluff stuff}
Not bad, though I would think the Momrath institute would be in Organizations...
The disintegration subschool:
All these spells are in the Momrath Institute library.
Partial Disintgrate sor/wiz 4
As Disintegrate except it only does d8/CL damage to creature and cannot reduce to dust more than 75% of any creature or object and no more than a 5 foot cube of non-living matter. Therefore, creatures with regeneration may recover and oozes cannot be reduced to less than 25% of their current hitpoints. Partial Disinteration requires a CL check to destroy force effects etc.
Disintegrate sor/wiz 6 destruction 7
Cone of Disintegration sor/wiz 7
Range: short 25' + 5'/2 levels
Area of Effect: cone extending from caster to range
All creatures and objects within the volume of effect are affected as if struck by a disintegrate spell. Unliving matter beyond the volume of effect is unaffected.
Wall of Disintegration sor/wiz 8
Range: medium 100' + 10'/ level
Duration: 10 minutes per level
Area of effect: a wall up to 10 foot square per 2 levels.
A wall of green fire springs in to being as directed by the caster. Anything passing through it is affected as if struck by a disintegrate spell from the caster. The wall must be straight and rectangular and can cut through non living matter making a gap for itself 2" thick. Creatures on the line of the wall when it appears get a reflex save to avoid being caught passing through. 50% chance of being on either side.
Black Blade of Disaster sor/wiz 9
Could be better formatted. Kinda cool idea.
Hit Die: d4
Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
Spellcasting The Epic Unmaker gains no new spells per day/ known beyond 10th level but her caster level continues to increase at the same rate.
Focus on Destruction The Epic Unmaker can apply this ability to epic spells with the destruction seed.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Unmaker gains a Bonus Feat every 4 levels higher than 8th and 3 levels higher than 10th
Still only 5/6th caster level progression (1/2 on anything but disintegration). Not great... hard to justify taking it.