Barbarian Feedback
I see that you've made Rage more modular and you're coming up with rage powers.
You like it so far? I'm not sure what stuff I'm going to slot into those higher open class levels, but I'll think of something. Any ideas for that initial, "If you choose Strength..." part of Rage?
Fighter Feedback
Fighter Bonus Feat swapping: You need to explicitly say that either you choose the feat using your current stats for prerequisites or that you don't. Right now it looks like I can be fourth level and swap out my first level bonus feat for a feat I qualify for due to being fourth level.
Good point. The intention is that you can swap out a first level bonus feat for a feat you qualify for at 4th level.
Strategic Advantage:....I'm not sure how I feel about this. It seems really cool but potentially hard to balance.
I could agree with that. My thought is that it's limited X/day based on a tertiary (at best) ability modifier and that it's the Fighter. Even powered up, what's the worst that could go wrong?
Paladin Feedback
Smite Evil: How will the changes interact with feats that affect smith evil?
All such feats will be rewritten. Feats are going to be a grand undertaking.
Paladin Spells: I like adding Battle Blessing as a class ability, but why did you remove a lot of the spells that were on the paladin spell list like Magic Weapon?
Only because the spell list is VERY, VERY incomplete. I haven't even gone through the published Paladin spell list. I think I'm going to have to write lots of new spells exclusively for the Paladin spell list, because I think half caster level actually makes sense for him, but at the same time I want his spells to actually matter, so it's going to be hard to develop the spell list.
Divine Grace: Not a dip anymore, I approve.
Yes, now Smite Evil is the most dippable feature of the Paladin, and even then it is hard to take advantage of just because Charisma is so useless to anybody that uses attacks to deal damage (without all of the other Charisma love that I give to the Paladin itself).
Nothing else calls out to me as something to be commented on, but I can go more in depth with the Paladin if you'd like.
At the moment, the Paladin feels much more complex than the other classes and more powerful as well. What are your thoughts on the matter (given that all three classes are far from complete)?
Are the benefits from stances cumulative? It looks like they are but you don't come right out and say it.
I assume that you mean the benefits from a single Fighting Style's stance? If yes, then my answer is, at this stage in design, yes, they are meant to all be benefits of the same stance.
I'm surprised Style Training isn't a fighter bonus feat, but I can see how that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
That's actually just an oversight.
Power Attack: Why the change? It is just so different from any other version of Power Attack I've ever seen.
I wanted to move to something more easily comparable to Sneak Attack and to maneuvers, and this new version does that well, but more than that it also provides equal benefits to light, one-handed, and two-handed weapons.
I just realized, maneuvers only have BAB requirements, they don't require you to know other maneuvers. I can live with that.
Not true, higher level maneuvers require that you know a certain number of maneuvers of the same style, and even that some of them be of a given level.
Devoted Spirit stance talks about getting benefits if your BAB is high enough.
I keep missing this whenever I look at it. Can you quote the text?