Well, their one most notable class ability (since everyone can get TWF in 3E) is "I hate X group." So, some broodingness can be forgiven. And, they are stealthy melee fighters, which leads to a bit of Wolverine and Batman syndrome. And, please don't go on to tell me how you would build Wolverine and Batman. I'm just saying that one could be forgiven for reading that into the Ranger's DNA, especially if you wanted to play against Aragorn a bit, who is in the films depicted as totally brooding (at least in Fellowship).
A lot of this comes down to D&D's alignments sucking. They are not all that useful shorthand for morality or points of view. And, some of them are hard to even make sense of (e.g., Chaotic Neutral). As usual, I'd suggest dispensing with it entirely and looking for better descriptions of a character's general outlook on life/morality/society. I suggest a 2 sentence approach.