Actually, all of that reminds me of a few things that fit here:
(1) These character types suck, because douches have ruined them: not a shot at anyone here's other complaints, or anything, but it is a stereotype I'm tired of nonetheless. Basically it works like this, just because you have had douchebags disguising the fact that they're douchebags behind taking given fluff for characters to illogical extremes, doesn't say anything about those races / classes / or whatnot beyond
that player is a douchebag. Another version of this is when a munchkin, or just a min/maxer who doesn't know how to "play down" to the group, brings in characters that use subsystems people are not used to, and then cause whole systems to be branded as being "broken". When the truth is that any given aspect of the game can be broken, for better or worse, but the splat systems (usually psionics) get a bad rap because they are brought in by people who do not use them as intended.
(2) Gamer Nuremberg Excuse: "But I was just following my character concept": Here is the stereotype, your behavior doesn't matter, so long as you're
roleplaying. This has the same flaw as all "Nuremberg defenses", it assumes that there is no basic expectation of how people treat each other, and that all you need is the flimsiest of excuses to justify whatever action. If your character concept is one that is disruptive to the enjoyment to the rest of the group, this is you. Sometimes the rest of the group might laugh along with your antics, this does happen time to time with bullies, which is what you are being under the guise of your concept.
So you want to play the lone wolf badass with no need to pay attention to the rest of the group? That isn't a valid excuse to be disruptive. Instead, that
is a reason to think about why your lone wolf is with the party, and develop your character to be a better team player, because that's roleplaying too.
So you want to play the comedic relief? So you want to play the prankster? That's great when you know that there is a time, a place, and an extent to go, for such things. When players aren't laughing, stop. When characters start getting hurt, stop. If other characters start taking retributive actions against your "comedic relief" guy, stop, have your character have a moment of stupidity where he tries to escape the rest of the parties wrath by jumping overboard (out of an airship, preferably) and RE-F***ING-ROLL. Because, chances are, you're probably not going to stop with this character, so you need to start fresh. Just do not either: do the same thing again; munchkin the next guy.
As an FYI: on #2, I have gained way to much experience with that in the last year with my (now former) group IRL. New group much better.
Also, it's mentioned in the Vampire Players Guide for V:tM.