With less then three days of warning, I've been invited to fill in a role for an online game (Via MapTools) to a DM I'ved played in a few games over the years. The problem is that I'm entirely at a loss of what to play. Knowing the typical random internet people that the DM attracts, there are unlikely to be any optimizers. But if there are, well, he has no concept of what is balanced and what isn't (When he still allowed 3.5 material, he didn't believe that a power gamed Incantrix was more powerful then a rogue. Even after seeing high level persist shenanigans). So anything can go, but it'd be fairly uncouth to take too big of an advantage of the situation.
Now the real problem. The campaign already has five PCs. An oracle (A heal bot I'm told, but not in those words). A sword and board fighter. A blaster sorcerer (Who also acts as the party face). An assassin/lock-pick focused rogue. And finally a Witch that is focused on debuffing. Again these are the descriptions of the character builds as told by the DM (Who's idea of a challenging BBEG is a necromancer who casts a maximized fireball then a fireball. He's a good DM story wise... but mechanics just aren't his thing).
In addition to that, I've been rail roaded into playing a homebrewed race that basically gets +10 movement speed (+20 in total to base movement speed in a charge, or any other movement that takes more than one move action) and +4 strength, +2 con, -4 dex, and -4 cha (It's also large size and get endurance for free. But doesn't get reach. Yeah. Stats aren't great). But where do I go with something like this?
I don't want to step on the builds of the other players, or completely outshine anyone. From the looks of things the Witch likely is the only decently optimized character. I would take this to the Paizo boards, but this isn't specifically a PF issue. This is an overall issue -- what the heck do I roll up? Some sort of charger? Druid?
(And all PF material, no 3.5 -- again I know. It's upsetting. And the setting has a very heavy Eastern theme to it...)