Mecha Melee weapons add 1,5 the Str mod of the user if they don't use any other weapon for that round
There is a big difference between fighting two-handed and not using other weapons (after all, my favorite kind of two-weapon combat involved two-handed fighting), but I suppose that you'd prefer to handle it this way as far as mecha combat is involved.
I imagine that specifying melee weapons means that we cannot use brutal ranged weapons "two-handed".
While on the subject, how are the attack rolls with multiple weapons handled? Like normal weapons or natural weapons? Or a mix of the two?
Say, a fullattack action by an Alteisen with BAB 11 that doesn't have arsenal weapons would be:
A) Revolver Stake x3 (no penalty, -5, -10) || Autocannon x3 (no penalty, -5, -10) || Heat Horn x3 (no penalty, -5, -10) || Claymores x1
B) Revolver Stake, Autocannon (-5) and Heat Horn (-5) || Claymores x1
C) Revolver Stake x3 (no penalty, -5, -10), Autocannon (-5) and Heat Horn (-5) [Revolver Stake can be replaced by the other two] || Claymores x1
D) [pilot has 2-W fighting feats) Revolver Stake x3 (no penalty, -5, -10 and two-weapon fighting penalties) and Autocannon x2 or Heat Horn x2 (no penalty, -5, and two-weapon fighting penalties) || Claymores x1
E) As D, but the Heat Horn or Autocannon can attack once at -5 as a natural weapon on top of the rest.
F) As B, but none of the weapons get penalties on their attack.
Also, since mecha flight movement costs 1 energy per 5 mu moved, I was wondering. Does double flight speed when going downward count for energy movement costs? Reasoning is that since your speed is doubled when flying downward because gravity is doing half the job, should you pay half energy costs when flying downward?