Thanks for the reply.
The arcane pilot mentions getting half Arsenal space and Hardpoints(rounded up). The super robot doesn't get any hardpoint by default so it is now redundant. Considering they only get 4 arsenal space, the option to swap for full arsenal space is a bit strange.
A multiclass super/real can have a lot of hardpoints.
Ah, so a multiclass pilot is supposed to combined the modifier on the final mecha instead of its super component. The entries gave me the impression that a multiclass divine/arcane/peace-p applied their reduction only to the super robot stats, handled separately from the stats added to the mecha from Real Pilot, Ship captain and so on.
(Ship Captain 18/Peace Princess 2 would then have a strong n' tough ship that isn't as strong as a full Ship Captain 20 but would have access to a few weaker PP abilities instead of having the entire 18 level of battleship reduced for them) Same with casting; the penalties and gains being in proportion for each side.
But all right.
Apologies if the question was asked before, but can a casting Pilot/PP channel spells/PP abilities through a full-stats mecha using Amplifier upgrades? Probably one amplifier per spell/ability.
Also, it was probably intended but many PP abilities do not have to be channeled as they either affect her directly or do not have to be used, such as bonuses to saves or getting mooks or a champion. (Nice touch with the champion, by the way. Euphemia+Suzaku was also something I had in mind with the reverse cohort, which puts me mind again of making a knightmare).
Royal champion; The maximum level of the champion per RtR pick seems disproportionate and the level fluctuations in its level advantage feels awkward. Here's a chart of its level advantage assuming it is progressed as soon as possible.
[Your level ; champion's level ; level advantage of the champion]
1; 3 ; +2 (max 5)
2; 5 ; +3
3; 5 ; +2
4; 5 ; +1
5; 7 ; +2 (max 9)
6; 9 ; +3
7; 9 ; +2
8; 11 ; +3 (max 11)
9; 11 ; +2
10; 11 ; +1
11; 13 ; +2 (max 14)
12; 14 ; +2
13; 14 ; +1
14; 16 ; +2 (max 17)
15; 17 ; +2
16; 17 ; +1
17; 19 ; +2 (max 20)
18; 20 ; +2
19; 20 ; +1
20; 20 ; +0
If stabilizes at level 9, for a cost of 3 RtR picks to keep pace at a level advantage for the champion of +2/+2/+1... but is all over the place before that and the costs to maintain are not balanced (you must spend all your RtR II picks on it but only one RtR III).
It would normally require a maximum champion level of 8 for the second RtR to stabilize the lot to a sequence of +2/+2/+1. For the early levels, to maintain an advancement cost of 3 picks per RtR level, you could limit the number of picks of Royal Champion picks to your maximum PP class level. That would make it +2/+2/+2/+1 for the first four levels, which is all good.
If you'd prefer to stabilize a +2 advantage for as long as possible, you can have each RtR level option grant a +1 advantage, then a +2 advantage with a second pick until X level, at which point it would need the picks of the next RtR level to advance further. It would reduce the advancement costs to 2 picks per RtR level, however, unless the +1 advantage costs 1 pick and +2 advantage costs an extra 2 picks.
I've just read the new Mercy; there is a way for mechas to recover from them but nothing for non-mechas. All movements permanently dropping to 5 feet is pretty nasty, among other things. (though in that case it may be the result of being maimed and would require a regeneration effect to restore the crippled legs)
New connections; to be sure, is it the intent that only picks of High Connections increase the amount of weapon/s.weapon/accessory that can be distributed, and the other connection abilities merely increase the arsenal level accessible, or are they also supposed to increase the amount of picks? As is the higher connection abilities do not affect the amount of arsenal stuff available to be distributed.
...delivered and installed on mechas of your choice anywhere, divided as you see fit, including removing previous arsenal to make space.
Is that meant to say that those arsenal options are installed without taking arsenal space/hardpoint? The part about removing previous arsenal to make space could either indicate that they still take space/hardpoint as it could refer to removing a previous use of High Connections to install them again. If they are extras then limiting it to a number per picks of High Connection specifically makes sense, also considering he princess' own reduced arsenal. Seems to be a PP channeled ability because it requires being close to her though not sure if being within the radius is required when it is applied to her own Royal Mecha.