Ah, sound. Seems to mean it can be disarmed anywhere within the wire's range and not necessarily while the 'hooker' is within the range of your own weapons, representing not necessarily the removal of the wire's attach to their mecha but also its attach to your own body, which should always be within range. Or plainly pulling and tearing it off the user's mecha.
Wire Claw(III) : Do you get to choose each round the cable is kept whether you use it to communicate or Trip/Grapple/Disarm/Bullrush or is it the same once you first use it? Such as deciding to use it to trip and then not being able to use it for a disarm attempt next turn, having to trip again. My understanding is that it is meant to allow usage swaps each round.
Oh, when someone is moving for free (perhaps by force) after a wire user, or is being pulled, is that movement provoking AoO as normal?