Author Topic: General Discussion and Suggestions  (Read 247065 times)

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1020 on: December 20, 2017, 09:25:56 AM »
I'll think about your suggestions, but for now out of curiosity, exactly which creatures in D&D specifically don't have a soul? Elementals/outsiders are their own soul, undead are corrupted/trapped souls, and regular constructs are powered up by some sort of elemental inside them, meaning they do have a soul too.

Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1021 on: December 20, 2017, 04:47:10 PM »
I'll think about your suggestions, but for now out of curiosity, exactly which creatures in D&D specifically don't have a soul?
Any new-type Construct or Undead.

In order for a Construct/Undead to have a soul the original creature must have one which typically applies to Templated Constructs/Undead or PAO tricks opposed to default stateblocks of invented creatures. A cool fyi is Ghost is a soul-Template while Zombie is a body-Template, it's actually possible for a Ghost to animate their corpse.

Elemental/Outsiders use a compound soul deal, instead of possessing a unique god-granted soul they are instead produced from Planar energies and like in the case of an Elemental they don't really have a biological body but rather are an elemental force in a condensed shape. They do have souls, but uniquely after an unknown amount of time after death the soul it's self fades away rather than having an eternal afterlife.

Warforged them selves are a very undefined exception to things. There is no way to create a Woeforged and in lore House Cannith has brought Warforged back from death but no Warforged has ever said anything about an afterlife. Mechanically, per Savage Species no Construct can become an Undead and True Resurrection can bring golems back, but as far as a not knowing the afterlife. Well in the default cosmology, which was written before Warforged were a thing, they simply don't. However the Petitioner Template, the template souls take on in their afterlife, does have a noted rule 0 inclusion for the DM to make anyone into one which can give your Androids an afterlife if you like.

You can also apply the same thought, maybe, on biological clones. Like in your SRW game, is the cloned Aryk souless? Can they technologically print new souls as needed or since you have an uber deity of negative energy from a franchise that also has an uber deity of positive energy, is soul creation a power they alone possess and clones are either auto-awarded one or have to embark on a quest to be worthy of obtaining one?

Offline Anomander

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1022 on: December 20, 2017, 06:47:49 PM »
^Quite so.
Many constructs exist because an elemental or other spirit is animating it. But not all. Some seem to require special conditions to get the animation to start and some like the animated objects and the boguns are simply animated with magic. So it is just a force of some kind that animates them. Even those animated with an elemental may not necessarily be the actual elemental consciousness within a new body but a new being using the elemental to power itself.

But creatures that can use their Charisma normally do not necessarily have a soul. It just means they can tell the difference between themselves and other creatures. Being subject to negative levels is often closer to having a soul.

Here's something on artificiality that can be useful for other stuff.
Quote from: WotC
Artificial Beings: An object animated with the animate object spell is a construct. So are most creatures that are built through some artificial means rather than bred, cloned, sprouted, or created through any natural process.

Not all artificial creatures are constructs. Spells such as animate dead and create undead produce undead creatures, not constructs. The simulacrum spell creates a duplicate of some other creature and the duplicate has the same creature type as the original. In general, a construct is a unique kind of creature, not a previously existing creature brought back from death or an attempt to copy another creature. A construct also usually is built up, piece by piece (except in the case of an animated object) from inert materials.

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1023 on: December 20, 2017, 07:01:38 PM »
I asked for specific examples, and neither of those are, while there's several examples of the contrary:
-"New type" undead like zombies have the interesting effect of blocking bringing the creature back to life, including effects that create you a new body like reincarnation. The only logical explanation is that such undead trap the body's original soul, probably as their eternal energy source. Only by destroying the zombie can that creature come back to life in a new body. And that's why animate dead is Evil while animate objects (just making bodies move) and enervation (negative energy beam ho) are not.
-Constructs can't be turned into undead indeed. Just like elementals. Even specimens such as a flesh golem can't be zombified despite being perfectly fine flesh, because the original soul is long gone, replaced instead by an elemental soul, and those are no good for necromancy. You simply cannot make a zombie of a being with an elemental soul.

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1024 on: December 21, 2017, 12:18:07 AM »
-"New type" undead like zombies have the interesting effect of blocking bringing the creature back to life, including effects that create you a new body like reincarnation. The only logical explanation is that such undead trap the body's original soul, probably as their eternal energy source. Only by destroying the zombie can that creature come back to life in a new body. And that's why animate dead is Evil while animate objects (just making bodies move) and enervation (negative energy beam ho) are not
That's pretty much what happens indeed. The soul is trapped into the animated body. Though that may not mean that the Zombie, even if awakened and getting a personality of its own, would be using that soul as its own for a potential afterlife.

-Constructs can't be turned into undead indeed. Just like elementals. Even specimens such as a flesh golem can't be zombified despite being perfectly fine flesh, because the original soul is long gone, replaced instead by an elemental soul, and those are no good for necromancy. You simply cannot make a zombie of a being with an elemental soul.
Not necessarily true. A construct, flesh golem included (they actually need a casting of animated dead for the creation), can technically be turned into a zombie. All it needs is a skeletal system as part of its construction. Because apparently that's needed for the zombification process to work. As would any construct with some kind of skeleton (could be one made of metal?)
Even an elemental can be turned into a necromental. Constructs can be turned into undead creature bu many spawn-based undeadifications require the humanoid type.

As for a specific examples, I did mention the animated object and the bogun, who are created with magic as their animating force. Otherwise, the first construct I came upon in the MM4 that isn't mindless is the Clockwork Mender. A construct that builds more of itself on Mechanus and apparently needs something about the plane of Mechanus to start its animation process. It doesn't need some kind of spirit and they still work outside of Mechanus (but don't reproduce). Could be interpreted as them getting a "soul" from Mechanus, I guess, but it is a mystery.
In the regular MM there are the Inevitables that are sentient constructs.
Quote from: wiki
Inevitables are built and programmed in automated factories called creche-forges; one of them, mentioned in the Manual of the Planes, is called Neumannus (a reference to Von Neumann machines). Every type of inevitable is designed to enforce a particular type of universal law and will pursue its objective at any cost. In order to fulfill their tasks, they may ally themselves with other creatures or, if necessary, sacrifice themselves.
After they complete a mission, they go in search of other transgressors, some of whom they may have encountered while on previous missions. Unlike other constructs, they may learn from experience and may even develop individual personalities over time. Eventually, they are called back to Mechanus, where their personalities and knowledge are erased so they can begin anew.

As for the Conscious Android, I thought it could get a bonus Relationship feat toward anyone it already has a relationship feat for. Could get bonus effects depending on the relationship type.
Perhaps it could allow one to take an immediate action to catch the companion's escape pod when the mecha it occupies is destroyed. Can then choose to have him or her join your cockpit.
While using Two with the Machine, could instead choose to have the loved one take your escape pod if your mecha is destroyed while you are piloting it. Since there is normally only one.
If you already have 3 relationship feats for the companion, may work as an effective 4th pick or allow a retrain. Or give the bonus effect for having all feats.

Love; Once per round, when the loved one uses an ability that heals you, improves your stats (must not be one you were already benefiting from) or cures you from a negative effect, you heal by 10% of the loved one's maximum hit points.
Friendship; When making a synchro attack, you may make an additional basic attack with a non-heavy weapon and take a -5 penalty on the attack roll.
Rival; Whenever you and your rival are both attacked by the same opponent within the same round, you may roll an opposed level check. At the beginning of his next turn, the winner adds the result to his DR against attacks from that opponent for one turn.
Devotion; If the one you are devoted to is damaged more than once by the same opponent within the same round, you may make one basic attack against that opponent with a non-heavy weapon.

Could also add more uses per hour/day for the relationship feats. Since it already heavily encourages the character to max the relationship feat (and they don't get bonus pilot feats), could keep on making them better at what they do.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 12:21:49 AM by Anomander »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1025 on: December 21, 2017, 02:32:32 AM »
Created by magic =/= soulless. In particular all the D&D cosmologies where humanoids are created by something else. Heck, it's just an epic spell to create a new species. When I say specific, I do mean it specifically saying not having a soul, since things like humans and elves don't actually say they have a soul, thus the default state is D&D creatures having them. Case in point, Trap the Soul is a spell that works on everything non-homebrew. Undead, constructs, all valid targets.

And half the point of androids is precisely that they're not magic dolls, but actually cold machines that even need fuel and eventually do break down.

Also in case you didn't notice, for years I've been running an online campaign where one of the main plot points is that Inevitables have souls too. And I don't plan to set said campaign on fire along the android and conscious android.

Anyway added some buffs to Traveling companion.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 02:59:12 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1026 on: December 21, 2017, 11:40:55 AM »
I asked for specific examples, and neither of those are, while there's several examples of the contrary:
Confusion isn't an example. The Undead Type doesn't trap souls. Like there is nothing in the rules that says as long as a Hulking Corpse exists someone cannot be resurrected plus you can actually cast Raise Dead on a Zombie's severed hand (since it becomes an object at that point).

Also Undead are, very specifically, powered by Negative Energy. Their optional external energy intake according to Libris Mortis is consuming flesh and draining levels/abilities. But Undead are solely evil not because they are a negative aspect, it's because they "represent a mockery of life and a violation of the natural order of life and death"BoED & "Unliving corpses—corrupt mockeries of life and purity—are inherently evil."BoVD which is a pretty consistent theme.

But no, magic creation isn't inherently soulless. Rather is takes a ton of energy to manipulate the soul, like a Simulacrum is souless but an Eidolon is not even through they are both duplicates of the caster. The Life Seed can specifically create and bestow souls, but that requires epic access and falls within the realm of god-like power.

Case in point, Trap the Soul is a spell that works on everything non-homebrew. Undead, constructs, all valid targets.
Trap the Soul imprisons the body which is why it works on Constructs & Undead. But trapping Zombie #38,486 has no affect on Joe McThorHammer even if Joe's corpse (an object with no soul) was animated into Zombie #38,486 and I think that's the part you're really failing to grasp here.

Also Inevitables don't have souls, they are Constructs.  :P
D&D actually has a sub classification of monsters called Inevitable, but I think you are talking about the Dark Falz which is a decent example of D&D's Outsider Type, specially when you consider how the character-thing varies between games. Falz, much like an Outsider, is an independent and sentient being partially made out of negative planar energy. It can be killed or resurrected but if destroyed and left dead for too long it fades away to nothing. A new being with a different personality, design, and even plan to achieve it's inherited motivation can be spun out and may even take on the name of "Falz".
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 11:45:01 AM by SorO_Lost »

Offline Anomander

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1027 on: December 21, 2017, 06:44:19 PM »
Case in point, Trap the Soul is a spell that works on everything non-homebrew. Undead, constructs, all valid targets.
Despite the name, trap the soul does not only affect the soul. It also traps the creature's entire body, which even undead/constructs have (I see Soro already pointed it out). Imprison the Soul, Magic Jar and Soul Bind do not work on constructs, however, as they are immune to necromantic effects.
They are also immune to energy drain by default, which is essentially an attack upon a creature's life force.

When I say specific, I do mean it specifically saying not having a soul, since things like humans and elves don't actually say they have a soul, thus the default state is D&D creatures having them.
They were actually generalized indeed. In Complete Divine (p.125)
Quote from: CDiv
"Some creature types don't have souls and simply cease to exist when they die. Constructs just fall apart, for example. Undead creatures likewise cease to exist, although destroying an undead creature sometimes frees a soul trapped within it.

And I don't plan to set said campaign on fire along the android and conscious android.
Why should you feel threatened by constructs not having souls by default? If you want your Inevitables to have a soul in your campaign, they just do. Whatever the official material says.

The updated Traveling Conscience ability got pretty big. Perhaps giving increased melee reach is to good. The increase per Cha bonus is huge. The speed increase for Love maybe a bit too big as well.
Notice a thing about Two with the Machine; if the android is using one with the machine, and then swaps the controls. Ending one with the machine normally takes a fullround action but it only takes effect while the android is piloting it. Does this mean that if the android gives control to the companion, the mecha returns to its regular HP and then back to one with the machine's hit points once the android takes the wheel again?

There is no description on choosing a Conscience Companion. Is any creature with a soul for which the android has a relationship feat automatically a Conscience Companion?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 07:29:34 PM by Anomander »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1028 on: December 21, 2017, 07:29:32 PM »
Case in point, Trap the Soul is a spell that works on everything non-homebrew. Undead, constructs, all valid targets.
Despite the name, trap the soul does not only affect the soul. It also traps the creature's entire body, which even undead/constructs have.
Ghosts and wraiths and shadows have bodies now? Fascinating.

Imprison the Soul, Magic Jar and Soul Bind do not work on constructs, however, as they are immune to necromantic effects.
They are also immune to energy drain by default, which is essentially an attack upon a creature's life force.
Those spells also work on constructs. Just cast humanoid essence on them first.

Unless you want to claim the spell grants them a new soul, in which case I must ask if you consider a soul that light of a matter that you can just create new ones willy-nilly with 4th level spells? Gotta wonder why necromancers bother so much to go hunting them down then when you're now claiming you can just grant souls to any piece of rock and call it a day.

When I say specific, I do mean it specifically saying not having a soul, since things like humans and elves don't actually say they have a soul, thus the default state is D&D creatures having them.
They were actually generalized indeed. In Complete Divine (p.125)
Quote from: CDiv
"Some creature types don't have souls and simply cease to exist when they die. Constructs just fall apart, for example. Undead creatures likewise cease to exist, although destroying an undead creature sometimes frees a soul trapped within it.
Whoever wrote that had no idea what they were talking about since undeads like ghosts, liches and vampires do keep coming back for more. Also half-golems lose their souls now?

Plus would make humanoid essence impossible to work.

And I don't plan to set said campaign on fire along the android and conscious android.
Why should you feel threatened by constructs not having souls by default? If you want your Inevitables to have a soul in your campaign, they just do. Whatever the official material says.
Well, besides you now claiming that several official spells suddenly never work in any situation, I also happen to like to be able to use core monsters such as vampires, ghosts, liches, etc.

Also ever paused to look at the subofrum this is on?
"Campaign Settings and World-Building"

Oh my, look at that! This is also another of my campaign settings! I know some people have trouble realizing that and think they can shove anything they want, but I would've expected better from you Anomander. So with all due respect you can take your contradictory passages from splatbooks somewhere else.

EDIT: And I'm locking this thread since I've had enough of burning hate for this year. If anybody wants to talk about any specific class there's the respective threads just for that. If anybody wants to complain more about how they see me and my work as horrible, you can wait until after new year. It's almost Christmas, go spend some time with your family and friends instead of trying to destroy this.

EDIT EDIT: And thread re-oened. Let's hope that if it gets used, it's actually used for srwd20 general discussion this time, with specific questions going to the respective threads.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 09:05:17 AM by oslecamo »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1029 on: December 21, 2017, 07:44:04 PM »
Ghosts and wraiths and shadows have bodies now? Fascinating.
Yes. Incorporeal bodies. I remember reading those exact words.

Those spells also work on constructs. Just cast humanoid essence on them first.
Unless you want to claim the spell grants them a new soul, in which case I must ask if you consider a soul that light of a matter that you can just create new ones willy-nilly with 4th level spells? Gotta wonder why necromancers bother so much to go hunting them down then when you're now claiming you can just grant souls to any piece of rock and call it a day.
You can interpret Humanoid Essence as you will. I'm not extrapolating, just reading what is written. Perhaps it gives one for the duration of the spell.

Whoever wrote that had no idea what they were talking about since undeads like ghosts, liches and vampires do keep coming back for more. Also half-golems lose their souls now?
Plus would make humanoid essence impossible to work.
There's more further after that passage. It even details the cases of specific kinds of undead. You're the one who asked for official confirmation. That section may well be the most in-depth one that details the subject of souls. The BoVD gives them some kind of worth but doesn't detail them much.

Why should you feel threatened by constructs not having souls by default? If you want your Inevitables to have a soul in your campaign, they just do. Whatever the official material says.
Also ever paused to look at the subofrum this is on?
"Campaign Settings and World-Building"
Oh my, look at that! This is also another of my campaign settings! I know some people have trouble realizing that and think they can shove anything they want, but I would've expected better from you Anomander. So with all due respect you can take your contradictory passages from splatbooks somewhere else.
Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. It is your campaign and you can rule your inevitable to have souls if you want. I'm not sure why you're implying that I'm suggesting anything but. You're the one who asked me here for official confirmation on the nature of certain creatures not having souls by default. Don't blame me for giving you one. >_>

Anyway. The updated Traveling Conscience ability got pretty big. Perhaps giving increased melee reach is to good. The increase per Cha bonus is huge. The speed increase for Love maybe a bit too big as well.
Notice a thing about Two with the Machine; if the android is using one with the machine, and then swaps the controls. Ending one with the machine normally takes a fullround action but it only takes effect while the android is piloting it. Does this mean that if the android gives control to the companion, the mecha returns to its regular HP and then back to one with the machine's hit points once the android takes the wheel again?

There is no description on choosing a Conscience Companion. Is any creature with a soul for which the android has a relationship feat automatically a Conscience Companion?
For Empty Machine, can the android change only some of those stats or is it an everything or nothing conversion? The former is practical when some of the android's stats are better than his mecha's.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 09:01:32 PM by Anomander »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1030 on: January 20, 2018, 09:23:25 AM »
Imprison the Soul, Magic Jar and Soul Bind do not work on constructs, however, as they are immune to necromantic effects.
They are also immune to energy drain by default, which is essentially an attack upon a creature's life force.
Those spells also work on constructs. Just cast humanoid essence on them first.
Not really. Greater Humanoid Essence (a 7th level spell, not 4th) temporarily changes their Type but it never says they obtain an immortal soul. You should try reading your examples to see if they actually support you, or even sound anything like what you try to use them as, first imho. Anyway, Magic Jar & Soul Bind interact with souls and they don't actually state they don't work on Constructs rather your typical Construct is soulless and the lack of interaction is drawn from that.

And as noted before a Construct/Undead can have a soul if the original creature had one which typically applies to Templated Constructs/Undead and PAO-like tricks. As an example, if a Human chooses to stores his "life force", as in his soul, in a phylactery he becomes a Lich. His body is an Undead Creature and it's "life force", as in energy source like calories or an electrical storage, is powered by Negative Energy. Context matters, through I'm suspicious that you are intentionally trying to create ambiguity for support more than this is about you not understanding the difference given the recent posts.

You wanted an official answer to validate your opinion, don't take it out on us if you're not getting what you want.

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1031 on: January 20, 2018, 06:50:30 PM »
Not really. Greater Humanoid Essence (a 7th level spell, not 4th) temporarily changes their Type but it never says they obtain an immortal soul. You should try reading your examples to see if they actually support you, or even sound anything like what you try to use them as, first imho. Anyway, Magic Jar & Soul Bind interact with souls and they don't actually state they don't work on Constructs rather your typical Construct is soulless and the lack of interaction is drawn from that.
Hey, check out Complete Divine:

The soul is beyod magic's power to detect or affect.

And as noted before a Construct/Undead can have a soul if the original creature had one which typically applies to Templated Constructs/Undead and PAO-like tricks. As an example, if a Human chooses to stores his "life force", as in his soul, in a phylactery he becomes a Lich.
Hahaha really read Complete Divine:
liches are characters who voluntarily transformed themselves into undead, trapping their souls in skeletal bodies.

Context matters, through I'm suspicious that you are intentionally trying to create ambiguity for support more than this is about you not understanding the difference given the recent posts.
It's a body. It has a soul inside. What else do you need?

You wanted an official answer to validate your opinion, don't take it out on us if you're not getting what you want.
And you waited over one month just to say that? Don't you really have anything better to do? You really do hate me that much.

Either way my point still stands. Complete Divine's text on this matter is pure shit, self-contradicting itself and other sources at virtually every step (like claiming souls can't be affected by magic and then talks about Trap the Soul), and you can claim virtually anything you want from it. 

So at best you can claim it's open to interpretation. And I've already made my interpretation pretty clear, and I also made it clear I don't care about your interepretation, so please go spam somewhere else.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 06:54:10 PM by oslecamo »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1032 on: January 22, 2018, 04:59:17 PM »
Hmm, I can fix your post here.
Context matters, through I'm suspicious that you are intentionally trying to create ambiguity for support more than this is about you not understanding the difference given the recent posts.
Challenge accepted!
For example,
Quote from: This is also in Complete Divine and on the same page
Some creature types don’t have souls and simply cease to exist when they die. Constructs just fall apart, for example. Undead creatures likewise cease to exist, although destroying an undead creature sometimes frees a soul trapped within it (as described below).
There is nothing to claim that's open to interpretation and if you can stop being thick headed and have a rational discussion that'd be great.

Like quoting that section in context and how it discusses "the dead character", a direct reference not to anything you can think of but from the one the last paragraph spoke of. Which is talking about how a soul from a dead character lingers before departing, and how a soul isn't incorpereal and it isn't even a creature. If things like Trap The Soul and Revivify targets a creature, how do they hit something that's not a creature? The answer is simple, they don't, and it's as easy as that. It's not a hard concept to wrap your head around either.

And no I didn't wait a month for much of anything and I'd call you conceited but I think you'd take it as a compliment. No the fact of the matter is when Andomander edited the last post in the thread is threw up the new icon flagging it for me to notice. Unfortunately for your little bubble through is your most active participate in this discussion took nineteen days to even notice that you were waiting for more replies.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 11:21:27 PM by SorO_Lost »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1033 on: January 22, 2018, 11:20:30 PM »
Added Mercy Spirit and Soul System feat.

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1034 on: January 26, 2018, 12:53:23 AM »
I'ma be honest here, reading that Soul Soldier class ya just posted feels very much like it was written out of spite because of this above conversation in here -_-'

Ignoring that for a moment, however, Soul Soldier seems like a very pointless class....Mechanically speaking; flavor text aside. I mean, it could certainly work for simple throwaway things like NPCs, it looks great for that. But...that's all. *shrugs*

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1035 on: January 26, 2018, 01:18:44 AM »
I'ma be honest here, reading that Soul Soldier class ya just posted feels very much like it was written out of spite because of this above conversation in here -_-'
When life gives you spite, it's better to make a class out of it instead of wasting another second in a pointless conversation.

Ignoring that for a moment, however, Soul Soldier seems like a very pointless class....Mechanically speaking; flavor text aside. I mean, it could certainly work for simple throwaway things like NPCs, it looks great for that. But...that's all. *shrugs*
Oh yes I'll be getting some use out of it for NPCs.  :plotting

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1036 on: January 26, 2018, 09:32:05 AM »
I'm fine with it though it seems to be accessible maybe a level or two too early.

Soul Soldier seems like a very pointless class....Mechanically speaking
What? How so? Unless perhaps being caught in a Silence area prevents you from crying out and shuts down all your class abilities, this one seems more than viable.
I know where I'm going after the 10th Conscious Android level is acquired to get the soul prerequisite.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 03:37:50 PM by Anomander »

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1037 on: January 26, 2018, 10:32:12 AM »
I'ma be honest here, reading that Soul Soldier class ya just posted feels very much like it was written out of spite because of this above conversation in here -_-'
That's how he writes most of his homebrew through, how did you make it this far without realizing it?

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1038 on: March 01, 2018, 07:26:29 PM »
So something I have been thinking about for some time and brought forward recently in a PM is overhauling/expanding Area weapon property option. The basic plan would be that instead of just Area there would be something like Area(line), Area (cone) and Area (burst X), the last one the burst being in the point of impact with radius X. The line would be up to range increment as well as the cone, or maybe cone only up to half basic range increment.

Anybody has thoughts on that?

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Re: General Discussion and Suggestions
« Reply #1039 on: March 04, 2018, 02:34:39 PM »
So something I have been thinking about for some time and brought forward recently in a PM is overhauling/expanding Area weapon property option. The basic plan would be that instead of just Area there would be something like Area(line), Area (cone) and Area (burst X), the last one the burst being in the point of impact with radius X. The line would be up to range increment as well as the cone, or maybe cone only up to half basic range increment.

Anybody has thoughts on that?

This sounds like an excellent idea. It's been bugging me that the only MAP options in this are lines, when they're so varied in SRW. I'd really like for there to be an option to have a HiMAT Full Burst or something, for example