Cool, but you just know you'd burn through a few rolls a bit more often than is comfortable; Would taking a level of Exemplar for Skill Mastery (Spellcraft) be worth it?
Focused Specialist Wizard 5, Incantatrix 3, Dragonslayer 1, Runesmith 1, Master Specialist 1, Exemplar 1
Specialise Transmutation, remember not to drop Evocation
1 Flaw, or none if Magical Locations are available (for Otyugh Hole)
Iron Will, Arcane Disciple [War], Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus [Transmutation], Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Dodge, Arcane Strike, Skill Focus [Spellcraft], Knowledge Devotion
Fox's Cunning
Owl's Wisdom
Eagle's Splendor
Mirror Move
Divine Power
Draconic Polymorph
Bite of the Weretiger
Seems good to me
Unfortunately, walk through an Anti-Magic Field or get hit by a barrage of Dispels, and you're just effectively a Wizard 11/Fighter 1 in Heavy Armour with no Arcane Spell Failure, who has used up all or most of his 2nd Level Spells and a 4th, a 5th and a 6th
Which for a Wizard seems pretty awesome to me!