Author Topic: WarCraft [3.P/etc]  (Read 1273 times)

Offline RedWarlock

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WarCraft [3.P/etc]
« on: September 27, 2012, 03:22:41 PM »
I know, I know, I've got all that stuff with GodBlood, but I've been doing so much WoW stuff lately, the new expansion, the old books and games.. It's in my head and I can't get it out..

I want to run a WarCraft-setting game. Starting off with WarCraft 3, probably, and advancing through the timeline. I ran one before, right when WoW first came out, and it really fell apart after a while. (It was also the first campaign I ever DMed.) This probably won't be for another 6 months to a year, so not a rush job. (I'm currently running an Eberron game with players at around level 7-8, with the endgame set at level 20.)

I know about (and own 99% of) the WarCraft D&D books, and the World of WarCraft RPG, but the mechanics there always felt a bit off. Plus, they stopped just before BC came out, meaning we never really got a good chunk of the world material. I don't want to just convert WoW to tabletop, since that doesn't really match the flavor of what I want to do. (WoW classes have pretty fixed builds, whereas I want the flexibility to create any kind of character, not just their fixed concepts.)

One example is Hunters from WoW. The pet and the ranged attacks are such a significant part of the mechanic of the class, but the WoW RPG really sucked at doing them, and while anyone with any forestry or ranged-weapon skills has been called a Hunter, most of the lore characters lack actual animal companions. I want it to be a viable build choice, but not required.

I'm thinking I want to incorporate the best-of material from 3e and PF. Warblades and Crusaders for Warriors and Paladins, for instance, and I know some PF spells were tweaked in ways I probably will like. (need to do more PF research.) Probably will remix the Warmage/Beguiler/DreadNecro classes to make my casters. (fixed-list spontaneous seems like the best fit of mechanics to flavor.. Might fold in a simple spell-point conversion, but maybe not.) Probably also grab the PH2 shapeshift druid, since it fits the Druid concept almost perfectly.

I'm planning to rebuild the Adept class to incorporate the 3e Warlock (or more accurately, rebuild the Adept to be a multifunctional blaster archetype, since 'warlock' name and flavor will be occupied, probably with a choice of acting as an Arcane/Divine/Etc). This will let me have a simple caster for NPCs, and if anyone wants to go the less-complex blaster route.

I know somebody on GitP made a maneuver-based Death Knight, I'll definitely be using that. Can anybody else recommend good homebrew set for WarCraft flavor?

I need race concepts especially. I'm going to probably build from PF power levels, maybe a little higher even. Tauren are going to be large, but base-viable, so other races will need some strong options to compensate. I'm thinking Orcs (and probably Draenei and morphed Worgen) might get powerful build. Humans will lose a little bit of their 'generically awesome' stats, but I need to nail down how.
WarCraft post-d20: A new take on the World of WarCraft for tabletop. I need your eyes and comments!