Howdy, pardners! Been itchin' ta get mah star back on and run a Deadlands Game.
I ain't got a heap o' time or a group right now; so I figgur a play by post might
do the job right dandy! Before I go off half hitched, though, I wanna make sure there's
a few hombre's willin' ta brave the Weird West and all its splendor.
If'n y'all are interested, drop a line this a way. we'll sort out the details once we got
everyone rounded up. Twisted trails for now!
UPDATE: I'm changing this in to a recruiting thread as there seems to be a few people interested in this. I'm looking for 4-5 players. We'll be using the Deadlands Reloaded rules. There are a couple of tricky bits, but we'll deal with those as they come.
We're using the Deadlands: Reloaded book for rules and such. The setting will be 1876 though, so there's some fluff in the book that one shouldn't get too hung up on.
If you think the character creation method in the book is too boring or some such like that,
Either draw 7 cards from a shuffled poker deck with the Jokers left in; or draw 7 cards from a card drawing program (Default is leaving in both Jokers. Toss any one card except for any Joker or 2. Consult the Following table and assign your cards.
Card Drawn | Attribute
| Skill Points |
Joker | d12 | 20 |
King-Ace | d10 | 18 |
Ten-Queen | d8 | 16 |
Four-Nine | d6 | 15 |
Deuce-Three | d4 | 13 |
I am allowing 2 Major & 2 Minor Hindrances. Not gonna lecture anyone about taking hindrances just for points. All I say is that they are just as much for flavor as reward.
Y'all are novices this go 'round, pardners!
No character will start Harrowed!
No Veteran o' the Weird West edge. Thank you!
If you decide to take an arcane background, PM me.
Please use the dice roller found here: Be sure to link all rolls in your posts. Also, if anyone knows of a better card drawing sim other than, please let me know.
That should cover things for now. Oh, one last thing. FEED YOUR MARSHALL! I know I'm talking to veteran players here, so you know the more the GM has to work with, the better the game will be. Character backgrounds, worst nightmares and all other fluff is highly encouraged!