hey everyone.... here are most of my nearly finished followers... i still need to finish equipment and fluff. also i need to do a DMM cohort
1 shopkeeper
LN middle-aged Unseelie Court Fey Magic-Blooded Incarnate Obah-Blessed Warforged Scout Marshal 1
Small Fey (augmented)
Hit Dice (hp): 1d8-1 (7hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20ft, fly 20ft (average)
AC: 0 (+ armor, +4 dex, +1 size, + shield), touch 10, flatfooted 10
BAB/Grapple: +0/-3
Attack: + melee (d+)
Full Attack: + melee (d+)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: mantle, minor aura, power points (5), psionics, spell-like abilities, winter chill
SQ: bonus feat, darkvision 60ft, fey traits, iron vulnerability, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will -1
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 19, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 6, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Gather Information +9, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +8
Feats: Mercantile Background, Wild Talent (B)
Languages: Common, Infernal
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family (1)
Equipment: 200gp
Mantles: known- communication, force.
Minor Auras: known- motivate charisma, motivate intelligence.
Psionics: known- attraction.
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day- detect magic, Nystul’s magical aura, Nystul’s undetectable aura, read magic (caster level equal to character level).
Skills: 0 gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.
2 crafter
LN middle-aged Unseelie Court Fey Magic-Blooded Beguiler Artificer 1
Small Fey (augmented)
Hit Dice (hp): 1d6-2 (4hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30ft, climb 10ft, fly 30ft (average)
AC: 0 (+ armor, +3 dex, +1 size, + shield), touch 10, flatfooted 10
BAB/Grapple: +0/-9
Attack: Claw + melee (1d3+str)
Full Attack: 2 Claws + melee (1d3+str) and Bite + melee (1d4+1/2str)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: Artificer knowledge, artisan bonus, craft reserve 20, disable trap, infusions (2+1/-/-/-/-/-), item creation, rake 1d3+str, spell-like abilities, summer caress
SQ: Bonus feats, darkvision 60ft, fey traits, iron vulnerability, low-light vision, true sight
Saves: Fort -2, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 19, Con 7, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 16
Skills: Appraise +7, Climb +12, Concentration +2, Craft (alchemy) +7, Disable Device +7, Hide +16, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +7
Feats: Legendary Artisan, Multiattack (B), Scribe Scroll (B)
Languages: 3 Beguiler, Common, Draconic, Infernal
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family (-1)
Equipment: 200gp
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day- detect magic, Nystul’s magical aura, Nystul’s undetectable aura, read magic (caster level equal to character level).
True Seeing (Su): Beguilers always see as if under the effect of a true seeing spell.
Skills: 0 gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks. While dry, beguilers can change the hue and pattern of their fur to match the coloration of their surroundings, even to colors and patterns not found in nature, giving them a +8 racial bonus on Hide checks. A beguiler can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.
3 poison/drug maker
LN middle-aged Unseelie Court Fey Jermlaine Druid 1
Tiny Fey
Hit Dice (hp): 1d8-2 (6hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40ft, fly 40ft (average)
AC: 0 (+ armor, +3 dex, +2 size, + shield, + natural), touch 10, flatfooted 10
BAB/Grapple: +0/-13
Attack: + melee (d+)
Full Attack: + melee (d+)
Face/Reach: 2-1/2ft/0ft
SA: Focused animal companion, spells, summer caress, wild empathy
SQ: Darkvision 60ft, fey traits, iron vulnerability, low-light vision, nature sense, speak with rats, 0
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +7
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 17, Con 7, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 6
Skills: Concentration +0, Craft (poisonmaking) +4, Handle Animal +2, Hide +11, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (nature) +4, Spellcraft +4, Survival +7
Feats: Greenbound Summoning
Languages: Common, Druidic, Infernal, Jermlaine
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family (-1)
Equipment: 75gp
Spells: 0 casts divine spells as a 1st-level druid. Save DC 15 + the spell level.
Summer Caress (Su): Surrounded as if by the warm verdant air of summer, an unseelie court fey is protected by a magic circle against nature. This ability functions much like magic circle against evil, except that it protects against attacks from all creature of any alignment, except for those of animals, fey, magical beasts, or plants. Caster level is equal to her HD.
Skills: 0 gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
LN Swindlespitter Animal Companion
Small Animal (reptilian)
Hit Dice (hp): 4d8+8 (40hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30ft
AC: 23 (+1 armor, +7 dex, +1 size, +4 natural), touch 18, flatfooted 16
BAB/Grapple: +3/-2
Attack: Beak +11 melee (1d4-1)
Full Attack: Beak +11 melee (1d4-1)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: Poison spray
SQ: Bonus tricks 2, darkvision 60ft, evasion, link, low-light vision, scent, share spells, uncanny dodge
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +5
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 25, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 18, Cha 13
Skills: Hide +18*, Listen +6, Move Silently +7*, Spot +6
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Deadly Poison, Dodge (B), Weapon Finesse (B)
Equipment: Padded Armor (5gp, 5lbs)
Poison Spray (Ex): When threatened, a swindlespitter sprays a corrosive poison in a 15-foot cone from its mouth. Contact; Fort DC 18; initial damage blindness for 2d4 minutes; secondary damage 2d4 Con. The swindlespitter can spray this poison once every 1d4 rounds. Swindlespitters flee from blinded opponents if possible. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A swindlespitter is adapted to getting out of the way of larger dinosaurs. It has the ability to react to danger before its senses would normally allow it to do so. It retains its Dexterity bonus to AC even if it is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker.
Skills: A swindlespitter has a +2 racial bonus on Spot checks and Listen checks. *It gains a +2 racial bonus on Hide checks and Move Silently skills when in forested terrain.
4 locksmith
LN middle-aged Unseelie Court Fey Jermlaine Rogue 1
Tiny Fey
Hit Dice (hp): 1d6-3 (3hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40ft, fly 40ft (average)
AC: 0 (+ armor, +4 dex, +2 size, + shield), touch 10, flatfooted 10
BAB/Grapple: +0/-8+
Attack: + melee (d+)
Full Attack: + melee (d+)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, vernal touch
SQ: Darkvision 60ft, fey traits, iron vulnerability, low-light vision, speak with rats
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +4, Will -3 (+4 vs. sleep and paralysis)
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 19, Con 5, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 6
13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8
Skills: Disable Device +8, Hide +16, Intimidate -1, Listen +9, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +8, Search +8, Sleight of Hand +8, Spot +9
Feats: Tactile Trapsmith
Languages: Common, Infernal, Jermlaine
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family (1)
Equipment: 200gp
Vernal Touch (Su): To receive a vernal touch is like kissed by springtime itself, full of life and promise. At will, as a standard action, the unseelie court fey can touch a creature with a vernal touch. This touch removes dazed, nauseated, fatigued, and exhausted conditions from living creatures. Against a touched undead, this touch acts like a turn undead attempt, as by a cleric with two levels lower than the unseelie court fey’s HD.
Skills: 0 gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
5 bodyguard
N Proto Dragonborn Incarnate Draconic Lolth-Touched Warforged Gerivar 1
Medium Humanoid (augmented, dragonblood)
Hit Dice (hp): 1d8+8 (16hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30ft
AC: 0 (+ armor, -1 dex, + shield, +10 natural), touch 10, flatfooted 10 [+2 dodge vs. dragons]
BAB/Grapple: +0/+12
Attack: Slam + melee (1d8+str)
Full Attack: 2 Slams + melee (1d8+str) and Bite + melee (1d6+1/2str)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: Draconic aspect (wings), powerful build, rage 1/day, spell-like abilities, 0
SQ: Bonus feat, dragonblood subtype, gerivar body, immune to frightful presence of dragons
Saves: Fort +10, Ref -1, Will -2 (+4 vs. sleep, paralysis, mind-affecting, and enchantment)
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 9, Con 27, Int 8, Wis 7, Cha 4
Skills: Climb +12, Hide +3, Intimidate +1, Jump +22, Move Silently +3
Feats: Improved Sunder (B), Monster Blooded (Str), Monster Hybrid (gerivar) {Faustian Pact}
Languages: Common, Giant, Infernal
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family ()
Equipment: 0 -100gp, -30%
Draconic Aspect (Wings) (Ex): A dragonborn who selects the wings aspect hatches sporting fully formed wings. Dragonborn can use these wings to aid in their jumps, gaining a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks and to glide. A dragonborn with 6 or more Hit Dice, gains the ability to fly.
Gliding: A dragonborn can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall from any height and allow 20 feet of forward movement for every 5 feet of descent. Dragonborn glide at a speed of 30 feet (average). Even if a dragonborn’s maneuverability improves, she cannot hover while gliding. A dragonborn cannot glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.
If a dragonborn becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl, and powerful ligaments stiffen them. The dragonborn descends slowly in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter the actual distance of the fall.
Instability (Ex): Proto-Creatures are unstable. When they are reduced to -10hp, their bodies break down, dissolving and rotting away until all that is left is proto-matter, dust, or similar base material. Proto-Creatures who succumb to instability may not be raised, but may be resurrected if the proto-matter is retained.
Madness (Ex): Because of their flawed and poorly developed psyches, Proto-Creatures are less susceptible to mind-affecting effects. They gain a +4 racial bonus to saves against mind-affecting and enchantment spells and effects.
Rage (Ex): As a barbarian with levels equal to its HD, for the purposes of times per day. Proto-Creatures who deal damage to a creature automatically enter a rage, unless it makes a Will save (DC 15). This ability stacks with a Proto-Creature with barbarian levels.
Skills: 0 gains a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
6 sneak
LN Unseelie Court Fey Jermlaine Swordsage 1
Tiny Fey
Hit Dice (hp): 1d6-1 (5hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40ft, fly 40fly (average)
AC: 0 (+ armor, +4 dex, +2 size, + shield), touch 10, flatfooted 10
BAB/Grapple: +0/-13
Attack: + melee (d+)
Full Attack: + melee (d+)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: Discipline focus (0 Weapon Focus), maneuvers, vernal touch
SQ: Darkvision 60ft, iron vulnerability, low-light vision, quick to act +1, speak with rats
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 19, Con 8, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 3
Skills: Hide +16, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (local) +3, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Tumble +8
Feats: Mercantile Background {Faustian Pact}, Weapon Finesse
Languages: Common, Infernal, Jermlaine
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family (1)
Equipment: 160gp -30%
Maneuvers: Disciplines- desert wind, diamond mind, falling anvil, setting sun, shadow hand, and tiger claw; maneuvers known- banana peel drop, counter charge, everyday arsenal, mighty throw, pie to the face, seltzer spray; maneuvers readied- banana peel drop, counter charge, pie to the face, seltzer spray; stances known- child of shadow.
Skills: 0 gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
7 ?
no ideas yet
8 ?
no ideas yet