The "ensemble" consists of Arcanist's Gloves that have had the daily charge limit removed, costing 539.06 gold, and a pair of bracers that cast Kelgore's Fire Bolt at CL 3, costing 2328.75 gold. (Totaling 2867.81) Although that it needs to be bracers kind of ruins the "Right Wing of Raziel" idea...
Winthrop has 1609.8 left... and Cornelia has 3,174.25 left. Okay, we should be golden on this end. False alarm.
Or I could make it a CL 5 wand with 50 charges and it would only cost 2156.25 gold, not have to purchase the gloves, and still save about 75 gold. I think I'll go with that, instead. It should be about 50 charges before it's no longer useful to the party, anyway.
Double Edit: Ehhh. No. I'm greedy. 30 charges. Now Winthrop still has money left without needing to borrow anything from Cornelia and she can still spend some cash on the followers.