I'm in every way not opposed to it. As much as help as I can get would be great. My bonus breakdown looks like this right now:
+9 ranks, diplomacy
+6 morale, Kluz
+4 insight, soulmeld (1 essentia allocated)
+4 competence, circlet
+4 untyped, charisma
+3 untyped, psicrystal
+2 circumstance, circlet
+1 untyped, polite trait
Additionally, if a Diplomacy check is allowed, Natali and Winthrop will attempt to aid Cornelia by giving her telepathic hints and advice through her worldthought network, possibly providing up to another +4 (since that is among the reasons she employs them).
Also, the Magus is our employer, so we're essentially allies at this point, and the reward for going along with Cornelia would be favorable for the Magus and have little risk of personal backlash, so her check should qualify for a -10 DC modifier on the check, right?
Edit: Sir P has responded to a personal message; yes, I can use Kluz's aura, and anyone who feels with would be appropriate may attempt to use the aid another action.
Now I just need to know
where and how I'm supposed to make the check.
Also, after reading into Divine Mind/Marshal, I learned that the bonus is a morale bonus, not a circumstance bonus. Nonetheless, I did not already have one of these, so we're still good.
Second Edit: I have done this: