Hi all. I've got a fairly basic question about how spell progression works in epic. I'm in an argument with a pedant over on another board and want to smack him down, but I want to get my facts straight first, and there's no better place to come than here.
So, my question. Say you have a Fighter 4/Wizard 16 (bad build, I know, but I want to keep the examples simple). They go up to character level 21, and the player adds a level of wizard. The character is now "epic," since the character level is 21. The character can't cast epic spells, since they can't take Epic Spellcasting. They do, however, gain the casting increase of become a 17th level wizard, correct? That would continue until they were a Fighter 4/Wizard 20 (character level 24), at which point they wouldn't gain any more spell slots. Or does their spell progression permanently stop when they reach character level 20?
Side question: take a Cleric 3/Wizard 3/MT 10/Wizard +4 (or Wizard PrC 4). Is there ever any reason to take Epic MT more than 3 levels, at which point you've taken Wizard casting to level 20? At that point if you wanted to top off your cleric, wouldn't you be better advised taking a cleric PrC? (Of course, you'd be better advised coming up with a better build, but if you're dealing with someone you absolutely insists...)
Thanks for the advice.