rad (click to show/hide)It's a challenging lookyou is being challengedby a devotee of Homosexual Chicken Kung Fu
Quote from: konnerthefirst on November 28, 2011, 11:52:38 AM"So mister Deputy are you gonna help us find this group of zombies?" Joseph says eagerlyAt the moment my assistants are verifying your credentials. If they check out we help you. If not we arrest you.
"So mister Deputy are you gonna help us find this group of zombies?" Joseph says eagerly
I'm here and ready to keep confusing the hell out of everyone I meet.
Bill puts his chin in his palm and nods at Bert Most impressive, I must say.
Kintal wipes spider goo off of his face. "I need a bath before eating..."
team zombeh (click to show/hide)"No wraiths are more like pissed off ghosts that can pull out your soul"
Kintal hisses loudly, his hackles raised as lightning arcs between his teeth. He does not approve.
"We'll have yer place ready in an hour er so. You had dinner?"