LN Unseelie Court Fey Magic-Blooded Lesser Wispling Sublime Rogue 5/Poisoner 1
Small Fey (augmented, halfling, planetouched)
Hit Dice (hp): 6d6-12 (24hp)
Initiative: +11
Speed: 20ft, fly 20ft (average)
AC: 27 (+11 armor, +7 dex, +1 size, -1 flaw, -1 trait), touch 16, flatfooted 21
BAB/Grapple: +3/-2
Attack: +0 Morphing Barbed Dagger +11 melee or +12 ranged (1d3+6)
Full Attack: +0 Morphing Barbed Dagger +11 melee or +12 ranged (1d3+6)
Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft
SA: Maneuvers (8, 4, 2), poison touch, poison use, sneak attack +1d6*, spell-like abilities, trapfinding, winter’s chill
SQ: Darkvision 60ft, DR 5/cold iron, evasion, fey traits, halfling traits, iron vulnerability, low-light vision, planetouched traits, skill mastery (sleight of hand), uncanny dodge, versatility
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +14, Will +3 (+2 morale vs. fear)
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 25, Con 8, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 20
Skills: Balance +9, Bluff +16, Climb +9, Craft (poisonmaking) +15, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +9, Escape Artist +18, Forgery +12, Gather Information +10, Hide +22, Intimidate +11, Jump +11, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Listen +12, Move Silently +20, Open Lock +14, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +20, Spellcraft +6, Spot +12, Tumble +12, Use Magic Device +10
Feats: Darkstalker, Leadership, Master of Poisons (B), Quick Reconnoiter, Weapon Finesse (B)
Flaws: Frail, Vulnerable
Traits: Aggressive
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Infernal, Undercommon
Action Points: 8 x 1d6
Maneuvers: Dizzying Venom Prana, Iron Fang, Ki Dodge, Shadow Jaunt, Sight Piercing Fang, Silencing Tactics, Sting of the Rattler, Sudden Strike
Stances: Light as a Feather, Poisoner’s Stance
Affiliation: Calasper Crime Family (9 score)
Leadership: cohort 11, follower 13
Equipment: 305.97gp, +0 Morphing Shuriken x2 (crafted, 264.62gp, 0.05lb), +0 Malleable Reinforced Chahar-aina (crafted, AE, Dr347, FR:Und, 1164.38gp, 5lbs), +1 Reinforced Dastana (crafted, AE, Dr347, 1135.63gp, 2.5lbs), +1 Reinforced Segmented Chain Shirt (crafted, PHB, Dr347, 1293.75gp, 12.5lbs), Alchemical Tooth (CaD, 300gp), Belt of Ultimate Athleticism (crafted, MagC, 1552.5gp), Bolt Cutters (AE, 6gp, 5lbs), Boots of Agile Leaping (crafted, MagC, 258.75gp, 1lb), Drow House Insignia (painless death) (crafted, Drow, 267.38gp), Dull Gray Ioun Stone (DMG, 25gp), Dust Eggshell Grenade x5 (OA, 50gp), Garlic (AE, 0.01gp), Hollow Boot Heel x2 (CS, 40gp), Liquid Sunlight (CS, 20gp), Marbles (AE, 0.2gp, 2lbs), Masterwork Bluff Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Masterwork Escape Artist Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Masterwork Hide Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Masterwork Lock Picks (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Masterwork Move Silently Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Masterwork Sleight of Hand Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Masterwork Spot Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Metal Tongs (AE, 3gp, 4lbs), Possum Pouch (crafted, CaD, 776.25gp, 1lb), Shiftweave (crafted, MagC, 215.63gp, 5lbs), Silent Portal Disk (crafted, FR:Mag, 150.93 gp), Small Magnet (AE, 10gp, 1lb), Universal Solvent x3 (DMG, 150gp)
Team Items: Alchemist Tools (5gp, 5lbs), Amazing Lock (PHB, 150gp, 1lb), Enveloping Pit (crafted, MagC, 1552.50gp), Everlasting Rations (crafted, MagC, 150.94gp, 1lb), Forger’s Paper (CS, 10gp), Hollow Boot Heel x2 (CS, 40gp), Insectbane Candle x5 (AE, 0.5gp), Ladder (0.05gp, 10lbs), Masterwork Poisonmaking Tool (PHB, 50gp, 1lb), Papyrus of Deception (crafted, CaD, 862.5 gp), Possum Pouch (crafted, CaD, 776.25gp, 1lb)
Iron Vulnerability (Ex): The mere touch of iron or steel deals 1 point of damage to him. A hit from an iron or steel weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. His DR still applies to this damage, unless the weapon bypasses it.
Maneuvers: Disciplines- Black Lotus, Kuji-Kiri, Lightless Divine Wind, Open Jaws, Savage Cutthroat, Shadow Hand, Steel Serpent, Viper Fang.
Maneuvers known- elusiveness, enduring venom, ghost hand feint, ki dodge, scorpio thrust, shadow jaunt, silencing tactics, veiled stab.
Maneuvers readied- 0.
Stances known- light as a feather, poisoner’s stance.
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day- detect magic, disguise self (CL 1st), Nystul’s magical aura, Nystul’s undetectable aura, read magic. CL equals character level, save DC Cha-based.
Winter’s Chill (Su): He has a presence that disquiets non-fey. The more beautiful he is, the more uncomfortable other creatures feel. Living, non-fey creatures within 5 feet of him feel uneasy and take a morale penalty on saves equal to the his Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Skills: Blackbird gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks and a +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Knowledge (arcana), Listen, Move Silently, and Spellcraft checks.