How not to construct a logical argument
...... As a former Debate champion, that, f***ing, hurt.
I wonder how that guy would respond to the knowledge that a simple evolutionary chemical marker is all that is needed to cause a creature's scales to instead develop as feathers. Or how another one will cause a bird to develop teeth. Such interesting discoveries about evolution that geneticists are finding every day...
... This guy starts into his logic with:
I must first show that belief in God has merit, which is a far easier task. God’s existence, after all, is the best explanation for any supernatural phenomenon that might exist,
And then goes on to provide only the most cursory of anecdotal evidences, with no appeal to the audience at all.
"Hey, I've seen this, so that makes it true. And because that's true, and I ignore any other explanation for it, that means that this other assumption I made must be true. Thusly, my thesis must be true."
That's, what? A triple-layered Non-sequitur?
It is, at least:
The textbook version of Appeal to Belief;
The textbook version of Begging the Question;
An, interesting, reversal of Ad Ignorantiam. Which is normally putting the burden of proof on the other guy, when its on you, this guy is taking on a burden of proof that belongs to someone else (like people who actually know things about either religion or science).
About four different cases of Questionable Cause.
Yep, that hurt to read. Especially at the point when he claims to be a rational person who understands this stuff. When, quite frankly, he proves that he neither understands the science, nor even the very religion he espouses.
Which is even more hilarious when you read the bottom:
Ed Reep is a Rutgers Business School senior majoring in supply chain and marketing science with minors in business and technical writing and economics
So, the guy is talking out his ass. He has no credentials behind his ignorance. I could forgive this if it was someone who actually had reason to think they knew what they were talking about (Educated Idiots are abound), but nope, just a normal idiot.
Makes me terrified what his Economics might be like.