I think you're underestimating the consequences of dropping your weapon.
You declare a full-round action to attack (standard for a mundane).
You roll a 1. You drop your weapon.
You have used up your entire turn already - you must wait until your next turn to pick it up.
Ignoring a smart enemy taking your weapon, you expend a move-action to pick up your weapon on your next turn. This also provokes an AoO from anyone that threatens you (Table 8.2, pg 141 PHB)
You now only have a standard action, preventing you from making a full-attack this turn.
So, for the sin of rolling low on your attack, you lose two full attacks, potentially your weapon, AND give the enemy free shots.
Should it never happen? Not my call to make, but 5% is sure as hell too high a chance.
As has been pointed out, this punishes players more than monsters for a number of reasons:
-Players are squishier, and more likely to die to that AoO that a monster
-There are more monsters - it takes time, money, and experience to resurrect a dead PC
-Most monsters do not have a weapon to drop. If a monster using natural attacks rolls a 1, it misses the attack, but keeps on going - it doesn't lose the current turn of attacks or the next turn, it doesn't provoke an AoO. For a monster, a natural 1 is functionally no different than rolling below the player's AC.
>Leave computer on for a week
>Come back, open old webpage, respond without thinking
>Notice dates, be embarrassed, frantically look for "Delete" button
>Settle for "Modify"