If this isn't kosher, let me know ariasderros, that's part of the reason I was spelling it out here
It's fine.
Just remember that Mindsight alone wouldn't let you target people, since they'd still have total concealment. But it would work well enough for AoE's and things like Astral Construct.
Prc is close to what I want, ducks I cant get in yet. I'll. See what I can find laying around. And I'll. Need word from A though to get approval for the concept too
Just remember, the more freakish you look, the more wary people will act.
He said it well here:
but the PCs can be unique snowflakes
But, as I mentioned about the Nagaja and Warforged, being mosterous is allowed, being overtly monsterous might make things difficult.
Something along the lines of this would be great if anyone knows of anything similar or this is allowed.
Approved with certain "fixes".
First, Constitution is not a casting stat. Guy casts Divine Spells, from the Druid list. Wisdom.
Second, Vermin Servant is subject to approval. Don't know of anything I'd say "No" to, but I'm just covering my bases here.
Third, Spider Hand, uses per day should be based off of either Charisma, or Wisdom. Again, not Constitution.
I want to go Martial Hexblade... If it's ok with ariasderros swap one of the disciplines available with this one...
I like everything about that class with one major exception. The manouver recovery mechanic sucks. If you are fighting a big group of weaker enemies, you are powerful, one big bruiser, though, makes you much weaker. Also, does any enemy in your aura count for the recovery? I'd say no, but it isn't clear.
Needs something else for recovery, though IDK what.
As far as the school, I haven't finished reading it yet, and I realize you got it from a different game, but yes, you can Albel Nox, the Albel Nox out of Albel Nox as much as you'd like to Albel Nox.
... That's a yes.
I would say swap out for White Raven, since that doesn't make much thematic sense for a Hexer.
Most probably Human for race... Any race you guys know that helps with debuffing aside from Unseelie fey (that one from Dragon Compendium)?
A Diaboli tail poison causes the sickened condition. I know there are others, I just can't think of them right now.