My hope is not a fighter rewrite, but a set of feats or other abilities that can be added to characters, but that assist mundane combat and skills more than spellcasting. Perhaps I'm going at this backwards; should I be looking at ways to make it easier for melee's to be casters? Would doing this make it too individually focused, rather than team oriented?
Prime32's ideas are easiest to address:
Iterative 'turns'/Celerity, etc.: Definitely; feats that give pounce, or better, full attacks as a standard action, should happen. Let's try to keep away from extra actions that would let casters do more casting, though. (Again, perhaps I'm 'hating' too much on casting here...)
Scaling bonuses to anything (Initiative was his example); yes. I'll have to look at ToB more for that; Initiator Level roughly equates to a Caster Level for 'mundanes'.
Super stuff; yes, these things are what I was hoping to do. ToB likely does some/most of it already.
Dman11235: You're right; powering up fighters/mundanes will be problematic without fixing casters. My goal is to make it so that a character or group w/o any casters is viable through perhaps lvl 15-16. Without having large amounts of optimization. Fast healing, DR, SR etc. are what I'm trying to add to make mundanes have fewer binary defenses and the ability to recover from failures of their defenses without casters fixing them. Really, maybe I'm just thinking about this wrong, but that's the intent.
Mobility: most definitely yes. Super jump , zippy-fast movement, climb speeds, swim speeds, slow fall and even flight are where I'm looking to go. Looking at monk (without nausea!) and increasing the scale of his abilities could be one way to start increasing mobility for 'mundanes.' Mobility is the greatest need that non-casters have to fill at higher levels.
Some "Plot-hax" seem OK for 'mundane' characters. Mind reading, fear effects, short-range teleportation (d-door), clairvoyance/scrying all seem to be OK for mundanes. The shrink item, long-range TP, extradimensional stuff is a definite maybe. Invisibility/untouchability (Gaseous Form, Etherealness, Wraithstrike) are desirable.
Now, after thinking about it some, I know that characters can't exist in a vacuum; teamwork is really the crux of D&D's design. However, since casters can usually spend their resources (Summoning/Calling meatwalls/trap springers, knock, etc.) to play without mundanes, the reverse should be true as well. Just as in the case with casters, having another player providing that support should be better than doing it yourself, but you should be able to function passably well alone.