OK, in regards to the Meta-cybernetics Feats, I'd prefer a sort of middle ground.
Me too. Any ideas? I could do it like the Improved Energy Capacity feat (just pick a module when you refresh your energy). That would probably be the easiest and clearest way to do it.
Also, about the Princely Detective, I made some modifications and clarifications and formatting fixes, so she SHOULD be ready for critique now. Give it your most intense critique, she'll need it!
I'm not going to cover minor typos and wording that is inconsistent with other PoC classes and terms. That can be dealt with later when things are more firm.
I'm looking through it. The first thing that jumps out at me is the energy pool. It's way too large at the lower levels. As a general rule, you want the energy pool to be around 50% of the total energy capacity of your modules and other class-granted energy receptacles, and probably never more than about 75% of capacity. Otherwise, you remove one of the major mechanics, allocating your limited energy pool. On top of that, too much energy (or modules, but that's fine in this case) at levels 1-3 makes the class too good as a dip class for other cybernetic classes. I'd recommend dropping the energy pool to somewhere between the Energy Warrior and the Cyberneticist. I'd also recommend altering the module progression to be the same as the Energy Warrior, just for consistency (at present, it appears to be almost exactly the same, but delayed 2 levels).
(And I'm assuming that it's supposed to be 11 energy at level 7, not 41? Also probably supposed to be 4 modules, not 5.)
Try to fill those dead levels (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 11th, and 17th) with some class features. In particular, make sure you have something (or a pair of minor somethings) at 1st level. Maybe something to do with Wisdom, as it's otherwise used only for Countershield HP and initiative (for which you have to wait until level 14). While Wisdom may be useful later on, you do not, at present, have any strong reason to want it until later levels. Given the skillful nature of the class, I could also recommend granting Trapfinding, Track, and/or Urban Tracking.
As detectives, I'm surprised the skill list doesn't have more information-gathering skills (Intimidate, Gather Information, Sense Motive, Search, Knowledge (local), Knowledge skills in general, etc.). I could also see adding Open Lock and Disable Device to the list, especially given the trap-based class features. I'm especially surprised that Knowledge (architecture and engineering) isn't on the list given that Cybertraps specifically asks for that skill check.
Why no proficiency with any melee weapons? I'd expect at least simple weapons. Everyone but the Monk, Wizard, and Druid gets the full gamut of them.
I'm having trouble understanding how Cybertraps work, exactly. Could you explain it to me, and maybe we can work on some clearer wording? Also note that the Energy Warrior's Energy Beam ability was changed significantly in the most recent update, so you may need to alter how Cybertraps use that.
With the Assistance socket, do allies gain the benefit of energy you have allocated to the module, or do they need to allocate their own energy. Can they even allocate their own energy?
Countershield needs a duration. Its action is supposed to be a full-round action, correct?
The ability sounds more like a supernatural ability than an extraordinary one (if you change it, don't forget to explicitly state that it's still affected by damage reduction despite being supernatural).
"Close" range will need to be defined here since caster level doesn't exist for extraordinary abilities. Personally, I'd leave it as a fixed radius (say, 15 or 30 feet), possibly increasing through class features at later levels.
The defensive aspect of the Countershield seems minimal. It's roughly equal to 1 hp/level + 2x Wis mod. While that might be significant at lower levels where it can absorb one or two hits, it lacks the scaling to keep up at higher levels. Maybe add your Wisdom modifier once again to the shield's hp every 4 or 5 levels beyond 3rd? On a related note, I'd also suggest changing the formula to level + 2x Wis mod (if positive) instead of level + Wis score - 10. It'll make it easier to calculate, not having to work with both addition and subtraction, and working with ability modifiers that are already used by all sorts of other abilities instead of raw ability scores.
Further Assistance seems like it scales up to a mildly excessive number of modules. I'd recommend only 3 modules by level 20, possibly 4. Either way, I'd suggest spreading them out a bit more evenly across the class levels (say, 1 module at 2nd, then 2 at 10th and 3 at 18th, or if you go with a total of 4 modules then add them at 2nd, 8th, 14th, and 20th, maybe).
Do you want me to look at the modules yet?