Speaking of Leadership, Halfings get a Feat that allows them to share spaces.
Tome of Battle Rangers ring a bell? White Raven Ranger, the Red Tiger Claw Ranger, etc.
Also I second something like a +5 Hell-Forged Hardened Obdurium
Clockwork Armor has like Hardness 52 & 150HP and I know there is another Hardness increasing spell (or power) that has a 24 hour duration if you really needed more. It's +4 Circumstance bonus is an absolute must. Not to mention that it is as effective as Heavy Plate but not ACP/ASF, or MDB. You can't get better armor than that, and if you do its feasible to call the 3rd party source you get it from OP (because in it's own way, this armor already is).
Restful & Durable from Dungeonscape cost 1,000gp combined and prevents rust while letting you sleep in it. Add another 14k to make it "Of the Deep", granting water breathing, immunity to pressure related damage, and you ignore penalties for underwater fighting. It's like a diving suit, or maybe
space armor! In fact, get your self a +5 Splitting Energy Bow and take Exit Wound & Power Attack for a "plasma" weapon. And don't forget to pick up Explosive Starburst Arrows for "missiles".