Scout 4/Ranger 9/Tempest 5/Highland Stalker 2
Race: Human
Ranger 1 1st favored enemy, Wild Empathy, Track (B), Expeditious Dodge, Weapon Finesse(Human)
Ranger 2 Two-Weapon Fighting (B)
Scout 1 Skirmish +1d6, Trapfinding, Mobility
Scout 2 Battle Fortitude+1, Uncanny Dodge
Scout 3 Fast Movement +10 ft, Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Trackless Step
Ranger 3 Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC, 2nd Favored Enemy, Swift Hunter, Endurance(B)
Ranger 4 Skirmish +2d6/+2 AC, Animal Companion, Spellcasting
Ranger 5
Ranger 6 Skirmish +3d6/+2 AC, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting(B), Spring Attack
Tempest 1 Tempest Defense +1
Tempest 2 Ambidexterity (-3/-1)
Tempest 3 Tempest Defense +2, Two-weapon Versatility, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
Tempest 4 Ambidexterity (-2/-0)
Tempest 5 Tempest Defense +3, Two-Weapon Spring Attack*
Scout 4 Skirmish +3d6/+2 AC (+5d6/+4 AC), 3rd favored enemy, Bounding Assault*, Improved Skirmish
Highland Stalker 1 Mountain Stride
Highland Stalker 2 Skirmish +4d6/+2 AC (+6d6/+4 AC)
Ranger 7 Skirmish +4d6/+3 AC (+6d6/+5 AC), Improved Critical (or whatever)
Ranger 8
Ranger 9 Skirmish +5d6/+3 AC (+7d6/+5 AC)
-Very Basic (PHB, PHB 2, C.Adv, C.Sco)
-Four Attacks on a Spring Attack with no TWF penalty
-Decent damage per hit (+7d6 skirmish)
-Good AC/Touch AC +8 AC (including tempest defense)
-Only requires Dex and Con
-Feat Intensive
-Comes 'online' late - 15th level
-Precision damage
-Useless in cramped quarters or against fliers (hint: get a Phoenix Cloak)
Wiz 1/Scout 4/Ranger 10/Tempest 5
Race: Draconic (cancels penalties) Gray Elf with LA buy-back
Scout 1 Skirmish +1d6, Trapfinding, Expeditious Dodge, Power Attack(flaw), Otherworldly (flaw)
Scout 2 Battle Fortitude+1, Uncanny Dodge
Scout 3 Fast Movement +10 ft, Skirmish +1d6/+1AC, Trackless Step, Mobility
Mystic Ranger 1 Wild Empathy, Spellcasting, Track(B)
Mystic Ranger 2 1st Favored Enemy
Mystic Ranger 3 Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC, 2nd favored enemy, Two-Weapon Fighting (B), Swift Hunter
Shooting Star Mystic Ranger 4 Skirmish +2d6/+2 AC, Improved Spellcasting, Endurance (B)
Scout 4 Skirmish +2d6/+2 AC (+4d6/+4 AC), Improved Skirmish(B)
Fighter Feat Wizard 1 Wizard Casting, Spring Attack(B), Sword of the Arcane Order (Use Gloves of the Balanced Hand to qualify for Tempest)
Tempest 1 Tempest Defense +1
Tempest 2 Ambidexterity (-3/-1)
Tempest 3 Tempest Defense +2, Two-weapon Versatility, Improved TWF (for paranoia's sake if you lose GotBH)
Tempest 4 Ambidexterity (-2/-0)
Tempest 5 Tempest Defense +3, Two-Weapon Spring Attack*
Mystic Ranger 5 Skirmish +3d6/+2 AC, (+5d6/+4 AC), Bounding Assault
Mystic Ranger 6
Mystic Ranger 7 Skirmish +3d6/+3 AC, (+5d6/+5 AC), 3rd favored enemy, Woodland Stride, Improved TWF (B) (retrain the earlier feat to Practiced Spellcaster: Wizard)
Mystic Ranger 8 Swift Tracker, Open Feat/GTWF
Mystic Ranger 9 Skirmish +4d6/+3 AC (+6d6/+5 AC), Evasion
Mystic Ranger 10 Use Heroics for Rapid Blitz*
-6 Attacks on a Spring Attack with +6d6 Damage
-High CL. SotAO adds Ranger levels to Wizard CL. Shooting Star adds Wizard CL to Ranger CL for Ranger spells. With Orange Ioun Stone and Practiced Spellcaster(Wizard), Wizard CL = 16 and Ranger CL = 27
-Good Polymorph/Alter Self Forms (access to Outsider forms)
-+9d6 Sneak Attack with Hunter's Eye and Greater Invisibility/Black Tentacles to use it. Or just flank.
-Wraithstrike gives +18 damage when power-attacking or just plain reliable attacks otherwise.
-With AC from skirmish, Tempest and buffs, very hard to hit. Access to Mirror Image to add insult to injury.
-Playable at all levels (though lags a bit during Tempest)
-A little MAD pre-Polymorph. Wants 13 Str, 13 Dex, decent Con, good Wis and 15 Int
-Still precision damage mostly
-Still feat intensive
-Ditching Tempest and Spring Attack for Revenant Blade would likely be a superior build