A) My GM lets me play an Ur Priest in Pathfinder and in the last session I was given the role of raising the party members that die as skeletons due to a level 1 Cleric spell that turns a corpse into a skeleton, then after I used Reanimation on a PC the GM ruled anything I reanimate is automatically Awakened, permanent, and under my control, but possessed and can "go berserk" reminding me of Golems from 3.5
In other words, until I get Resurrection, if more than the 2 already dead PCs die, I can raise them as skeleton slaves until I get Resurrection spells, at which point I will kill their skeleton forms, fix their skeletons, restore the skeletons to lifeless bodies, and resurrect them. While they are my skeleton slaves, the players can play as their dead characters, but if I give them orders they have to follow them and they have a 5% chance each round to "go berserk". Normally his ruling would be more broken, but all of our enemies so far are Constructs so I can't mass-animate an army of undead. As for "divine casters" in the party, the only other one is our Paladin without access to spells AND we are using the Nordic gods for our campaign, he worships Thor, so the GM might rule if he becomes a skeleton that he can keep his paladin powers.
B) I got a good car for $300 ^^