I have played Dungeons and Dragons for a good portion of my life and for a few months now I've developed something of an obsession with creating a much more realistic set of rules than most rpg's use. I'd like to construct something of the perfect system, perfect of course being a subjective term here.
I have spent plenty of time trying to revamp the D&D 3.5 system because it is what I know best and because I feel it contains the greatest amount of options and customization, but recently decided I need to create a separate system to achieve everything that I want. At first I tried switching to a skill based system because I've seen the realism that creates in a game, but in a world full of magic and supernatural, as well as extraordinary, abilities a level based system just felt right. That being said I have made significant changes to what leveling actually grants a player.
I would love to use this topic as a brainstorming area and place to post everything that I am working on or have completed for public thought/speculation. By all means if anyone has an idea about how to make the system closer to the real world (or a real world that has magic anyways) please share.
The goal here is to create the most simulationistic (realistic with fantasy aspects) and customization friendly system possible. And without further adu:
What I have so far:
Several base classes that later expand
Bell curves on most variables (creating a much more "average" world)
Race and Ability overhauls (No more racial HD)
Complete racial permeability (17 races so far, which all can generate half-breeds with each other)
Many templates
New hit points system (Based off of vitality and wound point system; hit points DO NOT increase with level)
To hit and damage recalculations (creating slow exponential advances; damage limits based on size)
New skill system
New awareness system
New speed system (everyone has a speed rating, which adds up repeatedly allowing for some characters to act more often then others)
New defenses system (having separate defense capabilities against different types of attacks)
Pages of traits that alter character capabilities and power level
In Progress:
Advanced classes
Feats system
Spellcasting system
Psionics system
Monster races
I will begin listing things I have done below, and if it seems like interest is picking up I'll list more.
Bell Curve Idea:All die rolls (except for percentage) will use only six siders. This creates a higher minimum, sometimes an altered maximum, and higher chance of rolling a number towards the middle. For instance, whenever a d12 needed to be rolled previously (for damage on larger weapons and such) now 2d6 will be rolled. This makes the minimum roll 2 while the maximum roll stays at 12. There is however only a 2.8% chance of rolling the minimum or the maximum, where on a d12 there is an 8.3% chance. There is a 16.7% chance to roll the median in the new system, while on a d12 there is still an 8.3%. This creates a much more likely average roll, decreasing some uncertainty and making big or small rolls more exciting. Below is a list of dice changes.
1d6 = 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8
2d6 = 1d10, 1d12
3d6 = 2d8, 2d10, 1d20
4d6 = 3d8, 2d12
5d6 = 4d8, 3d10
6d6 = 3d12
7d6 = 5d8, 4d10
8d6 = 6d8, 5d10, 4d12
9d6 = 7d8
10d6 = 6d10, 5d12
11d6 = 8d8
12d6 = 9d8, 7d10, 6d12
13d6 = 10d8, 8d10
14d6 = 7d12
15d6 = 11d8, 9d10
16d6 = 12d8, 8d12
Ability Overhaul:Ability scores are now more beneficial because of the wider range of things they affect. For instance a character's speed factor is found by taking the square root of the character's dexterity score (some races and class abilities can still directly affect the speed factor however).
Abilty Scores:There are six ability scores just as in D&D. Each character has a strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma score; however, there are no ability modifiers. Characters use their entire ability score in any necessary calculations.
Hit Point System:Hit points are now put into two relatively unchanging groups, wound points and vitality points.
- Wound points measure a character's minor damage threshold. This means a character can take damage equal to their wound points before taking lasting damage. Every character has wound points equal tho their constitution score (or in the case of unliving beings their strength score plus their charisma score). Wound points are recovered naturally and are generally easy to heal.
- Vitality points measure a character's major damage threshold. This means any damage applied to a character's vitality points are lasting, and quite difficult to recover, but a character only takes vitality damage when they have run out of wound points or when a critical hit is scored against them. Each character has vitality points equal to half of their wound points. Vitality damage must be treated to be healed.
Speed System:Each character has their own speed factor. This is found, as previously stated, by taking the square root of a character's dexterity score, rounded down, with modifications based on traits and specific character abilities. Each character would then add their speed factor repeatedly until someone got to ten, in which case that character takes a turn. This means that characters with high speed factors will get to act more often than those that do not, but the speed factor gets more and more difficult to increase as it grows. For instance, the average human with dexterity 10 has a speed factor of 3, a dexterity of 16 is needed to achieve a speed factor of 4, a dexterity of 25 is needed for a speed factor of 5, and a dexterity of 36 is needed for a speed factor of 6.
Humans are the most average and numeous of the races.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: +2 to Any (at time of creation)
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Any
- Bonus Skill Points: A Human recieves an additional 10 skill points at first level, and an additional 2 every level afterwards
- Bonus Feat: A Human gets an additional feat at first level
- Human Empathy: Humans are highly intuitive when it comes to the feelings of others, granting them a +4 racial bonus on sense motive checks.
Dwarves are a short and sturdy people.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: -2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
- Vital Bulwark: Dwarves have naturally resistant digestive and immune systems, granting them a +4 racial bonus to fortitude defense.
- Sturdy: Dwarven natural stockiness makes them extremely hard to trip, granting them a +4 racial bonus against trip attempts.
- Low-Light Vision: Dwarves' eyes can adjust to make greater use of light than other races, allowing them to see twice as far by limited light.
Elves are a graceful, intelligent, and fragile race.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
- Keen Senses: Elves have over active senses and therefore treat all perception checks as if they were one step more alert at all times
- Highly Independent: Elves prize their independence instinctually, granting them a +4 bonus against Enchantment effects
- Naturaly Enchanting: Elves are, by nature, attuned to enchantment magic, granting them +1 Spellcasting power when using those kind of spells
Orcs are vile, brutish creatures.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma
- Drakvision: Orcs, through their corruption, can see in the dark as if there was dim lighting out
- Brutality: Orcs may enter a state of increased aggression when needed, allowing them to ignore any fatigue penalties from taking vitality damage for up to one minute per day
- Thick Skin: Orcs have unnaturally thick skin, granting them DR 1/-
Gnolls are fearsome beastial creatures. They stand significantly taller than most races and blend canine features with humanoid ones.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: Strength +4, Dexterity +2, Wisdom -4
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: Strength +2, Dexterity +4, Wisdom -4
- Fur Coat: Gnolls have thick fur covering their bodies, granting them increased resistance to cold temperatures
- Acute Hearing: Gnollish hearing is extremely delicate and precise, granting them a +4 racial bonus on perception checks when hearing is involved
- Scent: A Gnoll can sense other beings with their acute sense of smell
- Bite: Gnolls have a bite attack
Goblins are small mischievousness beings.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: Strength -2, Dexterity +2, Charisma +2
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: Strength -4, Dexterity +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma +2
- Bad Ju-Ju: Once per day a Goblin can create an effect identical to that of the hex spell
- Goblin Scurry: Goblins have climb speeds equal to their base speed
- Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark as if there was dim lighting out
Hagspawn are said to have been born into the world an eternity ago, before the fall of the hags. They live for extensively long periods of time, and reproduce very sparingly.
Racial Traits:
- Male Ability Score Adjustments: Dexterity -2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +6
- Female Ability Score Adjustments: Constitution -2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +6
- Blindsight: Hagspawn have the innate divination ability of their ancestors, granting them blindsight out to 30ft