Right... I'm looking at the Spellwarped Template from 3.5's Monster Manual 3. Specifically the Spell Absorption.
Spell Absorption (Su):
Whenever a spell fails to penetrate a spellwarped creature’s spell resistance, the creature gains one of the following
benefits, chosen at the time that the spell resolves.
The spellwarped creature gains a +4enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute.
The spellwarped creature gains a +4enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute.
The spellwarped creature gains a +4enhancement bonus to Constitution for 1 minute.
The spellwarped creature gains temporary hit pointsequal to 5 × the level of the failed spell.
The spellwarped creature’s base speed increases bya number of feet equal to 5 × the level of the failed spell.
The spellwarped creature gains resistance 10 to one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic)
While Might, Agility, and Endurance give durations for their bonus, Speed does not. Does this mean if I cast spells at it, and its resistance blocked all those spells, it could just continue gaining speed?
Also, out of curiosity, how would the Resistance option interact with existing energy resistance? Just use the better value, right?