Character GenerationUse the point buy system in PHB1.
Select a background or region(FRPG)
Pick a more recent event that marks your character as an adventurer. This may be background related or something in the characters backstory.
Keeps alignments Unaligned or better please.
You are allowed to use:
Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
Arcane Power
Divine Power
Martial Power 1
Martial Power 2
Primal Power
Psionic Power
Dragon Magazine (PM me for approval first though)
Sites to UseMyth-Weavers - Online character sheets.
Invisible Castle - Your online dice bag.
In Play RulesMinimum post of 1 every other day. If you know your going to be away and unable to post for a time please let me know so we are not waiting and either I or one of the other players can play your character in your absence.
Please hide OOC comments in the Game thread in Spoiler blocks;
Rolls for skills, attacks, and damage. Listing out what actions and powers/spells you are using. Plus comments, questions and applicable movie quotes
Please no meta gaming. If you have knowledge as a player that your character wouldn't know, please avoid using that knowledge.
If the party splits up we will move one group to a Group B thread until the groups join back together again.
Please read the posts above where you are posting. This will help you avoid issues that can arise where one player does something and another doesn't pay attention but and does something to put the other in peril;
Player C says
"Drop your weapons and come quietly and you will live villians!" Rolls Diplomacy check 25
Player B says
"Burn in my hell fire you bastards" and casts fireball.
Player A says
"DIE!!!" and charges into the throng of enemies swinging wildly.
DM says "Nice roll there C, sorry it falls on deaf ears as the damage from B's fireball not only turned the enemies to ash but also A. Be sure to pick up the correct ashes so you don't resurrect one of the orcs.
If you don't know how to do something but have an idea, just ask in the OOC thread. Across the table conversation is welcome.