"Ah, the prisoner. No we have not had any real chance to garner any information out of him. He wont speak to anyone unless we cut him a deal. He is to have a proper trial and likely will be hanged for his crimes." Troyas answers solemnly. "You are welcome to try to gain what information you can, he may be your best hope in finding where the beasts lair outside of tracking them somehow."
After another sip of tea he continues, "As for your first request, I find myself hard pressed to provide for you. I wish I could help, but you need to understand my position here. I am newly appointed to the council after my Mother's recent passing. My sister, myself, and a small few others on the council; from what I can see, are out for the common welfare of our community. The rest have become mostly complacent with their standing especially the ones that head various guilds. Their pursuit of wealth drives their decisions."
By reports you are capable. From what Marill tells me you may even rival our celebrated Heroes. You appear to be better equipped then any on our militia and most of our guard, plus you wield magic which fewer and fewer can claim these days. As for a horse and cart, even if one were available now, I don't know of many bandits or goblinoids that lair right off of main roads, I think you would find it of little use to you. Your path is likely to take you fairly deep into the wilds."
After a moments contemplation and some more tea, "Though I am sure with a little coaxing I might be able to have old Marsh Laval scrape up enough food and drink to fill your packs for the journey."