Round 3 Results!Atanos hauls himself off the stone and races quickly off the runes as they begin to flare angrily again, whispering a quick prayer as he goes. Divine light surrounds him and several of the magical burns disappear from his exposed flesh.
Dalanath smiles, his enemies are finally cooperating. The hobgoblin has allowed itself to be flanked, it will soon learn that was a mistake. He lashes out blindingly fast, hoping to catch his foe off guard. His thin blade rips a large wound in the hobgoblin and she cries out in a shriek of pain.
Gamesh swings his petrified treebranch he has imbued with psionic energy. The release of that built up power bring him clarity and Nrogut pain as she unsuccessfully tries to defend herself from 2 sides. As Gamesh turns his attention to attacking the master, the needlefang pets are quick to sink their teeth into the scaled hide of the dragonborn.
Søffå steps lightly past the wounded Dunor, pursuing the jolted mass of drakes blown away by the Warden. Swinging his blade in an arc that releases magical power in a wave, which has a devastating effect on Nrogut's already scattered pets. Many lay on the stone dead. A few are still spasming from the shock delivered earlier by Dunor.
Another bolt flies from the halfling hand towards the swarm, but they once again miss the writhing mass. Theo's blast parts the swarm again with little effect. Though the writhing mass is slower to jump back into the fight still reeling from the shock dealt by Dunor.
Gamesh fending off the drakes and their hobgoblin master is stung by a crossbow quarrel from seemingly out of nowhere. It takes a moment for the dragonborn to realize the bolt came from the doorway and a goblin hidden behind it.
Atanos has no sooner finished his prayer that his is struck by a small crossbow quarrel. It takes a moment for the elf to realize the bolt came from the doorway and a goblin behind it. The door closes slightly without a whisper blocking all but the most discerning view
Nrogut lashes out with her viscous whip as she screams in protest at her beloved pets being killed. The whip wraps around Gamesh and with an impossibly strong tug, she again yanks the battlemind from his feet and sends him sprawling back into the runes. They flare angrily consuming the dragonborn's flesh as he writhes on the stone into unconsciousness. Then she commands some of her remaining pets toward the Elven Cleric.
The remaining drakes on the left half of the room snap needle sharp fang filled jaws at Soff'a. But their moves are hindered by their still spasming bodies. A few still manage to hinder the swordmages legs enough to trip him up and landing hard on his back they use the opportunity to sink their teeth into the upper regions of his body. But while laying on the floor makes him an easier target his magic saves him and silver runes flare around him guarding their worst mauling.
The drake swarm closest to their master leaps at the command and the small bodies dive over the Cleric trying to drag him to the floor with their numbers. The Elf begins to fall but as soon as the drake swarm gnashes at Atanos, the electrical static surging between each drake discharges, blowing them away from the Cleric!
Dunor's attention then turns to the Hobgoblin. He steps toward her, gathering electrical energy as he swings his hammer by the strap attached to its handle. The Northerner than releases it into the Hobgoblin. As it strikes, the surge of electricity envelops the creature, with an arc apparently being held in Dunor's powerful hand like a length of rope. He tugs it back, and the hammer returns to his grip, his foe yanked toward him and away from his ally.
His voice brimming with a storm's looming fury, he says,
"You have done enough damage this day. Normally, I would give you a chance to surrender, or leave. Today, there is no such option. You die here, along with your wretched little pets!" The electrical jolting proves too much for the hobgoblin woman and she collapses from the shock and succumbing to her other wounds as well. She is dragged into the runes where the flames begin to consume her flesh.
Round 4 Begins!Map of the Von Jallach CryptInitiative--->Atanos @ B8 | Hit Points = 16/24 | Heal Surge = 11/12 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Dalanath @ G6 | Hit Points = 13/23 | Heal Surge = 10/11 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Gamesh @ D7 | Hit Points = -4/32 | Heal Surge = 10/11 | AP:0 | PP: 2 | Misc : Death Saves Failed = 0/3 | Cond : Unconscious (proceed with death saves), Prone
Thespias @ H6 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Søffå @ F4 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:0 | Misc : | Cond : ProneHidden Attacker | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Hidden Attacker | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Drake Swarm @ E3 | Hit Points = Down 35 | Cond :
BloodiedDrake Swarm @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 18 | Cond :
Slowed (Dunor - EoNT)Dunor @ F6 | Hit Points = 15/33 | Heal Surge = 15/16 | AP:0 | Misc :
| Cond :
BloodiedDeadNrogut @ F8 | Hit Points = Down 51 | Cond :
DeadWhile the green arrow indicates who is next in the initiative order, those also in Bold may go out of order as long as they are aware that they may need to alter it before the end of the round if something contradicts it from previous in the order.