Round 4 Results!Atanos rushes in, careful to avoid the drakes hopping around sparks still going off in their midst. Grabbing the dragonborn by the arm the cleric drags the heavy warrior out of the runes and away from the drakes kicking a few out of the way that come too close to his fallen charge.
The area around him finally safe for a moment, Dalanath takes a quick breather to center himself as he readies to face the drakes once again.
Gamesh falls deeper into unconsciousness. He will need help soon if he hopes to survive long.
Advancing so that he can see his opponents, Thespias electrical attack this time hits home. Theo's blast of lightning blasts away the remaining drakes on the left side of the room, scattering some the skitter for hiding among the alcoves in the darkness along the walls.
Søffå regains his footing and moves to confront the remaining swarm.
The swarm hisses and snap at the runes that leap around them as the tall human aggressively approaches. They leap at the swordmage, trying to bare Søffå to the ground as they bite at his legs and ankles while leaping onto his upper body. With so many swarming him Søffå he eventually stumbles and lands hard on his knees. More pile on once he falls but again most of their bites are hindered by his protective magics and his sturdy leathers.
Dunor rushes in next to Søffå, and uses his momentum in concert with his attack against the remaining drakes. Several drakes fall under the assault the rest are hindered further by tendrils of earth that spring forth from the cracks between the stones.
Round 4 Ends!Round 5 Begins!Map of the Von Jallach CryptInitiative--->Atanos @ A8 | Hit Points = 16/24 | Heal Surge = 11/12 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Dalanath @ G6 | Hit Points = 18/23 | Heal Surge = 9/11 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Gamesh @ B8 | Hit Points = -4/32 | Heal Surge = 10/11 | AP:0 | PP: 2 | Misc : Death Saves Failed = 1/3 | Cond : Unconscious (proceed with death saves), Prone
Thespias @ F5 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Søffå @ E9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:0 | Misc : | Cond : ProneHidden Attacker | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Hidden Attacker | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Drake Swarm @ D9 | Hit Points = Down 34 | Cond :
Slowed (Dunor - EoNT), BloodiedDunor @ E8 | Hit Points = 15/33 | Heal Surge = 15/16 | AP:0 | Misc :
| Cond :
BloodiedDeadNrogut @ F8 | Hit Points = Down 51 | Cond :
DeadDrake Swarm @ E3 | Hit Points = Down 47 | Cond :
DeadWhile the green arrow indicates who is next in the initiative order, those also in Bold may go out of order as long as they are aware that they may need to alter it before the end of the round if something contradicts it from previous in the order.