Dunor takes a minor action to retrieve a sunrod, then a standard to activate it.
Depending on what Dunor sees, I may spend move and my action point to catch up to the goblin, but I'd like the updated map before I choose, if it's not too much trouble. As a move action, Dunor shifts to C9. As a free action, he drops the sunrod, and then uses an action point to attack Kon. Seems like a waste, but I'd rather catch him before he can make it to any other goblins.
Dual Strike so I can mark him.
1d6(4)+2=6 damage, and hit or miss I mark Kon until the end of my next turn.
If Kon tries to shift (or attack someone who isn't me, in which case he takes a -2 penalty), then I make a Combat Challenge attack as an Immediate Interrupt. If he tries to make a ranged attack while adjacent to me, or move without shifting, I make the same basic attack anyway:
1d20(20)+7 *crit*
Damage: 1d6+5=11 damage (maxed due to crit)