Author Topic: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)  (Read 209942 times)

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #800 on: March 27, 2014, 12:26:36 AM »
Søffå cautiously enters the room torch raised high over his head to shed as much light as possible keeping alert.

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Atanos boldly stalks into the room, right to the edge of the torchlight, peering into the dim light to have a look around. His ears picking up a subtle sound. "What was that over there?" pointing to over to the right.

"I heard it too." as he points his sword in the direction of a long low hiss that comes from the darkness off along the wall to the right that everyone hears.

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Current Party Status!

Map of the Mushroom Chamber


Atanos @ | Hit Points = 24/24 | Heal Surge = 9/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dalanath @ | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Gamesh @ | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Søffå @ | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Adronsus @ | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :

Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #801 on: April 01, 2014, 10:02:22 AM »
Dalanath slips through the doorway, keeping away from the potential noise.  He's had enough excitement for now.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #802 on: April 02, 2014, 08:27:41 AM »
Over imagining all the large evils that could be lurking where the sound issued from, Søffå whispers to the group, "Prepare yourselves." and lobs his torch toward the low hiss plunging most of you into darkness. The flaming brand flies through the air but is thrown harder than he wanted and clatters loudly off the wall. The light reveals two large wingless dragon-like creatures, One a deep red the other with red-brown scales. As soon as the illumination uncovers their hiding spots they leap to attack.

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Map of the Mushroom Chamber


Atanos @ G8 | Hit Points = 24/24 | Heal Surge = 9/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dalanath @ M7 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Gamesh @ N8 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ K7 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Søffå @ K9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ O9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Adronsus @ P9 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ H15-I16 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Red-Brown Drake @ D15-E16 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #803 on: April 02, 2014, 10:15:55 AM »
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Offline Aurenn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #804 on: April 02, 2014, 11:45:49 AM »
Gamesh is guarded around these creatures, unsure of their alignment he hisses, "Tir ti nar sva udoka, isthasyi. Yth geou dolruth persvek martivir sjek wux re ekess shala coi."

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Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #805 on: April 02, 2014, 09:28:06 PM »
Dunor prepares his weapon and shield, ready to throw down.

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #806 on: April 03, 2014, 07:54:08 PM »

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #807 on: April 03, 2014, 09:14:44 PM »
Mushroom Chamber Rage Round 1 Begins!

Map of the Mushroom Chamber


--->Søffå @ K9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ H15-I16 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Red-Brown Drake @ D15-E16 | Hit Points = Down 0 | Cond :
Dalanath @ M7 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ G8 | Hit Points = 24/24 | Heal Surge = 9/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Gamesh @ N8 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ O9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ K7 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Adronsus @ P9 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :

The drakes are seemingly unaffected by the Gamesh's words. Søffå races forward, closing the ground between himself and the drake nearest. As he goes he intones an incantation. Runes float about the Deep Red Drake. The tall human swings him blade scratching the deep red scales on the large wyrm's neck. A scratch is all that is needed and as the swordmage steps back a few steps the drake is lured along as if on an invisible leash.

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Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #808 on: April 03, 2014, 09:53:42 PM »
The deep red drake roars and snaps it's jaws at Søffå, the agile swordmage dancing out of the savage bite.

The red brown drake climbs up a pile and leaps forward at Atanos, a big puff of spores engulfs it as it does. It brings both front claws to bare on the cleric rending him bloody.

Mushroom Chamber Rage Round 1

Map of the Mushroom Chamber


Søffå @ K9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ I14-J15 | Hit Points = Down 2 | Cond : Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 6 | Cond :
--->Dalanath @ M7 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ G8 | Hit Points = 4/24 | Heal Surge = 9/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Bloodied
Gamesh @ N8 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ O9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ K7 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Adronsus @ P9 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #809 on: April 03, 2014, 10:40:21 PM »
Wanting to flank one of the creatures, Dalanath move around behind the one attacking Atanos.  After seeing the puff of spores he'd like to avoid the fungus as much as possible.

Tumbling up behind the creature Dalanath then attempts to bury his dagger in its back.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #810 on: April 03, 2014, 11:27:43 PM »
The dagger sinks satisfyingly into the drakes flank. It turns on Dalanath with a roar.

Mushroom Chamber Rage Round 1

Map of the Mushroom Chamber


Søffå @ K9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ I14-J15 | Hit Points = Down 2 | Cond : Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 21 | Cond :
Dalanath @ M7 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
--->Atanos @ G8 | Hit Points = 4/24 | Heal Surge = 9/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Bloodied
Gamesh @ N8 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ O9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ K7 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Adronsus @ P9 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #811 on: April 03, 2014, 11:58:27 PM »
Atanos steps back as the drake turns, drawing his longbow with an arrow knocked and lets fly at close range. the arrow sinking to the fletching in the drake. Whispering a prayer to his deity, some of the wounds close.

Mushroom Chamber Rage Round 1

Map of the Mushroom Chamber


Søffå @ K9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ I14-J15 | Hit Points = Down 2 | Cond : Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 31 | Cond :
Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
--->Gamesh @ N8 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ O9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ K7 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Adronsus @ P9 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline VennDygrem

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #812 on: April 09, 2014, 08:43:41 AM »
Dunor rushes straight ahead, swinging his hammer as he goes. Still a few feet away, he swings at the large shape obscured by shadows, going by the faint glow of the mushrooms to see by.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #813 on: April 11, 2014, 08:12:45 AM »
Gamesh strides across the stone beside Dunor and swings mightily at the Red-Brown Drake but the club just glances off the hardened scales of it's flank as it is turning for Dalanath.

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As Gamesh misses the large human swings his hammer at the drake but fails to land a solid blow and the drake slips barely from the static charge that would have leashed it and dragged it to Dunor.

Theo slides behind some rubble within range of both fights. Seeing Dalanath in danger, the Halfling brings up a small whirlwind that envelopes the rogue and blows with such force that its kicks up dirt and debris into the swirl. The drake fights the wind but Theo growls and pours more fury into the spell driving the drake off its feet to land hard on the ground.

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Søffå @ K9 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ I14-J15 | Hit Points = Down 2 | Cond : Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 48 | Cond : Bloodied, Prone, Marked (Gamesh)
Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Gamesh @ N8 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond :
Dunor @ O9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Thespias @ K7 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
--->Adronsus @ P9 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond :

« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 08:17:50 AM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #814 on: April 13, 2014, 12:05:24 PM »
Andronsus moves cautiously into the dark space behind the raging battle. Keeping to the wall he inspects some of the mushrooms closer. "Hmm, I don't appear to know these types." he says.

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Mushroom Chamber Rage Round 2 Begins!

Map of the Mushroom Chamber


--->Søffå @ K14 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond :
Deep Red Drake @ I14-J15 | Hit Points = Down 2 | Cond : Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 48 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent); Bloodied, Prone, Marked (Gamesh)
Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions) | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Gamesh @ H9 | Hit Points = 32/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Dunor @ I9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Thespias @ K10 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Adronsus @ M12 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 12:25:14 PM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #815 on: April 13, 2014, 01:15:23 PM »
Getting an idea from what he witnessed from the first drakes disturbing the fungus on its charge, Søffå attacks and quickly dances backward pulling the drake with him. It's bulk slams into the debris and some of the mushrooms explode into an inky cloud of spores.

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The drake in front of Søffå, keeps up it's biting assault but can't see the human well in the black cloud.

The Red-brown Drake bleeds from several wounds which only serves to enrage it more. It lashes out at Gamesh which its snapping jaws filled with razor sharp fangs as it rolls back onto its feet.

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Søffå @ K15 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent);
Deep Red Drake @ K14-I15 | Hit Points = Down 5 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent); Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 48 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent), Bloodied Rage (+2 to attack and damage while bloodied); Bloodied, Marked (Gamesh)
--->Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions) | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Gamesh @ H9 | Hit Points = 19/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Dunor @ I9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Thespias @ K10 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Adronsus @ M12 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)

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« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 01:18:34 PM by Melblen_Cairn »
Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Nanshork

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #816 on: April 13, 2014, 01:21:41 PM »
Dalanath looks to see if he can get around the drake to flank again but the fungus covered debris makes him decide against it and so once again he strikes at the creature.

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Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #817 on: April 13, 2014, 01:33:51 PM »
The rogues blade hits nothing but darkness as the drake is not in the exact spot he thought.


Søffå @ K15 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent);
Deep Red Drake @ K14-I15 | Hit Points = Down 5 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent); Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 48 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent), Bloodied Rage (+2 to attack and damage while bloodied); Bloodied, Marked (Gamesh)
Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
--->Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions) | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Gamesh @ H9 | Hit Points = 19/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Dunor @ I9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Thespias @ K10 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Adronsus @ M12 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)

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Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #818 on: April 14, 2014, 12:26:57 AM »
Atanos lets fly with another arrow sinking deep into a soft vital spot.


Søffå @ K15 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent);
Deep Red Drake @ K14-I15 | Hit Points = Down 5 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent); Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 61 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent), Bloodied Rage (+2 to attack and damage while bloodied); Bloodied, Marked (Gamesh)
Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions) | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
--->Gamesh @ H9 | Hit Points = 19/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Dunor @ I9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Thespias @ K10 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Adronsus @ M12 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)

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Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.

Offline Melblen_Cairn

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Re: Rescue at Rivenroar (Game Thread)
« Reply #819 on: April 19, 2014, 07:11:07 PM »
Gamesh slips around the drake as it snaps and brings his club down with a solid blow. The dragonborn continues to move to his left after the strike.

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Søffå @ K15 | Hit Points = 27/28 | Heal Surge = 7/9 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent);
Deep Red Drake @ K14-I15 | Hit Points = Down 5 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent); Marked (Soffa)
Red-Brown Drake @ F9-G10 | Hit Points = Down 69 | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent), Bloodied Rage (+2 to attack and damage while bloodied); Bloodied, Marked (Gamesh)
Dalanath @ G12 | Hit Points = 23/23 | Heal Surge = 8/11 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond :
Atanos @ F7 | Hit Points = 17/24 | Heal Surge = 8/12 | AP:2 | Misc : Low-Light Vision (negates concealment in dim light conditions) | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Gamesh @ F8 | Hit Points = 19/32 | Heal Surge = 6/11 | AP:1 | PP: 2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
--->Dunor @ I9 | Hit Points = 33/33 | Heal Surge = 13/16 | AP:1 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Thespias @ K10 | Hit Points = 25/25 | Heal Surge = 12/12 | AP:2 | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)
Adronsus @ M12 | Hit Points = 14/15 | Heal Surge = 0/1 | AP:N/A | Misc : | Cond : Concealment (heavily obscured, -5 penalties to attacks against or -2 for adjacent)

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Wisdom has two parts; having a lot to say, and not saying it.