Link you still are making zero freaking sense. You butt in here and demand that Gate's usage of "compulsion" has zero rule value and it should be treated as a typical English word. But then you fail to understand the same BS can be said about "command". IE "I
command you to post your social security number", and I very much doubt you're going to do that. Without any rule value the
requirement to obey doesn't exist. But to you "command" has rule value but the word you don't like has none. It's a double standard of unfairness.
Then you run off and say Compulsion isn't Mind-Affecting when the rules say it is. Either through inheritance from Enchantment for the Subschool or the Special Abilities based entry that within its own text it covers all spells and all abilities. All spells meaning Abjuration of even Gate. You claiming it's not is you arguing with printed rules, a meaningless futile debate.
And then still yet, you agree. Gate's usage
is a [Compulsion], so why are you even arguing it isn't? First 2/3s of your post don't even have a reason to be typed up. Instead, you want to say it's not Mind-Affecting because Gate it's self lacks the Tag. Wow, just wow. What next? Prismatic Spray doesn't deal Fire damage because it lacks that descriptor too?
I think the reason I can't understand a damn thing your saying is because you just pick and mix a lot of bullshit to invent some point and it ends up as a single incoherent mess of jibberish. But here is what it boils down to, you agree its [Compulsion] based and RC says for a fact its Mind-Affecting. So that is the end of that, no more to discuss with you there.
On the is it or isn't it binary, eg
Deities/Uniques are not under Compulsion, then the rest are _insert_blank_here_, I've already mentioned it is an assumption of no third option multiple times. And in those same mentions, also there is nothing present to suggest there should be a third option.
So you have no reason to bring this up, unless you can state with
facts there is or isn't a 3rd possibility. And you aren't, you just want the possibility known and think that's proof to argue otherwise. It's known and not it's not.
So, why are you here at all? Either you're arguing against your self, the books, or just making long confusing posts to highlight what was already established several times by the guy you think your arguing against days or even weeks ago? And when answering this question, try to be specific and consistent. Be mindful of the rules and what you're already agreeing to as well, it'd help.
Edit - Cleaned the post a little when I got home.