Author Topic: Joined here because... Meh, why not.  (Read 1083 times)

Offline Psyga315

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Joined here because... Meh, why not.
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:39:57 PM »
My name is Psyga315, and I have a fond interest in Tabletop RPG games... well, in actuality, I have a fondness for tabletop games in general. They're to me what Video Games were to me when I was a kid it seems. Thing is, until recently, I never had the fortune of having a gameshop that's easy to access. But as soon as I found one, the first thing I bought was Dungeons and Dragons. Hey, it was the first, might as well.

I migrated here from the Rule of Cool site (as opposed to the other way around), and learned of the Legend System after a bit of conflict with it (I sort of rejected it because it felt like D&D, then I learned of the Multiclassing and that a few of my friends where throwing together a Legend RPG, so I decided to join), and I felt a little interested in that.

However, Tabletop Roleplaying is only an interest I've just begun to invest in. If you want to know of an interest that has more of my investment, it's Play-By-Post Freeform Roleplaying. Basically because it's a subsidiary of my passion for weaving stories. So, by extension, writing fanfiction is also an interest. I think the interest I have that incorporates TRPGs is this idea I have where you can use these RPGs as writing tools to write out stories. I have yet to fully experiment with this idea, but from what little I did, I think it could be possible to write a story from solo-playing a TRPG.