Hmm, so... because I don't think I specified abilities (and goal well enough), let's try this again. The aim is just to see what around what level Servants' abilities are,
not their performance. Their performance fluctuates wildly regardless of who they are. So, from the top, going from the wiki and complete material:
Saber, Lancer, Rider, and Archer are all at least good in melee (it helps if Rider stops keeping herself blind). Fake Assassin is skilled enough to fight Servants despite a power gap. True Assassin couldn't fight the others, Caster shouldn't be in melee at all without buffing, and even then she's at a huge disadvantage. Berserker... well, if he wasn't mad the whole time, he'd be far more dangerous, but physically less powerful. Finally, Gilgamesh's melee skill is practically non-existent, at least with swords. He's better than Caster or True Assassin due to raw physical skill, and smart enough to not get in such fights with the others unless he's got a huge advantage... if he does this seriously.
Supposedly, the lowest Servant ability is ten times the normal human maximum and progresses linearly. This doesn't seem strictly accurate (the gap between anyone and Lancer would be ridiculous with his speed) but it does seem to give a sort of vague ballpark. Normal jetfighters are apparently meaningless against a Noble Phantasm spaceship, bullets either can't hurt them or get dodged (under normal situations--/Zero Berserker is a strange exception), the scenery gets wrecked as mere backdrafts.
Fate/Stay Night doesn't really show Servants at their best next to maguses, because Shirou is
really damn weird and Heaven's Feel is more about the humans. Going from Fate/Zero, it's safe to say that someone almost completely normal wouldn't be able to see the stuff fired from Gate of Babylon, let alone react.
Anyway, the supposed relationship to normal human abilities, with only those that come up:
Strength: Strength. Is what it says. Lifting, hitting, crushing children's skulls without looking at them... yeah, that sort of thing.
Agility: Speed of movement as much as manual dexterity or anything. Also speed of attack.
Endurance: It's basically constitution, yup.
Mana: Maximum power they can have. Higher power = can use more draining abilities more, fight for longer, and take more damage (Endurance seems like it reduces it, because the actual measure of health for most of them, being magical constructs, is how much of this is left). Only blows to the head or heart actually stand any chance of doing massive damage.
Luck: How lucky they are. Lancer has E-Rank Luck and is constantly screwed over, Gilgamesh has A and everything falls into his lap. Also links to surviving Gae Bolg.
Noble Phantasm: Trump card strength. The direct rank is important for some things.
Now that's the generalities out of the way, specific Servants, starting with the 5th Grail War and then tacking Zero Berserker and Rider on at the end.
Using her best (read: only ones that accurately reflect her living capabilities) stats:
Strength: A
Agility: B
Endurance: B
Mana: A
Luck: A+
NP: A++.
Magic Resistance, A-ranked. Completely nullifies any and all attempts to use magecraft on Saber. Raw magical power works--that's Angra Mainyu's whole thing--but spells fail. Dragon-slaying abilities might work, but otherwise magic will just not work. Even command seals, which are powered by the Servant themselves, don't work on their own if she doesn't want them to (Kiritsugu had to use two to get her to do one action. A simple task is meant to be impossible to resist)
Riding, B-Ranked: enough to... ride any non-mythical creature, along with any vehicle. Which once lead to a race between a motorcycle and a lightning chariot.
Instinct at A-rank is enough to predict trajectories of things and therefore completely avoid them. It also somewhat negates visual and auditory interference, by basically predicting the future.
Charisma, B-Ranked, is sufficient for a king. Not too interesting.
Prana Burst is the sole reason why Saber, despite not having died and for all intents and purposes still being mortal, is capable of fighting Servants. She has such insane mana production when properly supplied that she can power herself to the levels seen above (specifically, she's really kinda fragile). Any non-mythical item can be broken in one blow with this ability.
Noble Phantasms:
-- Excalibur, A++, Anti-Fortress. Basically giant blast of magical light. Can destroy eldritch abominations. Do not stand in the way, because there seem to be two things it won't destroy. Ea's attack and anyone using Avalon.
-- Invisible Air, C, Anti-Unit. Covers Excalibur in wind that messes with light, which makes it hit slightly harder and completely invisible. Can be released for a speed boost by using it as a jet engine, or fired at people, or to speed up a motorbike beyond its own limits.
-- Avalon, EX. When activated, complete invulnerability, heal from anything, don't age. The only way to defeat her is to steal this.
Using his Fourth Grail War stats, because the fifth removes some of his more fun toys.
Strength: B
Agility: B
Endurance: B
Mana: A
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: EX.
Independent Action: A. Basically, he's not particularly tied to his Master, just needing him for huge power expenditure (and in the sequel, this becomes A+--he needs no Master, just power to use stuff).
Magic Resistance: C. Seems to be that epic spells would work. However, it's stated that his armour completely nullifies most everything you try to do to him (it was mistaken for a Noble Phantasm at first. Might still be, given his treasury), and his response to spellcasting would be to bury you in swords. Oh, and he knows a lot about magecraft for some reason.
Charisma: A+. No more mere popularity, it's more a sort of bizarre curse. If he chose to lead an army, they'd gain a huge boost in abilities.
Golden Rule: A. Attracts money and wealth because he once owned everything. Despite being non-combat, it explains why he has so many Noble Phantasms. This would probably mean that leaving him in a D&D world for any length of time would lead to adventurers wondering where the hell all the best stuff had gone.
Divinity: B(A+). The most godly of all Heroic Spirits, the gods managed to piss him off so much by killing his friend that his divine rank went down. There seems to be a correlation between divine ranking and gamebreaker abilities (Saber up there is tied to dragons instead).
Noble Phantasms:
-- Ea, EX, Anti-World. Can be fired as a blast that overwhelms Excalibur, a horrible vortex of wind that shreds an entire army of shadowy things, or as something that destroys the planet by breaking physics. Oh, and it shows you the world before it was made in doing so ('destroying the planet' seems to consist of making it crumble into nothingness). Oddly, given the full descriptions, it seems to be indicated that it'd put the planet back together, sans everything that was on it, if it was kept up.
-- Enkidu, Chains of Heaven, Anti-Unit. Chains that get stronger the more divine you are. Has the nasty side effect of blocking anything that might allow you to escape other than breaking them. Using his other Noble Phantasm, he can shoot it from behind you and to the sides and generally make it kind of hard to escape.
-- Gate of Babylon, E-A++. Lets him shoot weapons at people. Also contains wine. More seriously, it lets him pull things out of his treasury--which is the originals of the overwhelming majority of Noble Phantasms. If he's fighting seriously, he has an item for pretty much every occasion, and in a contest of power with the Noble Phantasms wielded by the people who made them famous, his are stronger. Some other fun things it includes are a flying, reality-breaking ancient spaceship, a sword/scythe thing that messes with immortality in bizarre ways, a sword that can cut the tops off of hills, and the thing that predates Caliburn and Gram (basically, Excalibur, but without the ranged component).
Also canonically capable of winning the Fourth Grail War in one night if he wanted to.
His ego is beyond compare. Despite this, his likes and dislikes are... odd:
Likes: Himself, power
Dislikes: Himself, snakes
Strength: B
Agility: C
Endurance: C
Mana: B
Luck: E
NP: ?
Magic Resistance: D. Not intimidating at all. Can be overcome if you're sufficiently powerfu[size=78%]l.[/size]
Independent Action: B. Two day survival. Can hang around for a while after he's killed.
Clairvoyance: C. Lets him survey a whole town from one high vantage point, and accurately snipe a high-speed target up to four kilometres away.
Thaumaturgy: C-. Below-average magus. It's important for his other abilities, though.
Eye of the Mind (True): B. Basically? Through analysis of the opponent, it's possible to fight exceptionally well despite a disadvantage in raw skill and power. This is how he was able to fight Lancer.
Unlimited Blade Works: Allows Archer to near-flawlessly reproduce any weapon he's seen once, complete with their history (which lets him use it as if he was the original wielder). Because he can just replicate them if broken, he can make the created weapons explode, to make up for their being flawed reproductions. It also contains a perfect defence against projectile weapons. It also contains a sword twisted so that it simply distorts space horribly as fired (rather than cutting off hilltops) and therefore rips Medea's defences apart from a considerable distance.
Alternatively, he can drag you into a world where he can create swords immediately and shoot them at you. As Shirou shows, it's the natural counter to Gilgamesh.
He states that copying Excalibur would kill him.
Strength: B
Agility: A
Endurance: C
Mana: C
Luck: E
Magic Resistance: C.
Battle Continuation: A. Will never give up in a fight, ever. Even if he's bleeding to death and can't stand, he'll just tie himself to a rock and keep fighting. Until he's completely and utterly dead, Lancer just won't quit.
Divinity: B. He has a lot of skills.
Disengage: C. Can run away. Basically, the battle is reset to square one, with conditions back to their starting points. Not sure if this heals anyone involved (that seems unlikely) but it probably negates any advantages the enemy has.
Rune Magic: B. Can... use runes. The only time this seems to get mentioned is that he could power up Gae Bolg so it could hurt Berserker.
Protection from Arrows: B.If the shooter is within line-of-sight, he can track the arrows down and defend against them. Doesn't work against sniping or area-of-affect stuff.
Noble Phantasm:
-- Gae Bolg, B, Anti-Unit. Stabs you in the heart. Very efficient. Only way to defend against it is extreme luck or to not be in range, since it gets cause and effect backwards. You're stabbed in the heart, therefore the technique takes place so you're stabbed in the heart, even if the spear has to bend in impossible ways. Oh, and it fills your body with iron barbs as well. Takes ages to heal even if you do survive.
-- Gae Bolg, B+, Anti-Army. A sort of carpet-bombing thing when Lancer launches the spear. Moves at Mach 2, so dodging or blocking it under normal conditions simply doesn't work. His maximum range ever used is apparently 40km, though Shirou thinks it might be able to hit the other side of the world.
Not mentioned: if there's a way for Lancer to die horribly in something, he will.
Using her better stats:
Strength: B
Agility: A
Endurance: D
Mana: B
Luck: E
NP: A+
Magic Resistance: B. It seems that, basically, the only magic that could hurt her would be about the same sort of stuff as epic spells.
Riding: A+. Anything but a dragon.
Divinity: E-. She's strictly speaking a divine spirit, but becoming a huge monster kind of ruined that.
Independent Action: C. I have no idea why, it's an Archer skill.
Monstrous Strength: B. She can boost her strength at the risk of turning into a colossal monster if overused.
Mystic Eyes: A+. Cybele is... dangerous. She doesn't even have to be seen by you, just have you in her field of vision. C or lower Mana means instant petrification, B means you're frozen if you get too close. A ranked or above just leads you to be slowed and weakened in all areas. Repeated exposure delays the effects somewhat because you can respond. They're more on the level of NP's than mere skill.
Noble Phantasms
-- Bellerophon, A+, Anti-Army. A bridle and saddle for Pegasus. This is no ordinary pegasus, though--without boosting its capabilities in any way, it's as immune to magic as Saber herself is, if not more, and incredibly hard to kill. With this on, it gets stronger, faster, and tougher--and it can use a charge attack that boosts its defence dramatically and allows it to move about 400-500kph. Overwhelmed by Excalibur, but capable of overpowering it if paired with Rho Aias.
-- Blood Fort Andromeda, B, Anti-Army. If you have enough power, once this is set up, then it can't harm you. On the other hand, if you don't, you'll find yourself dissolving into goop to give Rider more magical power. If you're inside, you can't get out; if you're outside, you can't get in. Takes ten days to gather the necessary power for full activation, though. If deactivated before you're dead, physical scars remain.
-- Breaker Gorgon, C-. Anti-Unit. Normally used to stop Cybele from freezing everyone, though that blinds Rider, it has the ability to create an area where no abilities that would affect the external environment work, and puts you inside Rider's mind, which leads to illusions. All magical abilities used inside it would fail.
Oddly, despite being Medusa, her alignment is Chaotic Good.
For reference, he's not even a proper Servant. He's playing the part of a person that doesn't exist.
Strength: C
Agility: A+
Endurance: E
Mana: E
Luck: A
NP: ?
Presence Concealment: D. He'd be good for spying.
Eye of the Mind (False): A. A sort of premonition or sixth sense, he managed to work out Excalibur's length through Invisible Air after only a few blows. A natural talent to sense danger.
Knowledge of Respect and Harmony: B. No matter how many times you fight him, you can't learn his technique or how to predict it. Battle is always as if you've never fought him before.
Vitrification: B-. Perfectly calm at all times, even when about to die horribly. Mind-affecting stuff doesn't work.
Noble Phantasm:
-- Tsubame Gaeshi, Anti-Unit. Three simultaneous strikes made by breaking reality through muscle power and practice, taking no more mana than movement. Impossible to dodge or block due to how it's arranged; dealing with one or two will leave the other to hit. However, his sword isn't invincible, and if damaged there's a single flaw in it.
Note: in terms of pure swordsmanship, this man who broke reality through following an idle thought on how to cut a swallow in flight is the best in the Fifth Grail War. The downside is that he has no ranged capabilities or defences at all, just his sword and speed.
AKA, He Who Nobody Cares About.
Strength: B
Agility: A
Endurance: C
Mana: C
Luck: E
Presence Concealment: A+. Impossible to detect until he gets ready to attack.
Projectile (Daggers): B. Thrown daggers are basically bullets.
Protection from Wind: A. Only any good against wind attacks. Helped him against Invisible Air.
Self-Modification: C. He fused a demonic arm with his, which leads to...
Noble Phantasm:
Zabaniya (Delusional Heartbeat), C, Anti-Unit. If his arm unwraps, he can make a fake heart and crush it, killing you. Or he can swap the two by touching your chest and eat the real heart to gain your intelligence. Only works on living people (maybe animals), can be resisted by having a high mana stat or extreme luck.
AKA Heracles. He's really damn tall.
Strength: A+
Agility: A
Endurance: A
Mana: B
Luck: A
Mad Enhancement: B. Boost to all stats, detracts from sanity. Majorly. The result of the above stats (though if you summoned him as a class not as inherently low-powered as Berserker, they'd probably be just as bad).
Battle Continuation: A. Can keep fighting for a while... when dead. Strictly speaking, mortal wounds don't kill him on the spot, and injury in general is greatly lessened. Pair this with God Hand and you might see the problem.
Bravery: A+. Nigh immune to mental interference, deals more damage in melee.
Divinity: A. Demigod.
Eye of the Mind (Fake): B. Despite being completely mad, this still functions, and feinting won't fool him. Given his sheer size and power, he's a troublesome opponent that can't be cornered.
Noble Phantasms:
-- God Hand, B, Anti-Unit. Nullifies all attacks of B-rank or lower completely, such that they don't work on him. At all. He must be killed 12 times to actually stay dead (and with a sufficiently powerful Master, like Ilya, these lives regenerate) and no ability works on him twice. In addition, entire classes of abilities become ineffective if used repeatedly--Caster's magecraft would only work a few times, then he'd be immune.
-- Nine Lives. A technique that could be used with any weapon he had on hand if not for his insanity. It consists of nine overlapping, simultaneous strikes. Arrows, swords, axes, spears...
She can't get a break, really. Summoned into a war with all these immunities and resistances floating around regardless of class appropriateness...
Strength: E
Agility: C
Endurance: D
Mana: A+
Luck: B
Item Creation: A. Can cheerfully make potions granting limited immortality, along with, apparently, a luck charm that makes you win everything possible whilst going shopping and a safe driving charm that makes you the best driver ever. Oh, and she can turn people into magical items if she likes their abilities.
Territory Creation: A. She can set up an area (in this case, it was Ryudo Temple) that weakens anyone not coming in through the front door, quite dramatically. So she put Assassin there.
High-Speed Divine Words: A. Can cast pretty much any spell in one word, from flying laser bombardment that could OHKO a non-protected Servant to crushing your chest with wind pressure, pinning you down, teleporting, creating a protective shield as tough as Berserker's skin, buffing humans so they can hurt Servants... her abilities are close to True Magic, and considerably more varied.
The skeletal army is pretty much her scattering dragons' teeth on the ground. She can makes as many as she pleases.
Noble Phantasms:
Rule Breaker, C, Anti-Thaumaturgy. Can cancel any magic except Noble Phantasms with this thing. This includes the Servant contract--which is what she mostly uses it for, because she really wants Saber on her team.
Argon Coin, EX. If she knew how to use this, she could summon a dragon and would go from one of the weakest Servants to mid-tier. Nasuverse dragons, at their weakest, appear to be around the level of the oldest D&D ones. They're horrible things.
She's definitively the worst Servant to oppose if you're a mere human, though, due to the sheer number of things she can do to you without opposition.
Has some interesting likes and dislikes listed:
Likes: Men of few words and sincerity, girls in cute clothes
Dislikes: Muscles
Well, that's it for the F/SN Servants.
Stated by Saber to be the greatest sword-wielding Servant.
Strength: A (A+)
Agility: A+ (A++)
Endurance: A (A+)
Mana: C (B)
Luck: B (A) (A+)
Mad Enhancement: C. Similar to B, but Luck and Mana aren't boosted.
Eternal Arms Mastership: A+. Skill with a weapon is so good that, no matter his mental state, he will always fight with the full measure of his ability. Given that the full measure of his ability is greater than pretty much everyone else's to have this in the first place...
Magic Resistance: E (D). Weakens magical damage.
Protection of the Fairies: A. Luck goes up a rank in battlefield situations where it's possible to perform feats of arms.
Noble Phantasms:
Knight of Honor, A++, Anti-Unit. Absolutely anything you put into his hands becomes equivalent to a D-rank Noble Phantasm. This includes telephone poles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, jet fighters, and probably cutlery. If it's someone else's Noble Phantasm, then he could use it as if it was his. Additionally, he fights with any of these items like a master that has trained their entire life in wielding them.
For Someone's Glory, B, Anti-Unit. Hides his identity in a black mist. If it wasn't for Mad Enhancement, he could masquerade as other Servants and people, without anyone's being able to tell.
Arondight, A++, Anti-Unit. The sister blade to Excalibur. Ranks up every parameter, doubles the effectiveness of saving throws, and is highly effective at killing dragons. It's also utterly indestructible. To make matters even worse, he's better at wielding this than he is at wielding anything else. Even though he could only use it for an incredibly brief period before running out of power, he was able to easily overwhelm Saber.
Without as weak a Master as Kariya, he would have been considerably more dangerous, as absolutely everything he does is considerably draining. Has the most ridiculous stats of any Servant ever.
AKA Broskander the Great. XD
Strength: B
Agility: D
Endurance: A
Mana: C
Luck: A+
NP: A++
Magic Resistance: D
Riding: A+
Charisma: A. The limit of human popularity.
Divinity: C. Claims to be descended from Zeus.
Military Tactics: B. Bonuses when using Anti-Army NP's or fighting them.
Noble Phantasms:
Via Expugnatio, A+, Anti-Army. A flying chariot with divine bulls pulling it, and if it tramples you you get struck by the lightning bolts beneath it. If activated, they're apparently as strong as Excalibur, though not as long-lasting.
Ionioi Hetairoi, EX, Anti-Army. A Reality Marble, which means getting dragged into another world of endless plains in this case, that allows him to summon his army. The thing about this army? Ever last soldier in it is a Servant, some stronger than he is. They may not be able to use their Noble Phantasms, but they can contribute to sustaining this. Normal Reality Marbles are gained as a result of magical ability. This one exists because of loyalty that transcends time and space.
Possibly the most hamtastic Servant in existence.
@ Os: Fate/Stay Night is not the best showing. The power of the Holy Grail takes, except for some circumstances surrounding how the Fourth Grail War was broken, around sixty years to charge up. Angra Mainyu is a Heroic Spirit, as well, so Sakura
isn't using mortal powers. As for beating Gilgamesh like that: Angra Mainyu gave him that body. Said body was the only thing anchoring him to the world. What, exactly, is so surprising that it could take it away?
Shirou, with Archer's arm, isn't fighting as a human. Also, Archer is Shirou in the future, so of all the possible humans to defeat Servants, it's one that got summoned into the war itself.
And, um, finally... Heroic Spirits, in death, are
much stronger than they were in life. Also, Saber got defeated by civil war and her own clone. :|
EDIT: Bottom line? Ignore whatever Rin, Shirou, and Sakura did (dark Sakura is, again, basically Heroic Spirit powered, so that's not even giving you the right idea), because the setting makes it clear that they're outmatched. Don't look at history and expect that to accurately reflect things, since at no point in history did we have late medieval armour in ancient Babylon.
If you want to know what Servants fighting properly is, watch or read Fate/Zero.
And please don't start scaling everything against the most highly optimised characters you can think of. Because that doesn't give any sort of accurate picture of the sum totality of all possible D&D characters ever. Plotting against the normal, here, not the extremes. :/
EDIT 2: And if you want to get pedantic about normal humans beating Servants: in Fate, Shirou killed nobody. In UBW, Shirou got a moral victory over Archer, and weakened Gilgamesh to the point Archer could finish him off (If Archer hadn't stepped in, Shirou would've been kind of dead). In Heaven's Feel, Shirou is
using Archer's abilities, effectively being a slightly weaker Servant. As for Sakura, when you're powered by all the world's evil and any Servants defeated in any way (coincidentally, Lancer died before Dark Sakura showed up), you are not a mortal mage. At no point did a human not drawing on a Servant's power defeat a Servant. >.>