Spells in Blessed Prayerbook: 1133/1,000 Pages Used
---1 (60, 60 pages): Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Undead, Hide from Undead, Magic Weapon, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I, Blessed Aim [SpC], Blood Wind [SpC], Ebon Eyes [SpC], Nightshield [SpC], Sign [SpC], Spider Hand [BoVD], Lesser Shivering Touch [Frost], Magic Aura [Magic Domain], Disguise Self [Trickery Domain], Enlarge Person [Strength Domain], Identify [Oracle Domain (SpC)], Detect Thoughts [Truth Domain (SpC)], Charm Person [Divine Bard], Grease [Divine Bard], Silent Image [Divine Bard], Undetectable Alignment [Divine Bard], Unseen Servant [Divine Bard], Focusing Chant [Divine Bard, SpC], Master's Touch [Divine Bard, SpC], Alibi [Divine Bard, EoE], Combat Readiness [Divine Bard, DotU], Charm Animal [Druid], Entangle [Druid], Magic Fang [Druid], Speak with Animals [Druid], Pass without Trace [Druid], Summon Nature's Ally I [Druid], Camouflage [Druid, SpC], Snake's Swiftness [Driud, SpC], Wall of Smoke [Druid, SpC], Winged Watcher [Druid, SpC], Wieldskill [Initiate of Gond, PGtF], Fleeting Fortune [Initiate of Tymora, CoV], Barkskin [Nentyar Hunter (UE)], True Strike [Nentyar Hunter (UE)], Lesser Restoration [Paladin], Rhino's Rush [Paladin, SpC], Silverbeard [Paladin, SPC], Animal Messenger [Ranger], Resist Energy [Ranger], Arrow Mind [Ranger, SpC], Embrace the Wild [Ranger, SpC], Guided Shot [Ranger, SpC], Hawkeye [Ranger, SpC], Hunter's Mercy [Ranger, SpC], Lay of the Land [Ranger, SpC], Lightfoot [Ranger, SpC], Sniper's Shot [Ranger, SpC], Primal Hunter [Ranger, DrM], Woodwisp Arrow [Ranger, CoR], Spider Climb [Slayer of Domiel (BoED)]
---2 (59, 118 pages): Desecrate, Shield Other, Silence, Summon Monster II, Zone of Truth, Balor Nimbus [SpC], Divine Interdiction [SpC], Divine Protection [SpC], Frost Breath [SpC], Cloud of Knives [PHB2], Lore of the Gods [CC], Bloodsnow [Frost], Elation [BoED], Hand of Divinity [MoF], Spectral Stag [MoF], Guidance of the Avatar [
Web], Wind Wall [Air Domain], Locate Object [Travel Domain], Black Sand [Sand Domain, Sand], Magic Circle against Evil [Exorcism Domain (ECS)], Sadism [Pain Domain, BoVD], Scorching Ray [Adept], Alter Self [Divine Bard], Blindness/Deafness [Divine Bard], Dimension Leap [Divine Bard, MoE], Fox's Cunning [Divine Bard], Glitterdust [Divine Bard], Invisibility [Divine Bard], Mirror Image [Divine Bard], See Invisibility [Divine Bard], Suggestion [Divine Bard], Tongues [Divine Bard], Sonorous Hum [Divine Bard, SpC], Vision of Entropy [Divine Bard, FC1], Lesser Celerity [Divine Bard, PHB2], Command Undead [Death Delver (HoH)], Gust of Wind [Druid], Summon Nature's Ally II [Druid], Bite of the Were-Rat [Druid, SpC], Briar Web [Druid, SpC], Kelpstrand [Druid, SpC], Master Air [Druid, SpC], One with the Land [Druid, SpC], Share Husk [Druid, SpC], Mass Snake's Swiftness [Druid, SpC], Halo of Sand [Druid, Sand], Scimitar of Sand [Druid, Sand], Bone Talisman [Druid,
Web], Knight's Move [Paladin, SpC], Snare [Ranger], Spike Growth [Ranger], Lion's Charge [Ranger, SpC], Swift Haste [Ranger, SpC], Burrow [Ranger, Und], Hunter's Eye [Ranger, PHB2], Primal Instinct [Ranger, DrM], Brilliant Energy Arrow [Ranger, CoR], Spellslayer Arrow [Ranger, CoR], Knock [Urban Ranger]
---3 (56, 168 pages): Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle Against Good, Meld Into Stone, Prayer, Speak with Dead, Summon Monster III, Girallon's Blessing [SpC], Ice Axe [SpC], Divine Retaliation [PHB2], Shivering Touch [Frost], Inspired Aim [BoED], Masochism [BoVD], Haboob [Sand], Battlemagic Perception [HoB], Delay Death [RoD], Lagozed's Breath [SK], Venomfire [SK], Redirect Spell [ShS], Fly [Travel Domain], Nondetection [Trickery Domain], Blacklight [Darkness Domain, SpC], Lesser Telepathic Bond [Mind Domain, SpC], Divination [Oracle Domain (SpC)], Recitation [Purification Domain (SpC)], Haste [Time Domain (SpC)], Dimensional Anchor [Portal Domain (FRCS)], Evard's Black Tentacles [Blackwater Domain (Storm)], Demonwings [Blackguard, FC1], Charm Monster [Divine Bard], Confusion [Divine Bard], Glibness [Divine Bard], Scrying [Divine Bard], Sculpt Sound [Divine Bard], Hymn of Praise [Divine Bard, SpC], Infernal Threnody [Divine Bard, SpC], Cone of Euphoria [Divine Bard, DoF], Death Ward [Consecrated Harrier (CD)], Greater Magic Fang [Druid], Summon Nature's Ally III [Druid], Bite of the Werewolf [Druid, SpC], Forestfold [Druid, SPC], Coral Growth [Druid, ShS], Engulfing Terror [Druid, DotU], Evard's Menacing Tentacles [Druid, PHB2], Restoration [Healer (Mini)], Mystic Lash [Initiate of Bane, PGtF], Greater Magic Weapon [Paladin], Find the Gap [Paladin, SpC], Righteous Fury [Paladin, SpC], Freedom of Movement [Nentyar Hunter (UE)], Command Plants [Ranger], Arrow Storm [Ranger, SpC], Primal Senses [Ranger, DrM], Arrowsplit [Ranger, CoR]
---4 (44, 176 pages): Summon Monster IV, Consumptive Field [SpC], Mystic Aegis [PHB2], Mark of the Enlightened Soul [DrM], Touch of the Blackened Soul [DrM], Fang Trap [SK], Venom Bolt [SK], Spike Stones [Earth Domain], Wall of Fire [Fire Domain], Dimension Door [Travel Domain], Resilient Sphere [Force Domain (SpC)], Opalescent Glare [Arborea Domain, SpC], Polymorph [Adept], Summon Giants [Disciple of Thrym, Frost], Greater Mirror Image [Divine Bard, PHB2], Dominate Person [Divine Bard], Greater Invisibility [Divine Bard], Legend Lore [Divine Bard], Locate Creature [Divine Bard], Modify Memory [Divine Bard], Shadow Conjuration [Divine Bard], Sirine's Grace [Divine Bard, SpC], Celerity [Divine Bard, PHB2], Reincarnate [Druid], Summon Nature's Ally IV [Druid], Bite of the Wereboar [Druid, SpC], Essence of the Raptor [Druid, SpC], Superior Magic Fang [Druid, SpC], Blast of Sand [Druid, Sand], Boreal Wind [Druid, Frost], Friendly Fire [Druid, EoE], Heaven's Trumpet [Emissary of Barachiel, BoED], Control Winds [Nentyar Hunter (UE)], Break Enchantment [Paladin], Holy Sword [Paladin], Favor of the Martyr [Paladin, SpC], Sacred Haven [Paladin, SpC], Animal Growth [Ranger], True Seeing [Urban Ranger], Primal Speed [Ranger, DrM], Bloodfreeze Arrow [Ranger, CoR], Doublestrike Arrow [Ranger, CoR], Shadow Arrow [Ranger, CoR], Phantom Stag [Shugenja (CD), SpC]
---5 (30, 150 pages): Summon Monster V, Wall of Stone, Swift Etherealness [PHB2], Divine Agility [SpC], Revivify [SpC], Righteous Wrath of the Faithful [SpC], Surge of Fortune [CC], Frostbite [Frost], Necrotic Skull Bomb [CoR], Streamers [ShS], Teleport [Travel Domain], Valiant Fury [Courage Domain (SpC)], Wall of Iron [Metal Domain (SpC)], Wall of Force [Force Domain (SpC)], Permanency [Time Domain (SpC)], Heal [Adept], Greater Dispel Magic [Divine Bard], Greater Blink [Divine Bard, SpC], Antilife Shell [Blighter (CD)], Create Undead [Blighter (CD)], Harm [Blighter (CD)], Awaken [Druid], Summon Nature's Ally V [Druid], Bite of the Weretiger [Druid, SpC], Owl's Insight [Druid, SpC], Blizzard [Druid, Frost], Bite of the Weretiger [Druid, SpC], Ice Flowers [Druid, SpC], Battletide [Initiate of Bane, PGtF], Slime Hurl [Initiate of Ghaunadar, CoR]
---6 (23, 138 pages): Heroes' Fest, Summon Monster VI, Mantle of the Icy Soul [SpC], Spiritual Guardian [CC], Algid Enhancement [Frost], Antimagic Field [Magic Domain], Fire Seeds [Fire Domain], Magic Jar [Envy Domain (SpC], Probe Thoughts [Mind Domain (SpC)], Contingency [Time Domain (SpC)], Greater Scrying [Divine Bard], Otto's Irresistable Dance [Divine Bard], Permanent Image [Divine Bard], Snowsong [Divine Bard, Frost], Acid Fog [Blighter (CD)], Finger of Death [Blighter (CD)], Bite of the Werebear [Druid, SpC], Spellstaff [Druid], Summon Nature's Ally VI [Druid], Sandstorm [Druid, Sand], Greater Restoration [Healer (Mini)], Regenerate [Healer (Mini)], Control Weather [Shujenga]
---7 (21, 147 pages): Blasphemy, Dictum, Holy Word, Word of Chaos, Summon Monster VII, Greater Bestow Curse [SpC], Greater Consumptive Field [SpC], Holy Transformation [SpC], Radiant Assault [SpC], Animal Shapes [Animal Domain], Avasculate [Deathbound Domain, SpC], Word of Balance [Balance Domain, SpC], Disintegrate [Destruction Domain], Earthquake [Earth Domain], Fire Storm [Fire Domain], Greater Teleport [Travel Domain], Limited Wish [Envy Domain (SpC)], Force Cage [Force Domain (SpC)], Reverse Gravity [Sky Domain (RotW)], Etherealness [Portal Domain (FRCS)], Summon Nature's Ally VII [Druid]
---8 (13, 104 pages): Summon Monster VIII, Flashflood [Sand], Chain Dispel [PHB2], Polymorph any Object [Trickery Domain], Avascular Mass [Deathbound Domain, SpC], Mindblank [Protection Domain (SpC)], True Creation [Creation Domain, SpC], True Domination [Domination Domain, SpC], Foresight [Time Domain (SpC)], Summon Nature's Ally VIII, Fimbulwinter [Druid, Frost], Frostfell [Druid, Frost], Red Tide [Druid, Storm]
---9 (8, 72 pages): True Resurrection, Shapechange [Animal Domain], Time Stop [Trickery Domain], Monstrous Thrall [Domination Domain, SpC], Wish [Envy Domain (SpC)], Summon Nature's Ally IX [Druid], Cast in Stone [Druid, SpC], Nature's Avatar [Druid, SpC]