IXITXACHITL MUTATE "My face is hard to look at isn't it? Ixitxachitl Mutates are the odd men out in their species. Evolutionary dead ends that pop up every so often that are powerful, but infertile.
BECOMING AN IXITXACHITL MUTATE You don't really become an Ixitxachitl mutate, you're born one.
Base Saves: Must have any Base Saving Throw at +5
Skills: Any 3 skills 6 ranks
Feats: Whichever 2 Feats are required for their initial mutation.
Class Skills The Ixitxachitl Mutate's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Any)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis)
Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
Hit Dice: d10
BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities
1. +1 +2 +0 +0 Deformity
2. +2 +3 +0 +0 Mutation
3. +3 +3 +1 +1 Enhanced Class Ability
4. +4 +4 +1 +1 Deformity
5. +5 +4 +1 +1 Mutation
6. +6 +5 +2 +2 Enhanced Class Ability
7. +7 +5 +2 +2 Deformity
8. +8 +6 +2 +2 Mutation
9. +9 +6 +3 +3 Enhanced Class Ability
10.+10 +7 +3 +3 Abomination
Weapon Proficiencies: An Ixitxachitl Mutate gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Deformity: At 1st level you begin to show physical deformities due to your mutation. You gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Intimidate checks, and a -2 Racial Penalty to Diplomacy checks. Your Constitution Score permanently improves by 1.
At 4th level the Bonus/Penalty increases to +4/-4, and your Constitution Score improves by +1 again.
At 7th level the Bonus/Penalty increases to +6/-6, and your Constitution Score improves by +1 again.
Mutation (Ex): The Ixitxachitl are prone to mutations, but these mutations tend to be stable and predictable. Tend to. This is not always the case. The Ixitxachitl has a Mutation of some sort it gains at second level that progresses over time:
Giantism (Prerequisites: Improved Natural Attack, Improved Toughness): At 2nd level you gain the Powerful Build ability (see Expanded Psionics Handbook page 12).
At 5th level you become Medium Size (+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, Bite now does damage 1 class higher).
At 8th level you become Large Size (+6 Str, +2 Con, -2 Dex, -1 Size Penalty to Attack rolls and AC, increase Natural Armor Bonus to AC by +2, and Bite now does damage 1 class higher).
Electrical Discharge (Prerequisites: Shock, Enhanced Shock): At second level the damage of your Shock Feat ability is 4d6, and your opponent is Stunned for 1 round if he fails his Saving Throw. You may use Shock one additional time per day.
At 5th level the damage increases to 6d6, and your opponent is Stunned 1d4 rounds if he fails his Saving Throw. You may use Shock one additional time per day.
At 8th level the damage increases to 8d6, and your opponent is Paralyzed for 1d4 rounds if he fails his Saving Throw. You may use Shock one additional time per day.
Stingray (Prerequisites: Tail Spines, Venomed Spines): At 2nd level the Initial and Secondary damage of your tail poison becomes 1d6 Constitution.
At 5th level the Save DC of your tail poison gets a +4 Racial Bonus.
At 8th level the Initial Damage of your tail poison is 1d6 Constitution, and the Secondary damage is death.
Devourer (Prerequisites: Hunger, Greater Hunger): At 2nd level the Bonus from your Hunger Feat increases to +3.
At 5th level the Bonus from your Hunger Feat increases to +4.
At 8th level the Bonus from your Hunger Feat increases to +5.
Chameleon (Prerequisites: Lurker, Experienced Lurker): At second level you can become Invisible as per the spell at will as a Full Round Action. Since this is a color change effect it is still an Ex ability, and See Invisibility still doesn't detect you.
At 5th level you can use Greater Invisibility 3 times per day as a Full Round Action.
At 8th level you can use Superior Invisibility once per day as a Full Round Action.
Spotter (Prerequisites: Alertness, Blind-Fight): At 2nd level you gain Blindsight 30'.
At 5th level the range increases to 60'.
At 8th level the range increases to 120'.
Templar (Prerequisites: Improved Natural Armor x2): At 2nd level you gain DR 2/-. This stacks with DR/- gained from other class levels.
At 5th level this increases to DR 4/-.
At 8th level this increases to DR 6/-.
Protean (Prerequisites: Endurance, Diehard): At 2nd level you have a 50% chance to change a successful critical hit into a normal one.
At 5th level this increases to 75%.
At 8th level you become immune to critical hits.
Enhanced Class Ability: Choose any 1 Class Ability from one the Base Classes you had levels in before taking levels in this PrC. Levels 3, 6, and 9 of the Mutate PrC stack with levels of that Class to determine your abilities with that class ability.
Abomination: A number of times per day equal to your Constitution Modifier you can reroll a failed Saving Throw.
PLAYING AN IXITXACHITL MUTATE You are a freak, a monster even among monsters. No one of your race will mate with you as you cannot produce offspring. Your deformities in body are sometimes thought of as physical manifestations of mental deformities as well, so rarely are you considered for leadership positions. In short you get pissed off a lot at social prejudices aimed against you.
Combat: Combat for a Mutate really depends on what combination of classes and mutations they choose. It will vary heavily from one individual to another.
Advancement: Advancement varies just as much as combat technique does. A Mutates bodily changes will choose his path for him, whether he likes it or not.
Resources: Mutates are often used as soldiers by their people, so they usually have several slaves and some military backup. Otherwise they're on their own and have whatever resources they can dredge up themselves.
IXITXACHITL MUTATES IN THE WORLD "What the hell is that?" Mutates are left alone, exiles in all but name, until the reef is assaulted, or they are needed to fight. Then the leaders sooth their anger with many kind words, but after the fighting they are alone again. Even among a race of sadistic slavers the Mutates are known for mental issues.
Daily Life: Mutates spend their days in pain as more changes pile up over the years. They go through many slaves as they often murder them in berserker rages or just because there's nothing else to take their pain out on.
Notables: Xiuhcoatl (CN Male Ixitxachitl Barbarian 6/Ixitxachitl Mutate 4) is known for his many destructive rages, as well as his increasing size. Icnoyotl (CE Female Ixitxahcitl Druid 6/Ixitxachitl Mutate 4) is researching using her Wild Shape abilities to invade the land, and thereby gain enough glory to be more than just an outcast.
Organizations: There are no real organizations devoted to helping Mutates, though there are several that study them. The Ixitxachitl military sometimes could be considered a loose organization, and many Mutates belong to ti.
NPC Reaction NPC's tend to react to Mutates in fear and revulsion. They aren't pretty to look at, and their impressive tempers don't dissuade people from considering them horrifying monstrosities.
IXITXACHITL MUTATES IN THE GAME This class assumes you are having an underwater campaign. it's possible to use the Mutate out of water, but it still won't do as well on land as in water.
Adaptation: The Mutate is best used in an all Evil or all Ixitxachitl campaign. Their mental and physical problems make them unsuitable for much of anything else.
Encounters: PC's usually encounter Mutates as lone killers, or as shock troops used by the military. They use them frequently on coastal raids.
Sample Encounter EL 12: The PC's have been asked to solve the mystery of what has been disrupting a coastal villages fishing industry. A larger than normal skate has been spotted, and the fishermen assume it has been eating their catches.
XiuhcoatlCN Male Ixitxachitl Barbarian 6 (racial variant)/Ixitxachitl Mutate 4
Init +5,
Senses: Listen +9, Spot +9, Dark Vision 60'
Languages Aquan, Common, Abyssal
AC 24, touch 20, flat-footed 19 (+1 Size, +5 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflection)
AC Raging 22, touch 18, flat-footed 17 (-2 Rage, +1 Size, +5 Dex, +4 Natural, +4 Deflection)
hp 111 (10 HD), 131 Raging
Fort +12 (+14 Raging),
Ref +8,
Will +3 (+5 Raging)
Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Speed 40 ft. (40 squares)
Melee Bite +17 (1d6+6)
Melee Raging or Belt Bite +19 (1d6+8)
Melee Raging and Belt Bite +21 (1d6+10)
Base Atk +10,
Grp +14
Atk Options Rage 2/day
Combat Gear-----------------------------------------------
Abilities Str 18/22 w Belt (22 Raging/26 w Belt), Dex 20, Con 18 (22 Raging), Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9
SQ Trap Sense +2, Fast Movement, Illiteracy, Enhanced Class Ability (Rage), Mutation (Giantism), Deformity
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Toughness, Instantaneous Rage
Skills Concentration +6 (+10 Raging), Diplomacy -5, Hide +9, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (Nature, Geography) +3, Listen +9, Move Silently +7, Spot +9, Survival +9, Swim +21 (+25 Raging)
Possessions +2 Amulet of Mighty Fists, +4 Ring of Deflection, Ring of Avoidance, Mask of Blood, Belt of Giant Strength +4, 2700 GP
Skills Points at Each Level : 2 + int
Deformity At Level 21 and every 3 levels thereafter your Bonus/Penalty increases by +2/-2, and your Constitution permanently improves by another +1.
Enhanced Class Ability Level 23 and every 3 levels thereafter stack with the levels of your Base Class for whichever ability you first chose for Enhanced Class Ability.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Ixitxachitl Mutate gains a Bonus Feat every x levels higher than 20th
IXITXACHITL FEATSTail SpinesYou were born with a spiny tail that can be used as a weapon.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, must be taken at 1st level
Benefits: Your tail does 1d6 piercing damage, and criticals on a 19-20. It is also poisonous: Injury, Fortitude Save DC is (10 plus half Hit Dice, plus Constitution Modifier), Initial and Secondary damage is 1d4 Dex.
Venomed SpinesYour spines venom is much worse.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, Tail Spines
Benefits: Initial and Secondary damage becomes 1d4 Con.
ShockYou were born with organs that generate electricity.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, must be taken at 1st level
Benefits: A number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier you may gerate an electrical pulse that radiates out 5' from your square. Everything in that area takes 1d6 electricity damage and must make a Fortitude Save (DC is 10 plus half Hit Dice plus Constitution modifier) or be Dazed 1 round.
Enhanced ShockYour electrical shock ability is much more powerful.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, Shock
Benefits: Range of the electrical shock is now 10', and does 2d6 damage.
HungerYou were born with certain...issues.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, must be taken at 1st level
Benefits: Whenever you successfully Bite an opponent for the first time you gain a +1 Circumstance Bonus to attack and damage rolls for the rest of the encounter. This Bonus is cumulative.
Greater HungerYou could charitably be called a monster. Even if you weren't an Ixitxachitl.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, Hunger
Benefits: The Bonus from your Hunger Feat increases to +2.
LurkerYou were born able to shift the color and texture of your skin a little bit.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, must be taken at 1st level
Benefits: If you are unobserved, and take a Full Round Action to make a Hide check, you may hide in an area with no cover (i.e. in plain sight).
Experienced LurkerYour ability to change colors has improved.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, Lurker
Benefits: You gain a +4 Racial Bonus to Hide checks when using your Lurker Feat ability.
Demonic HeritageYou can summon demons for aid due to your parentage.
Prerequisites: Ixitxachitl, Turn Undead, must have one of the following: The Half Fiend template, the Fiendish Heritage Feat (See Complete Mage), or the Thrall to Demon Feat (See Hordes of the Abyss, must be bound to Demogorgon),
Benefits: You can expend 1 daily use of your Turn Undead ability to spontaneously cast a Summon Monster spell equal to the highest spell level you can cast. You may only summon Demons or creatures with the Fiendish template.