MEENLOCK TORTURER "..." A Meenlock Torturer leads the carious Meenlocks through the rituals of transformation, and is also there to instruct them in torture methods. They also occasionally experiment with the transformation process for reasons unknown to any outside species at this time.
BECOMING A MEENLOCK TORTURER The appropriate level of Psionic power seems to be all that's needed.
Feats: Improved Telepathy, Power Penetration
Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Knowledge (Psionics) 4 ranks, Psicraft 4 ranks
Powers: Must be able to Manifest 3rd Level Powers.
Class Skills The Torturer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Psionics)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Psicraft (Int), Spot (Wis).
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Hit Dice: d6
[b] BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities[/b]
1. +0 +0 +0 +2 Improved Transformation
2. +1 +0 +0 +3 Experimental Transformation, +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
3. +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
4. +2 +1 +1 +4 Improved Transformation
5. +2 +1 +1 +4 Experimental Transformation, +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
6. +3 +2 +2 +5 +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
7. +3 +2 +2 +5 Improved Transformation
8. +4 +2 +2 +6 Experimental Transformation, +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
9. +4 +3 +3 +6 +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
10.+5 +3 +3 +7 Master, +1 Level of existing Manifesting Class
Weapon Proficiencies: A Torturer gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Improved Transformation: At 1st Level you do not require the presence of other Meenlocks to use the Transformation Ability and can make new Meenlocks on your own.
At 4th Level it only takes one hour to drop their Ability Scores to one, and and additional hour for the transformation to complete.
At 7th Level Opponents casting Wish or Miracle to transform your victim back must make an Opposed Level Check to do so.
Experimental Transformation: At 2nd Level you begin to experiment with the occasional Transformation victim. Once a week you can use your Transformation Ability normally (i.e. without the benefits of Improved Transformation), and roll on the following table:
01-50: Victim dies horribly as they slowly liquefy over the 1d6 hours.
51-75: Victim is twisted and horribly deformed after Transformation taking a -4 Penalty to a random Stat.
76-00: Victim transforms with an ability bonus of some sort, roll on the table below.
01-50: Victim gains some minor abilities, +2 to a random stat, and -2 to any other random stat.
51-75: Victim gain +2 to a random stat
76-00: Victim gains an extraordinary ability, roll on the chart below:
01-10: Size Class increases to Large (see Monster Manual for effects of Size Increase)
11-20: Size Class increases to Medium (see Monster Manual for effects of Size Increase)
21-30: Size Class increases to Small (see Monster Manual for effects of Size Increase)
31-40: Gain +4 to a Random Physical Ability
41-50: Gain 1 Bonus Feat (usually a Racial Feat)
51-60: Gain a +4 Natural Armor Bonus
61-70: Gain +4 to a Random Mental Ability
71-80: Gain Burrow Speed equal to base Land Speed
81-90: Gain Swim Speed equal to base Land Speed
91-00: Gain Flight Speed equal to base Land Speed (Average)
You can roll twice and choose the desired result at 5th Level. At 8th Level you can use this ability a number of times per week equal to your Con Modifier.
Master: Gain additional Power Points equal to your Charisma Score.
PLAYING A MEENLOCK TORTURER You feel as though it is your mission to bring about change to a species that traditionally has rejected change after becoming an abomination. It is theorized by many you are a failsafe installed in the Meenlock dynamic by their original creator to ensure the Meenlocks don't die out because they can't adapt to new problems. Or perhaps you represent their drive to become the superior (i.e. only) species at any cost.
Combat: You do not enter combat, you are too important for that. There are other members of the collective who do that for you.
Advancement: You advance along fairly similar lines despite being one of the few members of your society to experiment with things none of the rest of them do. Perhaps something is wrong with you, or perhaps your caste is there to allow the Meenlocks to adapt over time.
Resources: Whatever resources the Meenlocks have (and there's damn little of them) are yours to access.
MEENLOCK TORTURERS IN THE WORLD "I don't like the way that one looks. Granted I don't like any of them but that one..." The world doesn't know you exist, and that's to your benefit. Quite honestly you wouldn't be around much longer if they did.
Daily Life: Much of your day is spent in observation and experimentation (and of course, torturing captives). You also help convert new acquisitions when the hive is expanding.
Organizations: The Meenlock's have little i n the way of division among their kind other than tasks assigned. They no longer have the concept of organizations apart from the hive.
NPC Reaction Most NPC's react to you with the disgust and repulsion they normally associate with any Meenlock.
MEENLOCK TORTURERS IN THE GAME This PrC assumes the entire group is Meenlocks. Cause lets face it no one else will put up with a Meenlock except his own kind.
Adaptation: This is obviously meant for horror campaigns.
Encounters: Torturers are never encountered outside a Meenlock lair. If you can see one, you are in a very bad position or are part of an extermination party.
Sample Encounter EL 12: Meenlocks have been raiding with increasing frequency carrying off large numbers of people. Deformed Meenlock corpses are being found in the river making many wonder if they can't successfully transform people anymore, or they're up to something.
Init +0,
Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
Languages ------------------------------------------------
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +,
Ref +,
Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Melee Base Atk +,
Grp +
Atk Options Combat GearSpells Prepared Supernatural Abilities -----------------------------------------------
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
SQ Feats Skills PossessionsEPIC MEENLOCK TORTURER Hit Die: d6
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Bonus Feats: The Epic Meenlock Torturer gains a Bonus Feat every 2 levels higher than 20th
MEENLOCK FEATSMass AssaultThe combined mental assault of your Allies destroys your foes brain.
Prerequisites: Meenlock, Greater Rend Mind
Benefits: To use this Feat you must have at least 3 other Meenlocks use their Rend Mind Ability on the same Opponent at the same Initiative order. He must make the usual Willpower Save but instead of the usual effects his Wisdom is reduced to 0 (this is temporary Ability damage). If he succeeds this ability may not be used on him again for 24 hours and he takes 2 points of temporary Wisdom damage instead.
Greater Rend MindYour ability to rend the minds of opponents becomes very disorienting.
Prerequisites: Meenlock, Cha 15+
Benefits: If an opponent fails a Save against your Rend Mind ability they are also Nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
Supreme Rend MindYou temporarily weaken your opponents mental defenses.
Prerequisites: Meenlock, Greater Rend Mind
Benefits: If your opponent fails a Saving Throw against your Rend Mind Ability he now also takes a -2 Penalty to all Willpower Saves for the duration of the encounter.
Improved Dimension DoorYou can bring stuff with you when you teleport now.
Prerequisites: Meenlock, Cha 15+
Benefits: A number of times per day equal to your Cha Modifier you may use your Dimension Door ability as a Wizard of the same Level as your Hit Dice (i.e. you don't have the range or weight limitations).
Greater Dimension DoorYour ability to teleport has much better range.
Prerequisites: Meenlock, Improved Dimension Door
Benefits: You may cast Teleport once per day as a Wizard whose Level equals your Ht Dice.
Improved TelepathyYou can pick up thoughts as well as sending them.
Prerequisites: Meenlock, Wis 15+
Benefits: You can Manifest the Read Thoughts Power as a Manifester whose Level is equal to half your Hit Dice.