Here's a Paladin build going into Suel Arcanamach I did a while ago:
Race: Human
1st: Paladin 1 (
Skilled City-Dweller Alternate Class Feature) / Iron Will, Power Attack (Human)
2nd: Paladin 2
3rd: Paladin 3 / Combat Casting
4th: Paladin 4
5th: Paladin 5 (
Mystic Fire Knight Substitution Level;
Charging Smite Alternate Class Feature)
6th: Paladin 6 (
Mystic Fire Knight Substitution Level) / Knowledge Devotion
7th: Suel Arcanamach 1
8th: Suel Arcanamach 2
9th: Suel Arcanamach 3 / Arcane Strike
10th: Suel Arcanamach 4
11th: Abjurant Champion 1
12th: Abjurant Champion 2 / Divine Might
13th: Abjurant Champion 3
14th: Abjurant Champion 4
15th: Abjurant Champion 5 / Sacred Vitality
16th: Spellsword 1
17th: Dragon Disciple 1
18th: Dragon Disciple 2 / Animal Devotion
19th: Dragon Disciple 3
20th: Dragon Disciple 4
Ends up with BAB +18; base saves +13, +8, +16; 5th level Suel spells (probably 6/day); Greater Dispelling Strike 2/day; all the AC goodies; the ability to wear Mithral Twilight Full Plate without ASF; lots of turning attempts to fuel your divine and devotion feats; and lots of Cha synergy.
Abilities: Cha>Str>Con>Int>Wis>Dex.
Cha should be maxed for obvious reasons: saves, smiting, Suel spellcasting, turning attempts. I'm a melee guy, so Str and Con are important. I don't need much Int, but a few extra skillpoints are always welcome. Wis should be at least 11, though, to take advantage of a single Paladin 1 spell. At 12, I'd get another one, and a bonus to my Will saves. This is not required, though. Dex I'll dump entirely.
Mystic Fire Knight sub levels give Spellcraft as a class skill, so it should be easy to fulfill Suel entry reqs (with some cross-class ranks in jump, admittedly).
I want Divine Feats, so I skip the first MFK sub level - I won't have many Paladin spells, anyway, just enough for Bless Weapon or Rhino’s Rush.
Since I replace Ride with Tumble as a class skill (as per the
Cityscape Web Enhancement), I have no use for my Special Mount, and replace it with Charging Smite.
I don't need Practiced Spellcaster with AC 5.
Dragon Disciple comes in just when the Suel spell progression is finished, so I can take advantage of 3 bonus 5th level spells, plus very nice stat bonuses indeed. Finishing touches, so to speak.
Surreal had a better idea leading to hilariously high caster level, using all MFK sub levels. This is the short version of it:
Mystic Fire Knight Paladin 6/Suel 4/Abjurant Champion 5/Sacred Exorcist 4/Something 1
Where Sacred Exorcist and Something all go into paladin casting. The jist of it is that Abjurant Champion sets your Suel CL = BAB, which should be about 18. This then stacks onto your paladin casting, which puts it at around 28 (and you have 3rd level paladin spells). Battle Blessing is a given, of course...