well, not actually an angel.. most likely lesser aasimar, with a level of the half-celestial transition class like described
here...so thats only 1 LA, which can be bought off?? right??
anyways, the build: i was thinking a standard cleric 9 /crusader 1 /rkv 10 ... would be plenty powerful and versatile.
i also like the celestial bloodline/outsider wings feats (races of faerun) so that we can get some nice pearly feathered wings.
however those things, along with everything else that comes in between and after is very up in the air. if anyone has better suggestions im open to all of them.
also, i am looking for some way to get some sort of halo on his head, maybe even with a cool effect (light? scorching ray..etc?) if that exists.
basically i want a solar, but with character levels. how about ancestral relic for the weapon maybe?
EDIT: all 3.5, most 3.0 is ok! dragon is ok!, no homebrew plz. thanks.