He said he intends to qualify independently of shapechange (probably as a dragonwrought kobold), so losing the class features isn't an issue.
Another thing I notice is that aging adds extra levels of casting, but becoming younger doesn't take them away. There's a use of bestow curse that ages the target (Book of Vile Darkness, p28). While a dragon, you could repeatedly be subject to bestow curse and remove curse to yo-yo between two age categories. Advance to ancient, gain +2 levels of cleric casting, advance to ancient again, gain another +2 levels of cleric casting, et cetera.
Can I get a text reference on that?
The only reference I know of is Complete Warrior, page 16. I'm told that the 2012 printing of the Dungeon Master's Guide added the rule that prestige classes don't count for multiclass xp penalties. (That rule had not previously been in any 3.5 book.) Maybe they added something on this too.